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PTU Care


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  On 1/15/2019 at 2:52 PM, 14AWD3.5 said:



ive had the troublesome TPU [PTU]oil changed twice now in 43K miles.  Both times at the same Ford dealer it was bought from.  Both times cost between $100-120 USD and of course used Ford fluid.


I havent had the RDU diff fluid changed, and am wondering what the concensus is for getting the RDU serviced when the vehicle is not facing “severe” usage. 

2014 AWD 3.5




I believe the consensus on the RDU oil change can be found in the post directly above yours.

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Why would you change the PTU fluid and put the Ford fluid back in.  The consensus is that heat is the enemy, so if you are servicing the PTU put 100% Ester oil in it.


As for the RDU, it is exposed to zero heat.  It will have none of the issues seen in PTU's.

Edited by todd92
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  • 7 months later...

Update and thread bump.  Got my 3rd PTU flush (this time at a Firestone dealer, $80 by itself) at 55,000 miles. That should be well under any fluid thickening issue. Fluid (75/140) came out relatively clean. 1/2 qt (appx) replaced.  Manager said they'd never changed the PTU fluid on an Edge before! I had to show them where the drain plug was located.


Then I had them drain and fill the RDU (rear diff).  75/90 Ford equivalent fluid. This old fluid was dirtier looking. Glad I got that changed. Sure is a small differential housing.


Took them all of 35 minutes for both, nice having a lift and a power transfer pump machine to do the work. I don't have ramps or jackstands, though I could have bought them all for the total price ($197) but the convenience was what I paid for.  Done with the PTU now for another 25K, and the RDU till 100K.


Guys don't forget to flush your coolant to protect that internal water pump!

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  • 1 year later...

4th PTU fluid change at 72K. Same Firestone, same cost, the fluid looked fine, no smells, no drips.  Kinda' hate to keep changing it every 20K but guess $100 is cheaper than $1600...  Though I wonder if I can stretch the intervals out to 30K now that its been done 4 times.


Other than the persistent rpm dependent power steering pump whine, the car has been a gem. Consistent 24 mpg's per dash meter on highway at appx 65-70.

I just can't get the ps unit quiet and Ford refused to do anything just before the ext warranty ran out at 70K.  

Edited by 14AWD3.5
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  On 1/17/2021 at 1:34 AM, 14AWD3.5 said:

 Though I wonder if I can stretch the intervals out to 30K now that its been done 4 times.


My dealer recommends every 35k for the PTU & 100k for the RDU. If you tow regularly at highway speeds, I'd stay with 20k, otherwise 35k should be completely safe.


They replaced my PTU last year under extended warranty (no cost to me). The replacement for an 2009 MKX is a newer version.

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  • 1 month later...

Dealer declined to change PTU fluid. Did it myself. Mine has a drain plug so easier than some, but it's a tight reach to get to it.

The 75W-140 container wasn't the standard quart oil container so the pump I bought wouldn't screw on. The 75W-140 container assumes you have the room to fit the end of the container into the fill hole, then raise the container and squeeze the new fluid in instead of using a pump.


Dealer declined to change coolant, "good for 100k miles".



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  • 2 weeks later...

I just bought my 13 edge sel awd from a dealer with 128,000 miles on it. Without knowing an extensive history, I changed the out fluid today not only as preventative maintenance but for curiosity as well. Got out roughly 9-10oz and got about 12oz in before it started dripping out. Hardest part was pumping the pump and moving the hose around inside the unit to suck the old fluid out. It came out dirty, but really just looks like used rear did fluid. Didn’t smell burnt or bad even, just smelt like old oil. I’m just thankful actual liquids came out and not sludge. 

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  • 3 months later...

105K update. Had the neighbor mechanic siphon out the PTU (or try to). He was using a (more professional grade) hand pump and said that his hose bottomed out in the PTU but he couldn't get anything out. Now after 4 changes in 105K it shouldn't be sludge, so I'm not sure just what the problem was.


He did get the (.5 or .6 liters) of new 75-140 synthetic fluid in, so how is that possible if it wasn't almost dry?  Hmm, not sure but the bottle was only 12 ounces and we used about half of it till it started weeping out 


Never have had a spot on the driveway or in the garage and the plug /area around it was bone dry. I did notice that my persistent (what I thought was the power steering pump) whine is now gone. Coincidence?


All this done with just jackstands.

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  On 3/15/2021 at 10:06 PM, Adam J said:

I just bought my 13 edge sel awd from a dealer with 128,000 miles on it. Without knowing an extensive history, I changed the out fluid today not only as preventative maintenance but for curiosity as well. Got out roughly 9-10oz and got about 12oz in before it started dripping out. Hardest part was pumping the pump and moving the hose around inside the unit to suck the old fluid out. It came out dirty, but really just looks like used rear did fluid. Didn’t smell burnt or bad even, just smelt like old oil. I’m just thankful actual liquids came out and not sludge. 



Maybe time to change your RDU now too.  I did mine early (around 60K) and it was fairly dirty looking. I think that's it for the RDU changes now.

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I just had the RDU fluid changed at Firestone yesterday, part of my annual maintenance. I only drove 4k miles last year, so I use synthetic oil and change it once a year. Currently have 36k miles on the car.


They charged $112 for the RDU. Funny how they billed it, $56 for fluid and $56 labor. Yeah, one pint of gear oil is $56, in what world?


They wouldn't do the PTU, claimed it needed a "special Ford tool". I think they just didn't want to do it.

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