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Service advance trac, collision warning not available


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I have a 2011 Edge Limited. When I start it up if I don't move it (just stay in park in the driveway) for a couple of minutes it will start beeping and say "Service AdvanceTrac" and "Collision Warning not available" at the same time. After a second of beeping the warnings disappear. If I continue to sit there they will come on again. After about five minutes of going back and forth the warning light will eventually stay on. If I restart the car they disappear. If I get in the car, turn it on and start driving I never see a warning for either issue.


Has anyone heard of this or have any ideas what's causing it or how to fix it? Thanks.

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I should've mentioned too, when I do get in and drive it the collision warning does work as it should and so does the adaptive cruise control (which I'm assuming also uses the radar). I can't really tell whether or not the AdvanceTrac is operating. I called a Ford dealership today and he said it doesn't make sense the AdvanceTrac would have a problem if the car hasn't even moved yet since it's based on the stability/other functions of the car as it moves.


Again, any thoughts would be great. Thanks.

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I have a 2011 Edge Limited. When I start it up if I don't move it (just stay in park in the driveway) for a couple of minutes it will start beeping and say "Service AdvanceTrac" and "Collision Warning not available" at the same time. After a second of beeping the warnings disappear. If I continue to sit there they will come on again. After about five minutes of going back and forth the warning light will eventually stay on. If I restart the car they disappear. If I get in the car, turn it on and start driving I never see a warning for either issue.


Has anyone heard of this or have any ideas what's causing it or how to fix it? Thanks.


Hi pdilow. :D Want to make it clear upfron that I am not trying to be a wise guy with this answer. So that being said - You have a 2011 vehicle with a 3 year/36,000 mile New car Bumper to Bumper Warrranty. So assuming your mileage is below 36,000 miles, the way you would properly fix it would be to make a service appointment at your Ford Dealership, take it in, demonstrate the issue to the Service Writer and let them properly diagnose and repair it. Since it seems to be easy for you to replicate your issue, do not just describe what is happening. Showing them exactly what occurs helps avoid the dreaded "Could not replicate customers concern", diagnosis.


Keep us updated and good luck. :beerchug:

Edited by bbf2530
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I have an Edge SEL with about 32k miles and I started getting the Advance Trac warning light a few days ago. It will come on for a few seconds, sometines a few minutes, doesn't come back on immediately when I start the car. I am taking it in, but I cannot duplicate it on demand so I will take a pic when it happens again

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Scratch that. I went out and disconnected the battery for a few minutes, plugged it back in and no more warnings. I made sure that both systems were still set to be on. Turned it off and on a few times to check it. Let it sit for about ten minutes and no problems.


In case anybody else has this problem I'd suggest this first. Hopefully it doesn't start doing it again soon.

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I'm not going to trust that, I will still take mine in. My light sometimes comes on for a few seconds, sometimes it stays on for a minute or two. always turns off while I am driving. Sometimes I ge the two little icons to come on on the lower right, so the indicators are very intermittent.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow. Thanks for letting us know. I noticed mine seemed to start after going through a pretty rough car wash. Don't know if that could have jostled stuff around and set it off. I haven't had a warning light since I pulled my battery and both systems are working fine.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

2011 SEL, and I've had the same warning pop up. No driveability concerns. Been to the shop twice with no findings. Lately, it's gone a step further. The wrench light will come on, no words whatsoever, only an "ok" button (left side). When this happens, it drops the throttle out completely. It's like the gas pedal doesn't exist. Transmission will still shift from forward to reverse and the engine seems to be running smoothly, but I have no throttle. Shutting the car off and restarting will correct it. Shop found nothing, no stored codes, could not duplicate. I recently purchased the extended warranty (at 33K miles now) as I see this getting worse before it gets better.

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  • 1 year later...

I just bought yesterday a 2011 Edge Limited, having the same problems w\ the Collision Warning and Service Advancetrac messages coming on in the driveway. Wife said she saw it once while she was driving, but I haven't replicated while driving yet.

Has anybody found a resolution to this yet? If I need to return this car, I need to decide now.


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jfoster, you may be lookng at a Throttle Body failure. Follow up with the dealer, and if necessary Ford Customer Service. Todd from Ford is on here to assist as well.


Mooney, when the warning lights come on in the driveway, do they go away when you completey turn the Edge off, then turn it back on? Any other driveability problems? Could be in need of a PCM update and/or a TB replacement if a PCM update does not fix the issue.

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I have a 13 Edge and was getting the service advancetrac warning yesterday when I started the car up, the only other issue I have noticed is that when I use turn signals they won't automatically stop when I finish the turn and just keep blinking, the earliest I can make it into the dealer is tomorrow but with what Im reading on here I'm getting concerned that they will want to keep it for a while which leaves me with no vehicle.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dropped car off this morning. Dealer was able to replicate and is telling me that it is a separate issue from the brake booster. Brake booster is covered and "reprogram" for $105 will supposedly adjust parameters so the other two warning lights are not as sensitive. Time will tell...

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2011 SEL, and I've had the same warning pop up. No driveability concerns. Been to the shop twice with no findings. Lately, it's gone a step further. The wrench light will come on, no words whatsoever, only an "ok" button (left side). When this happens, it drops the throttle out completely. It's like the gas pedal doesn't exist. Transmission will still shift from forward to reverse and the engine seems to be running smoothly, but I have no throttle. Shutting the car off and restarting will correct it. Shop found nothing, no stored codes, could not duplicate. I recently purchased the extended warranty (at 33K miles now) as I see this getting worse before it gets better.


I'm having a very similar issue as you. I don't need to restart to fix mine, it usually only lasts a few seconds. They told me they found an error code, but I don't know any details yet.

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Mine has been fixed, apparently I had a module that went bad somewhere in the wheel wells....or at least thats what I was told. Same thing with a module on my steering column for my blinkers, and now it has to go back because only the directional pads on the steering wheel work, no cruise control, sync voice controls or phone controls. Been a clusterf**k of a situation considering I had to argue to get a rental car since they don't give you one unless you purchased the extended service plan. Im trying to stay positive over it all since I know it will be repaired under mfg warranty and I got a rental I'm not paying for but frustration is setting in....I purchased an Edge and have been stuck driving a Fiesta for the last two weeks. :rant:

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  • 4 months later...

I've got the same problem rsto. They told me yesterday that the module in the steering column needs replaced and that the Advance Trac/ABS goes through that module and that should take care of the problem. Waiting on module so that I can take back and get replaced. Only time will tell if that fixes it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have the same problem with my 2012 Edge LTD. Intermittent Service Advance Trac accompanied by the Collision Warning not Available. Does anyone know the TSB number for the issue just in case my dealer hasn't heard of it? Just got the shift to park issue fixed a couple months ago, now this.


Found the TSB number just in case anyone else needs it: 13-1-15

ABS AdvanceTrac Warning Light tsb 13-01-15.pdf

Edited by markyoungsmagic
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  • 3 weeks later...

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