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Window fell into door

Steve PD

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In was driving my 2010 Ford Edge last week when I heard whistling. I thought my driver side window was slightly down so pressed the switch to raise it. It didn't, so I thought the door was open. Suddenly the window began to slowly slide into the door. I tried several time to raise it using the switch, but it continued to fall. It began arch to the front of the door as it slide until it was completely in the door. I tried several time to raise it without any luck. I could hear the motor running so it was a fuse. When I got home I pulled the door panel off, but I couldn't find the problem. I managed to raise it using my hands and tapped it really well in place.


It's winter in Michigan and working outside is terrible, so I don't want to go hunting if I can't narrow down the problem and tapping it into place was not easy. I have hit the switch several times out of habit and every now and again I can see the tape move as if to signal the window may now be moving, but I don't want to remove the tape without a plan. I searched window regulators for it on-line, but there is a large variety and none have directions.


The second problem with door panel off and the lining off it does not appear to be enough room to install a new regulator. I know picture would be nice for a better reference of the problem, but again Michigan winter.


I would appreciate any help any one could provide. Thanks.

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