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Does Anyone Else Have The Premium Painted Gray Wheels


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I keep looking, but never see anyone else with them. The gray wheels are nice in one way, but from a distance they look dirty with no shine to them. I am kind of wishing I had the nice shiney chrome looking wheels. My dealer talked me into going with the larger 18" wheels with these rims. I had never even seen the rims until my Edge came in. I live close to the Oakville plant and see all the Edge's with the nice wheels. Does anyone else have the darker gray wheels and do you like them?


Edited by GettnEdgey
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My wife and I just ordered a new one on friday with those rims :hyper: ..The chrome ones are cheap plastic clad and will likely rust where they meet the actual rim..I'm all for the premium painted rims. very unique to most other Edges' out there..There were two on the dealers lot with the painted rims and I thought they looked way better..Gives the Edge a sportier look IMO :shades:



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  Lex Talionis said:
look no further.. you can see them in my Gallery (click below)... Premium Painted 18" wheels.


they are the BOMB (for what choices we have)

Thanks for both of your responses. I now feel much better about those rims. Nice looking plane wingburner!


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I had to fight with the dealer to swap the chrome clad for the Premium painted wheels, and I love them.

They are easy to take care of just a coat of wax and real easy to wipe off after washed and the bead up

just like the paint on the vehicle.

You won't have any regrets going with the painted wheels.

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Got the gray painted 18's. Have to say they match the rest of my Blazing Met Copper bottom half maintaining a dark look from the running board down to the road. Trying to find matching color door bumper gaurd but have had no luck so far. Too many Edge's with crome wheels, the smoked rim add a low bling look to an already aggresive looking SUV. Easy to clean as well.

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we wanted to get the 20 inch chromers changed/swapped on the lot but the dealer wouldn`t *give* anything for a deal, i said these are a 800 dollar option i want the grey ones and *some* of that money back, nope they would swap them for free, no deal, so i have hugh freaking chrome wheels, if anybody comes up to me and wants to swap i may consider it. they grey ones look better, dunno why, more sporty or aggressive or something! (: ohhh well. chromes might go good with the chrome billit grille i`m gonna order up!

Edited by VapourSlvr20s
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Look for another dealer!

I had to talk to a few different dealers to find one that would swap the wheels on a limited for me.

I had an infinity to trade and used x plan pricing so they wouldn't come off the price but gave me more on my trade to cover the swap.

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Just got a copy of my window sticker, car has just been built and not shipped as of yet. But I ordered the 18" premium painted aluminum wheels and was suppose to pay extra for them. After receiving the window sticker and then talking to my salesman, they aren't charging for those wheels any more. But then I don't have the vehicle yet and wouldn't be surprised if they aren't on it, with the way my luck has been going. Ordered the Edge the first week of April and it's suppose to be delivered the week of the 23rd of June. Let see is that 6 or 8 weeks as usual, no it's almost 12 weeks.

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Luck must have been with me. I walked into the dealer on Friday at 2pm and by the next day - Saturday at 0930 I was driving my new 2008 Blazing Metalic Copper. That 19 hours of waiting was a killer and would not have liked to wait 12 weeks. Now that I have my Edge and know what it's like on the road.. Awwwsoommmee. I will never go back to a sedan again.... I do belive that Ford finally got it right.

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  • 3 months later...
  cavlovc1 said:
The painted gray rims look like Ford drove them for a few thousand miles...never washed the ungodly amount of brake dust.... and finally sprayed a layer of clear coat onto the rims. Wow love that shine!!! :hysterical:


I love mine! Too much chrome is tacky.. Those chrome wheels are just too thick in my opinion. I love the way the gray looks on black.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  DirectJG said:
I love mine! Too much chrome is tacky.. Those chrome wheels are just too thick in my opinion. I love the way the gray looks on black.



I have the silver painted 18" wheels on our SE . I'm so glad I didn't get the chrome ones. Didn't know about the issues on those until after the purchase. Just lucked out on getting these instead. I have some RainX spray wheel protectant that works okay ,but true wheel wax is even better for the painted wheels .

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