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Broke engine oil dipstick


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2010 3.5

While doing the cooling system repair, I broke the handle of the dipstick. I should have removed it beforehand. 


My plan was to drill a small hole, drive a screw in, and pull the screw. To my surprise, the dipstick slipped further into the engine (not completely) and wouldn't let me drill a hole. Does anybody have a suggestion? Will it completely fall into the engine? Or bottom out?

Thank you.

Edited by paker
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As I understand the oil pan, the dipstick is on it's own 'chamber' behind a one way valve. So I don't think you're in danger of it getting into any rotating parts but it may not be easy to get a hold of it to remove. If there's no metal to get a magnet to stick to, some double sided tape on a wood dowel may work. Wrap the tape securely so it doesn't end up in there as well.


Edited by darkstarmoto
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