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Does anyone else have burnt taillight lamps

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  jerrypare said:
Couple of questions about this tailight problem. The bulb that is recommended on this forum is a Wagner bulb in a 14 volt configuration.

Wouldn't that bulb be dimmer? I was able to find that same bulb in a 12 volt configuration. Would it burn brighter but therefore burn hotter and cause the

same problems? Also, why don't they make an LED replacement that has the load resistor built into it for proper operation ( blink speed )? I would like to

go with the LED light but don't see where there would be room for a load resistor in the brake light area. Certainly don't want to get under the dash and wire

something in there. Any input appreciated.


Daniel Sterns recommends the 14V version, not the 12V, the 14V is better in terms of durability and design, as it was designed for all day work...also it runs cooler, but regardless they will burn the sockets again, the problem is the sockets not the bulb you will use, the material is not good enough and is not designed to handle that heat...


About the LED problem, the resistor gets real hot, the load in a lamp is almost 0 ohms, so these R's are around 3-6 ohms, and it need to dissipate all that energy in heat, doing a quick math from my recalls in school:


I= V/R and P=I x V


so in order to handle around 4A (or 2A in the case of 6) , it should be able to be safe at 50Watts, or 25watts in the case of 6ohms resistor, minimum...Those R are big in size, usually bigger than the bulb itself, as they are made of winded wire encased on ceramic...usually.

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  On 11/9/2009 at 4:41 PM, Jaak in TO said:

I filled out a survy and Ford called me back and left a message. I called today and described the issue. Ford will call me back tomorrow (10th) for a course of action. I described the socket condition and she was a bit concerned. I also mentioned the service message 20626 and she noted it.


Will update on actions.

I have heard nothing from Ford .... :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::finger::finger:

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It's funny (not really) that you posted today. I just replaced the right rear light bulb this weekend and found it was in the exact same condition. Burnt and the plastic bubbling up near the edge of the glass. Frustrating isn't it. REALLY seems like a voltage problem but I can't get anyone at Ford to admit that. What they have admitted is that "this happens to all our cars." Well, that's nice.



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  On 1/12/2010 at 10:44 PM, azedge said:

It's funny (not really) that you posted today. I just replaced the right rear light bulb this weekend and found it was in the exact same condition. Burnt and the plastic bubbling up near the edge of the glass. Frustrating isn't it. REALLY seems like a voltage problem but I can't get anyone at Ford to admit that. What they have admitted is that "this happens to all our cars." Well, that's nice.





I was told it was defective bulbs when I had mine changed. Also had 4 new wheels replaced at the same time so I didn't let it bother me. (its a lease and I am likely to return it in October)

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After reading this thread I decided to check mine. We have a 2010 Edge w/ 2000 miles on it. Our tail lights are starting to show signs of discoloration around the socket [The white portion] as well. Its not as bad as the ones posted in here but looks like they are heading in the same direction :doh: Looks Like I need to start looking into LEDS as well [hopefully they will stop the burning process] . Really do not want to go that route but its better than having a burnt/possibly damaged socket :redcard:


Also has anyone checked the front turn signal bulbs/socket? Have they started to burn/discolor as well?

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Our local Autozone has 3157R Super-Bright Red LED by Jam Strait [12v] bulbs for $16.99. They are about the same brightness as the stock bulbs. and the blink rate is slightly faster than what it was w/ the stock bulbs. Also, attached are a couple of pics from our 2010 Edge indicating slight discoloration around the socket [right now we are at 2000 miles]


Hope this helps :shift:


[uPDATE: I checked the front Turn Signal Bulbs/socket and everything looked fine. Must only be an issue with the Rear Tail Lamps. Don't know if it made a difference that the front bulbs are orange/amber colored and the read tail lamps are clear.]




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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 11/18/2009 at 12:20 AM, pontiac said:

Just curious is yours 2008 or 2009 edge that is not good , scary problem when you haul kids and family around makes me not happy


It is a 2009 that now has 22K+ on the ticker. banghead.gifI went to a dealer in Texas, they e-mailed Ford and the answer was that there "did not seem to be a problem'. banghead.gifLast week (2-15-09) I went to a dealer in Santa Fe, NM, with 8x11 pictures. The service manager said to me that it looked bad and they also e-mailed and Ford responded that they answered this problem before with the Texas dealer no action taken. I'm waiting for the fire. I'm not too happy about this but it appears that FORD has blinders and earplugs.rockon.gif

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Good day to all,


On my last shop visit 20,000km check, I had my left hand brake tail light bulb replaced due due it was busted and socket was partially melted. They replaced the busted bulb and is now okay. But, I didn't check if they also replace the socket. I should have asked them before I got my car. So, seems this is normal to all ford edge or this should not?



