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Service advance trac, collision warning not available


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This is a writeup I found via Google here. But assume anything connected to traction control that is providing faulty or missing data would pop the light. That would include brakes, wheel speed sensors, transmission sensors (TSS/OSS), etc. As the writeup explains, there might be a brake booster sensor (if active) or the ABS module (if booster is electrically actuated) kicking it off in this specific instance.


BTW, the master cylinder can bleed into the brake booster due to a damaged seal. Check your brake fluid for level & clarity.

Edited by WWWPerfA_ZN0W
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  • 1 year later...

I recently purchased a 2013 Ford Edge SEL and noticed a warning light that says, Warning Advance Trac" came on when I was in park. This has happened twice. Also, my turn signals are hard to push up or down when trying to turn. I of course bought it used at a Honda dealer in my area, and they are not too helpful when it comes to servicing this car. Another thing, I took my vehicle in to have the brakes checked because when I backup, they make a loud squeaking noise. I was told the brakes were repaired, but I am still having this issue. It's a lot, but any suggestions, I would appreciate any feedback. Thank you.

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Does the AdvanceTrac warning go away if you shift out of Park and drive away? Does the squeaking noise happen first thing in the morning when you backup, or any time? Do you backup slowly or quickly? How old is the battery in the car? If original, it's due for replacement, since dying batteries cause a lot of electrical gremlins to appear.


AdvanceTrac issues are usually related to wheel speed sensors, so maybe one or more of them was damaged/not reconnected properly while the brakes were serviced. Could be a tone ring also, but check sensors & wiring for fraying/damage/rust first.


OEM brakes CAN be loud especially if the rotors are turned and not replaced with pads as a set. BUT if the noise occurs after the Edge has been sitting for a while, it very well could be rust buildup being cleared off at that time. You may not have the option to do this, but I usually accelerate quickly (whether in D or R) in this situation for just a split second, and that seems to clear the binding that creates the squeak. If you use the parking brake, it is the rear brakes that are engaged and thus, bind.


The best option for the turn signal switch is to get the a new switch EB5Z-13341-AA. It will work better.


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  • 3 months later...

I'm having the same issue. I just bought my 2013 a couple months ago. It has 56k miles.


A few minutes after I start my Edge, and only if I sit in park for a few minutes. The "Traction Control Off" light will come on.. then shortly there after, the "Service Advance Trac" light will come on.


If I start the vehicle and drive right away, I don't get any warnings.


I'm not pleased as this is the 3rd issue I've had with this vehicle already!


I'm noticing a sulfer smell, and I've got some intermittent strange whining noise coming from the dash upon starting. Dealer has me turning off my climate control every time I turn my vehicle off. Seems to be working so far.


This vehicle is becoming way too expensive!


Any ideas why I'm getting the Service Advance Trac while in park only??

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Possibly a sensor that needs some cleaning (lost some sensitivity) or is in early stages of failure. In more "advanced" cases, the ABS tone ring would be another possibility, as the "teeth" are known to break or the ring itself could crack.


Do you have manual or automatic climate control? Is your Edge under warranty? If you start hearing a clicking noise, that is very likely a blend door actuator on its' way out.

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  • 1 year later...

Hey everyone-


Started noticing this warning pop up randomly over the last month or so. Seems to happen if my car is on but idle (like sitting in a parking lot.) If I turn the car off and back on, the warning disappears. Any thoughts??




Ford Edge Limited 2011 AWD

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  • 2 months later...

I am new to the forum and I would like to share my recent experience with the Advance Trac warning light.

The warning light first came up during extremely low temperature this winter while driving. It would randomly come up on occasions but it would usually turn off after few seconds of driving or after turning the car off and turning back on. I took my Edge to the dealership and their diagnosis was that my battery is almost dead. Apparently the battery and Advance Trac system have the same diagnosis code so the advance trac system light would come up with the low battery. I find it hard to believe. Anyone heard anything like that? The battery might have been low on power so I don't think I was ripped off at the dealership but is my problem fixed?

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When testing a battery checking the voltage is not enough. You must put a load tester on it to actually see the cranking amps.

Also the new automotive batteries do not seem to last like batteries once did. If I buy a 3 year battery nowadays, I chance it after 3 years. Not worth the wife or kids getting stranded.

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  • 11 months later...
  • 1 month later...


Long periods of idling (gen 1.5) will cause a false warning, there is a TSB addressing it.


Do you happen to have a link to the TSB or the TSB number?

I want to have all my ducks in a row for when I take it in to the dealer. Last time I talked to them about this issue, they didn't know of a TSB..


Thank you!



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Here is the condition for oil pressure light TSB 11-12-7



Here is the long idle condition where some have had it pop up TSB 13-1-15



The solution in both cases is to update PCM calibration.


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  • 2 years later...

I have a 2013 Ford Edge.  My Service Advance Trac light comes on as well as the traction control light that says off and the car sliding light comes on too.  Then the light to indicate what gear you are in ( P, R, N, D, S) all go off.  If you shift the vehicle, a big thud happens and sounds like the transmission is falling out of the vehicle.  If you shift it from Park to Drive or Reverse a few times, it will finally go.  Took it to Ford and they did a system update.  Happened again a week later.  Sometimes it happens everyday and sometimes it might go 2 to 3 weeks before it happens again.  Today it happened right when I started the vehicle.  Haven't even moved.  Most of the time it happens when you put it into park.  Also did it when I drove to the end of the street.  Haven't heard anyone say anything about the thud when shifting from the transmission with these lights on.  Getting frustrated with it.  Also, I just had the works performed on it at Ford.  All fluids checked and oil changed.   Any help would be greatly appreciated. 


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  • 4 weeks later...

This happened in my 2011 Limited on two occasions. Once when I broke the rear wheel sensor as I changed out the wheel bearing. I had to wait 3 days for a new one but after putting it in, it took a few minutes for the lights to go out. But the car did drive fine for the 3 days.


The other occasion was when I pulled the ABS fuse and turned off traction control using the left hand system menu.  I had pulled the wheels and had the car on jack stands so I could troubleshoot a wheel noise and there was some pretty loud thunk/banging noises until I pulled the fuse and turned off traction control. These lights came on. I put the fuse in after putting th wheels back on and turned on Traction control and started the car. Lights went out.


So it's possible you have a bad wheel sensor (or a tone ring broke and fell off the axle, or maybe the traction control setting in the systems menu got turned off somehow. I think Forscan will show any codes if you have it. With any luck, it's just a bad/loose/corroded fuse in the fusebox under the hood. It seems intermittent enough . 


Hope this helps you track down the problem.


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  • 2 years later...

This is exactly what mine is doing but mine dies on me and i start it will have it floored it wont go finally ill hear a clunk noise like it shifted where it needs to be drives fine but continues to die.ive changed all wheel sensor steering angle sensor the clockspring sensor.also had the wrench pop up more than a handful of times.it also keeps pulling misfire on 1 code ive replace all that and the injectors.it seem like the light comes on when there is a dip in the road so Idk anymore is it my struts my CV axle.idk what else to check or change at a stand still.i seen there was a recall for 13 for the powertrain but they say they fixed that.also had to change my flex pipe as it broke off.

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  • 8 months later...

the other morning after a very cold  (-12 without windchill) couple days I noticed the Service Advance Trac and Collision Warning Malfunction light came on.  Runs fine but did notice cruise not working, blinkers won't turn off automatically and DC power outlet not working.  Thought it might be a sensor froze but warmer today and still on.  Any suggestions from anyone?  Can this be reset or cleared?


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