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Poor trans shifting theory investigation


Poor Trans shifting theory  

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Signed up to help contribute to this thread: I had the same 3rd gear hang as others have reported. And it was corrected by deleting the adaptive learning cache using Forscan. Have to assume anyone that had their modules updated by the TSB or other are also likely benefiting from the cache being purged. It's been three weeks since the change and shifting  continues to be back to normal. No hang. No odd slip-type sensation. Feels like a normal tranny with solid shifting.


I'll report back in a few weeks.


Edit: Forgot to add that the 7th and 8th gear shifts are also normal after the cache clear. Goes into 8th like clockwork right at 64mph every single time on the highway. About 1600 rpm. And downshifts immediately when accelerating.

Edited by Kubicide
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I am soooo glad I came across this! I bought my ST in Dec and just about 1k miles in, it started this almost hesitant shifting between 3rd and 4th (comes out of gear and takes a bit before going back in) Service dept has been no help. Cleared "adaptive learning" something or other, fixed it for a couple of days. Then it was back. They "cleared the computer" and replaced some control module, but the shifting issue came right back. Let them know yesterday it wasn't fixed still and I was told about a TSB that was released so I'm taking it back Monday. Fingers crossed. 

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  On 5/30/2019 at 11:49 AM, Toby99 said:

Apparently Ford needs a completely new transmission engineering team.  Titanium and SEL's are also having transmission issues.



yeah someone screwed this up.  The Lincoln uses the same trans so I assume those people are not happy either.  But they may not drive them anywhere near hard enough to notice.  I don't even complain to my dealer since they are useless.  They assume since they only sold one ST, mine, that since they do not hear anything from other customers then there is nothing they can do. 

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  On 5/30/2019 at 8:53 PM, jamie1073 said:


yeah someone screwed this up.  The Lincoln uses the same trans so I assume those people are not happy either.  But they may not drive them anywhere near hard enough to notice.  I don't even complain to my dealer since they are useless.  They assume since they only sold one ST, mine, that since they do not hear anything from other customers then there is nothing they can do. 



No one on the Nautilus forum has complained about the transmission shifting. I take delivery of my 2.7 Reserve in about 3 weeks. I drive everything like I stole it so will report back after I take delivery.

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  On 5/30/2019 at 9:15 PM, handfiler said:


No one on the Nautilus forum has complained about the transmission shifting. I take delivery of my 2.7 Reserve in about 3 weeks. I drive everything like I stole it so will report back after I take delivery.



They are much prettier.  I almost wish I would have looked at one sooner.  I did go to the Lincoln dealer last time I was in the area to look at MKC's for my mom, her lease ends before the Corsair will be out.  I really liked them, then again I really may go with an MKZ 3.0 AWD next time around when this lease is up. 

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I test drove the Edge ST at the Ford/Lincoln dealer. After the test drive I happened upon a Nautilus and had a "woah" moment. I'm a speed freak from way back and not getting any younger so I decide it was time to indulge a bit for my daily driver.

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Had the dealer perform the TSB today. 

They took it for a test drive and confirmed shifting issues, the TSB was updated and they confirmed the repair with another test drive.


I noticed it was better on my drive home, but that was in traffic for only 20 minutes so haven't really given it a proper test yet, but so far so good.


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  On 5/31/2019 at 12:11 PM, akirby said:

Just because someone is having shift issues doesn't necessarily mean it's the software or that it's the same problem as others.   Sometimes it's just a hardware issue.


Listening to others complaints I realized that mine is somewhat unique also. It was not a shifting delay or laziness. My car has a jerking/bucking motion at low steady speed after shifting into 3rd. Now that I think of it its right when the TC would lock up. It has always had a hard lockup almost like shifting into another gear. I have a 2002 F250 diesel that had a similar issue due to the TC solenoid being submerged in trans fluid and the fluid being excessively dirty causing the solenoid electronics to short. It got bad enough to go into limp mode. I suspect with more time the edge would eventually trigger a fault when RPMs don't drop or it flares during the bucking. The bucking is violent enough to spill drinks in the car. 

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Got the chance to drive around a bit after the TSB was performed and I can already tell that the shifting is much better than it was before.


Shifts are smoother, it seems to pick the right gear more often, and it even feels quicker in D now than it did before.

I always felt D was too lazy and had poor throttle response compared to S but now they are much closer.

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Update from my prior post: another week has passed and the tranny continues to behave normally. Shifts fast, no hang especially in the 3>4 gear change. Top end also works absolutely fine with 7th and 8th consistently shifting without any delay. The adaptive learning 'feature' is definitely a factor and is likely the cause of the shifting problems. Question is why is it the cause, and this could anything from bad software design, a software bug or unexpected sensor input or conditions among other things.


