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Help! The screw of a butterfly valve is damaged.


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Friends, the screw of a butterfly valve is accidentally damaged, I will attach images. My question: - perhaps temporarily to stick together the screw to operate the car, and to be mobile?
- whether it is possible to replace only this screw?
- additional fine tuning of a butterfly valve will be required?
- whether perhaps to manufacture this screw on the lathe and to establish on this place?
- what exact function of this screw?

- whether I can remove a side black cover to stick together the screw without spring and then to insert a spring inside? This option how a temporary measure of elimination of malfunction is possible or it is better not to disassemble the case in general?

What option of elimination of damage to me to choose, any your thoughts. Thanks.


P.s.: Whether correctly I understand that this screw with a spring only creates a gap of a butterfly valve, initial, necessary for operation of the engine, to support turns of idling of 600 revolutions per minute and more on anything he doesn't influence. I am right or there are still some functions of this screw?







Edited by EDST777
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I have made a bracket, having fixed the damaged screw and have in addition stuck it with two-component epoxy glue... but I still wait from you for your thoughts concerning purpose of this screw. About what has written this that above, he establishes initial opening of a butterfly valve, so? Thanks for any thoughts.

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Thanks for your thoughts, but in my city I am absent opportunities to go and ship a butterfly valve, on it time is necessary, the order is carried out within a month, all this time I won't be able to be mobile. It is also important that the cost of the order exceeds detail cost twice, for example in the USA, it occurs because Ford EDGE not really widespread model and a butterfly valve an exclusive part. It will cost me $300. Good news to think to stick together it, and not to lose operability of a detail, the price of repair of $5. It is just plastic screw which holds a spring for the initial provision of a butterfly valve.
It is only my opinion. If to detat I was more available in every sense, I would replace her without thinking, but it is a problem, all this can be eliminated having stuck together a bolt and having recorded it a bracket, I regret that here the repair kit isn't provided, such as for laying of an inlet collector, it is only the ordinary plastic screw on a carving, I don't want to change because of him the whole, efficient mechanism under the name a butterfly valve for $300). Thanks for it of Ford). I have made it and at least so far it works.

Edited by EDST777
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