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  On 2/20/2010 at 11:16 AM, manny said:

Good day to all,


On my last shop visit 20,000km check, I had my left hand brake tail light bulb replaced due due it was busted and socket was partially melted. They replaced the busted bulb and is now okay. But, I didn't check if they also replace the socket. I should have asked them before I got my car. So, seems this is normal to all ford edge or this should not?




Sorry to say, it looks like it's normal. I checked mine at 9000 mi. and they had started to burn. Replaced them with LEDs and solved the problem.

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  On 2/20/2010 at 2:07 PM, wtalley said:

Sorry to say, it looks like it's normal. I checked mine at 9000 mi. and they had started to burn. Replaced them with LEDs and solved the problem.

Which LEDS?

I talked to Super Bright and there are two different LED bulbs that they recommend. One has 18 leds that fire in different directions. The other is one single LED that

is very bright but only fires in one direction. The brighter draws more current which might help the flashing speed. They also suggest to replace the turn signal flasher/relay

with an electronic replacement. I just spent a half an hour going through the owners manual, fuse box, relay box under hood, and cannot find a flasher or relay.

Can someone please direct me to where this relay/flasher is located.

I Tried the Led bulbs from Autozone. They only have 12 leds and were half the brightness of the factory bulbs in both turn signal and brake lites modes.

Flashing rate was annoying, way too fast.

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  On 2/22/2010 at 5:01 PM, jerrypare said:

Which LEDS?

I talked to Super Bright and there are two different LED bulbs that they recommend. One has 18 leds that fire in different directions. The other is one single LED that

is very bright but only fires in one direction. The brighter draws more current which might help the flashing speed. They also suggest to replace the turn signal flasher/relay

with an electronic replacement. I just spent a half an hour going through the owners manual, fuse box, relay box under hood, and cannot find a flasher or relay.

Can someone please direct me to where this relay/flasher is located.

I Tried the Led bulbs from Autozone. They only have 12 leds and were half the brightness of the factory bulbs in both turn signal and brake lites modes.

Flashing rate was annoying, way too fast.


I just posted in a new thread, but if you want LEDs without the fast clicking (bulb out warning), all you have to do is ask your dealer to turn OFF the bulb out warning in the Smart Junction Box. If one of your LEDs goes out, you won't be notified with the bulb out warning though. If you're like me and you check your bulbs all the time, this shouldn't be an issue.


BTW the bulbs I'm using are from www.v-leds.com. So far they have been the best quality aftermarket LEDs I have found.

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  On 2/24/2010 at 4:22 PM, rpm said:

I just posted in a new thread, but if you want LEDs without the fast clicking (bulb out warning), all you have to do is ask your dealer to turn OFF the bulb out warning in the Smart Junction Box. If one of your LEDs goes out, you won't be notified with the bulb out warning though. If you're like me and you check your bulbs all the time, this shouldn't be an issue.


BTW the bulbs I'm using are from www.v-leds.com. So far they have been the best quality aftermarket LEDs I have found.



Be careful and consider that Ford as far as I know, do not approve the use of other bulbs other than the ones they sell, they even refused to honor the warranty while I requested to replace mine with nightbreakers that are exactly the same bulb scpecs, just different manufacturer and of course better light. They were exactly the same watage and same socket, and they stated in the receipt that they do not warranty the wire harness, so telling them to turn off the warning becasue you want to use leds, will render to a situation that I do not want to be in, and voiding the warranty in all the backlighting system...

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  On 2/24/2010 at 4:22 PM, rpm said:

I just posted in a new thread, but if you want LEDs without the fast clicking (bulb out warning), all you have to do is ask your dealer to turn OFF the bulb out warning in the Smart Junction Box. If one of your LEDs goes out, you won't be notified with the bulb out warning though. If you're like me and you check your bulbs all the time, this shouldn't be an issue.


BTW the bulbs I'm using are from www.v-leds.com. So far they have been the best quality aftermarket LEDs I have found.

Which bulb from v-led? they sell many for the rear tail light

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I had the driver side turn signal go bulb go out last week......same charring and melting as stated by others. I did not receive a bulb out warning , just the fast clicking. I guess the bulb wasn't totally out as the same bulb controls when the lights are on just has 2 filaments inside the single bulb. Anywho, should you get the "bulb out" warning with the turn signal/brake light not working ?