One thing to ask everyone who has this problem and that's how did you drive your car for the first 1500 miles? Was it mainly highway, city or combo? I mainly drove highway where there was little shifting time in the lower gears. Perhaps this was an unexpected behavior for the code during its adaptive learning period. Who knows...

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My first 2000 miles were all city traffic. and I had poor shifting in low gears. 

I have noticed some considerable shifting improvement after I finally went on a 500 highway trip. 

Also, my gas mileage has objectively improved after the trip. I reset the mpg stats after each tank. And  my last 2 tanks I’ve gotten about 22 mpg, as opposed to 19 before the trip.

Could all be coincidence of course. But I’m feeling better about things. 


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  On 6/6/2019 at 2:16 AM, Kubicide said:

Update from my prior post: another week has passed and the tranny continues to behave normally. Shifts fast, no hang especially in the 3>4 gear change. Top end also works absolutely fine with 7th and 8th consistently shifting without any delay. The adaptive learning 'feature' is definitely a factor and is likely the cause of the shifting problems. Question is why is it the cause, and this could anything from bad software design, a software bug or unexpected sensor input or conditions among other things.


One thing to ask everyone who has this problem and that's how did you drive your car for the first 1500 miles? Was it mainly highway, city or combo? I mainly drove highway where there was little shifting time in the lower gears. Perhaps this was an unexpected behavior for the code during its adaptive learning period. Who knows...


I have a little over 3000 miles on mine and it progressively worsened over time. Probably 90% is city and very short commutes (3miles or less). After the TSB is was a bit better for about a day and came back worse than before. At one point it began clunking into reverse and drive as if it had low trans fluid. That cleared up on its own but the bucking in 3rd was like someone who is learning to drive a manual. 

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  On 6/6/2019 at 3:31 AM, Fingernip said:

I have a little over 3000 miles on mine and it progressively worsened over time. Probably 90% is city and very short commutes (3miles or less). After the TSB is was a bit better for about a day and came back worse than before. At one point it began clunking into reverse and drive as if it had low trans fluid. That cleared up on its own but the bucking in 3rd was like someone who is learning to drive a manual. 



That sounds like a hardware issue (torque converter maybe).

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  On 6/6/2019 at 3:31 AM, Fingernip said:

I have a little over 3000 miles on mine and it progressively worsened over time. Probably 90% is city and very short commutes (3miles or less). After the TSB is was a bit better for about a day and came back worse than before. At one point it began clunking into reverse and drive as if it had low trans fluid. That cleared up on its own but the bucking in 3rd was like someone who is learning to drive a manual. 



Curious to hear did you ever try clearing the adaptive learning cache? May be worth a try if you have the gear or buy the OBD unit for $19. 

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After almostr 4000 miles my shifting is still not anywhere near perfect.  I do not always drive it the same way.  Some days I like to drive it nice and hard and other just 1/2 to 3/4 pedal and it seems to not like this at all.  There are times I put it in Sport mode and paddle shift to optimize my shift points, it is of course to slow to do this without planning ahead of when you want it to shift.  Sometimes in this case it just is to slow on an input and  shifts two gears at once because it thinks I wanted that by the time is actually shifts. I am talking seconds of delay, like 3-5 from input to actual shift.  I am not sure why they even put the option to paddle shift on this thing if it is not even going to come even remotely close to being usable.  Anyway when the lease is up I will just be done with it and move on to something with a real auto-trans, DCT or better auto since it is hard to find a manual in a vehicle I would want.  Maybe the Explorer ST will shift better or the MKZ will still be available and by then the trans issues worked out.  But the Edge ST is a disappointment to me in the trans aspect.  Great power buy getting it where and when I want it just does not seem to be consistent. I love the vehicle when it performs as I would like it to.  Maybe try the LMS tune and see if the trans works better with that since I have 2.5 years to go. 

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Just picked up my car. I have only driven to the gas station and back to work so not much seat time yet but so far so good. It is shifting very smooth and without the bucking 3rd gear. I did notice some clunks into gear that i will have to keep an eye on. Ill check trans fluid level when I get home also. Ill tell you the power difference and basic handling between a 3.5L 2019 explorer and the edge ST is MASSIVE. I missed my ST so much. The torque is fantastic and seems to always have tons of available power no matter what speed you are driving. 


Ill scan the service report later but it basically said they found the TC control solenoid was sticking and actually confirmed the piston was sticking in the bore. They replaced that and also the torque converter.

Trans Warranty Repair.jpg

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