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Another crazy Texan


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Howdy y'all - just another ragin' texan roamin' the great US of A trying to make a living, enjoying life, and spending as much time with family as possible. Pretty much anything outdoors or automotive perks my interests. Right now focused mostly on mountain biking up here in the PNW. With a growing family ($$$) and a bit (serious underexaggeration) higher cost of living at our current place of residence, I've settled in a new to me '15 Edge (will be our oldest's car when the time comes - dread). Previously have ran an '01 Tundra, '10 4Runner, and '13 RAM 2500.


Really like the Edge - honestly wasn't even in the recent consideration (was looking at another 4Runner and a Grand Cherokee), but after we saw the price and test drove it - both the wife and I just really enjoyed it, and now it's history. Looking forward to a new community to contribute M2C on topics, glean from everyone experiences, and as well as contribute my own. 





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