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Broken Cargo Net Hook


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The cargo net hook on my Sport broke last week. I went to the local Ford dealer to order a replacement. The parts man said that this part was not available separately, I would need to buy the whole interior quarter panel for $500!! Since the vehicle is still under warranty ,I went to the service center. They have promised to find a solution. They promised to get back with me on Friday. Today is Monday. If I don't here from them today, I'll visit them tomorrow.


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If it's a broken part and it's only available as an assembly, unless there is an official ford fix I would think they would need to replace the whole assembly. I wouldn't want a service guy to repair my car with a hot glue gun, (or whatever their solution is). If it was my car and out of warrantee I would fix it myself with a hot glue gun LOL.

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Check the photo I attached, it looks nothing like the part number mentioned above.


Went back to the dealer Tuesday, they are going to order the whole interior quarter panel and will let me know when it comes.

The hook is not available as a separate part.


This is really ridiculous!!

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  • 4 weeks later...
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  • 1 month later...

I went on trip with the family and they broke my left one and I got it out of the panel and it is obviously just a clip on part, I'm going to ford with it but it sounds like they are going to want to sell me the whole thing which is is insane as its obviously designed to be removable. The numbers off the part bring nothing up but it being a ford trim insignia I guess.


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  • 4 weeks later...

My 2017 Ford Edge has the same problem - the cargo net clip broke when I pulled the cargo cover back and it jumped out of the track. Same story - $500 replacement of the rear quarter panel.


However, I was able to repair the clip with a good gel-type Super Glue and it seems as strong as the unbroken clip on the other side.


I still would like to replace it with a new one, and buy a spare - so if anyone comes up with a source. Please let us know.

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Not on my Edge but a seat belt retainer on the rear quarter panel of my E350 would not hold the unused seat belt to keep it from flopping around. That small metal clip on the interior of the panel required replacement of the entire quarter under warranty. Why don't they just stock the clips and save a ton of money and inconvenience? Ford is so hard to figure out sometimes.

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  • 4 months later...

The clip on the driver side broke last week in my 2017 Titanium. I am not sure how it broke as we found the net laying there when we opened the hatch. There was nothing in the net or in the trunk area to bump it. Local Ford dealer was not able to find a number for the clip portion so they had to order a complete panel. I assumed it was warranty - guess I should confirm.

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  • 2 months later...

Apr 11 2018 6335 - 2015-2018 Edge and 2016-2018 MKX - Interior Quarter Trim Cargo Net Hook Replacement

Some 2015-2018 Edge and 2016-2018 MKX vehicles may require the replacement of the interior quarter trim cargo net hook. The cargo net hook can be serviced separately and no longer requires replacement of the interior quarter trim panel - Edge: H2GZ-78454A46-AA (Ebony), MKX: H2GZ-78454A46-BA (Coffee), H2GZ-78454A46-BB (Quartz), H2GZ-78454A46-BC (Black), H2GZ-78454A46-BD


Sorry everyone, I didn't check these part numbers before posting, I couldn't find them online.

Edited by Xtxman
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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 year later...
  On 8/18/2019 at 11:02 PM, Ford edge 17 said:

I am looking for this part! It fell down inside and I can't see it or grab it. For my Ford Edge 2017 Titanium 


You'll have to pull that panel off.  It isn't difficult.  I've uploaded the loadspace panel removal procedure from the factory service manual below.

Loadspace Trim Panel.pdf

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  • 1 year later...

If there is anyone else with broken cargo latches who comes across this forum, I have some updated information. I purchased a 2017 Ford Edge that already had a broken cargo hook. I inquired at the local Ford dealership and was told the replacement was $60 plus labor. I was thinking $5-10. Anyway, some of the the links in this forum do not link to the latch pictured here or do not work anymore. I finally located the part H2GZ-78454A46-AA  on this site https://www.tascaparts.com/oem-parts/ford-hook-assembly-h2gz78454a46aa  The cost was $27.96. I hope this helps someone else!!


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  • 3 years later...
  On 6/19/2021 at 2:42 PM, Scott in FL said:

If there is anyone else with broken cargo latches who comes across this forum, I have some updated information. I purchased a 2017 Ford Edge that already had a broken cargo hook. I inquired at the local Ford dealership and was told the replacement was $60 plus labor. I was thinking $5-10. Anyway, some of the the links in this forum do not link to the latch pictured here or do not work anymore. I finally located the part H2GZ-78454A46-AA  on this site https://www.tascaparts.com/oem-parts/ford-hook-assembly-h2gz78454a46aa  The cost was $27.96. I hope this helps someone else!!



How did you replace it? I bought one,but don't want to break it as I'm putting it in and removing the broken one. Thanks

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