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  On 2/28/2010 at 3:12 AM, ThinLine said:

I had the driver side turn signal go bulb go out last week......same charring and melting as stated by others. I did not receive a bulb out warning , just the fast clicking. I guess the bulb wasn't totally out as the same bulb controls when the lights are on just has 2 filaments inside the single bulb. Anywho, should you get the "bulb out" warning with the turn signal/brake light not working ?



The fast clicking is the warning.

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  On 6/6/2008 at 11:19 PM, azedge said:

...the tail lights, they said that they did not think it was too bad of a problem. They are going to compare the color of the lamps and sockets with a tech's edge that they have at home which matches the year and mileage of mine. I told them of my concern that the bulb is not only discolored, but somewhat melted. They gave me a story about how a lot of Fords are like that and how their car used to blow bulbs all the time. WTF!


I got the same story. "Discoloration looks NORMAL". They suggested using the FORD Sylvania bulb instead of what I used to replace them with (autozone LL replacement). I bought the bulb from the service counter and replaced it in their parking lot. I put the receipt in the glove box and when it blows again I can take it to the service department and try to convince them there is a problem. Sheesh Normal burning discoloration. While true does not make it right.

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  On 3/8/2010 at 3:21 PM, 302fix said:

I got the same story. "Discoloration looks NORMAL". They suggested using the FORD Sylvania bulb instead of what I used to replace them with (autozone LL replacement). I bought the bulb from the service counter and replaced it in their parking lot. I put the receipt in the glove box and when it blows again I can take it to the service department and try to convince them there is a problem. Sheesh Normal burning discoloration. While true does not make it right.



Use LEDs man, I gave up long time ago, it seems that they will not bother to fix that problem, ordering better sockets, so we are stock to LEDS...

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  • 2 months later...
  On 2/24/2010 at 10:22 PM, Kanatronic said:

Be careful and consider that Ford as far as I know, do not approve the use of other bulbs other than the ones they sell, they even refused to honor the warranty while I requested to replace mine with nightbreakers that are exactly the same bulb scpecs, just different manufacturer and of course better light. They were exactly the same watage and same socket, and they stated in the receipt that they do not warranty the wire harness, so telling them to turn off the warning becasue you want to use leds, will render to a situation that I do not want to be in, and voiding the warranty in all the backlighting system...


Obviously Ford is going to recommend using the bulbs that came with the vehicle, however i'm not sure how turning off a bulb-out warning would void your warranty... I could see how it might be used against you if your LEDs stopped working and someone rear ended you though.


  On 2/24/2010 at 10:25 PM, jerrypare said:

Which bulb from v-led? they sell many for the rear tail light

I use these for the front markers/turn signals: http://www.v-leds.com/Exterior-LED/Turn-Signal-LED/Amber-LED/V-LEDS-AMBER-60-M-SMT-p4835729-1-2.html


and these for the rear parking/brake lights: http://www.v-leds.com/Exterior-LED/Brake-Light-LED/Red-LED/2-RED-3157-V-LEDS-7W-p6634413-1-2.html

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  • 5 months later...

First I want to thank all for the posts about EVERYTHING.

I feel like an idiot for believing the service manager's 'never seen this before' attitude.

My issues are the PTU 'Smell', and the tail-lights.


I have 2009 AWD SEL at 30K miles (15 months of driving... )

PTU issue is being dealt with, now on to the burnt tail lights.


Left failed at 22K miles last August, Right has failed 2x in the past month.

Both charred badly. Replaced with 'generic' bulbs which seem to be indicated by the owners manual.


I will be pushing for resolution on the bulbs/sockets.


Although the stories about rear-end fires are frightening, are we sure that the tail-lights are a reasonable suspect?

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  On 11/22/2010 at 5:57 PM, saltyacres said:

First I want to thank all for the posts about EVERYTHING.

I feel like an idiot for believing the service manager's 'never seen this before' attitude.

My issues are the PTU 'Smell', and the tail-lights.


I have 2009 AWD SEL at 30K miles (15 months of driving... )

PTU issue is being dealt with, now on to the burnt tail lights.


Left failed at 22K miles last August, Right has failed 2x in the past month.

Both charred badly. Replaced with 'generic' bulbs which seem to be indicated by the owners manual.


I will be pushing for resolution on the bulbs/sockets.


Although the stories about rear-end fires are frightening, are we sure that the tail-lights are a reasonable suspect?


We will never know for sure if they are the reason or not, as Ford will never admit it anyway, I read that that was the cause in the European MK, not sure...regardless they will not be like that, and they should not get burnt, and what is worst at least they should have the decency of admitting the problem as opposed to try to find a ridiculous excuse every time we go to them with burnt sockets...

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