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HOWDY, I'm Bob, a newbie to this forum.


I stumbled across you folks while doing research on my LEAKING PTO, on my 2013 Ford EDGE SEL AWD (of course)


This is my second attempt, since I had this whole intro typed out before and it just disappeared! My old fingers probably hit a key that did not work correctly!


Anyway, I see by so many of the posts that I am not alone with this problem. I have just started the process of getting it changed. My Edge has just under 90K on it, and I bought it when it had 31K on it. Fortunately, I purchased an extended warranty at the same time. So....after seeing what many folks have paid to have it changed, anywhere from $1300 to $2000, I feel lucky. My plan has a $200 deductible and since the plan would only authorize a USED unit, I opted for a NEW unit at an additional $150 cost to me.


The part is supposed to come from Ford in a day or two, and I am curious to see if it has a drain hole or not! I did see the posts about drilling and taping the unit for a drain hole or using suction to remove the old fluid prior to failure. But being over 70, that is just not in my range of abilities any longer!


I do intend to find the section of this forum where I can "register" my complaint. But I also intend to contact Ford. I know that is an exercise in futility since I've had other Fords and found Ford to be less than helpful!!


But I also intend to contact the Consumer Product Safety Commission. From what I've read, if the PTO fails while traveling at highway speeds....you know 80 MPH or more these days, it could be extremely dangerous. Can't hurt.



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Welcome, Bob, sorry to hear about the PTU/PTO situation! As the miles pile up on the 2011-14, we are seeing this situation more frequently with these MYs. No drain plug on the new unit, most likely. But changing the PTU fluid regularly (3yr/36K intervals) should keep it healthy. Yes there are shops that will do it, even some dealerships (Ford/Lincoln). At worst, take the time to find a trans shop, they are used to servicing differentials especially in the Midwest.


Definitely lodge complaints with the CPSC/NHTSA. It has to build up to a critical mass to make things happen from a recall perspective.

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