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No Edge for me

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Well I went to look at the Edge my local dealer got in, the only one of eleven the inventory search said they have.

And the dealer had it marked up $5,000 over MSRP, so until they get more in and they stop price gouging, I wont be getting one.

Because at MSRP it is a pretty good deal, but sure as hell not worth an extra $5,000.

Congrats to all that get one, it was even better in person than I thought it would be.

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  AK-Kayaker said:
Well I went to look at the Edge my local dealer got in, the only one of eleven the inventory search said they have.

And the dealer had it marked up $5,000 over MSRP, so until they get more in and they stop price gouging, I wont be getting one.

Because at MSRP it is a pretty good deal, but sure as hell not worth an extra $5,000.

Congrats to all that get one, it was even better in person than I thought it would be.

One thing would be certain for me - I would NOT give that dealer my business. $5,000 over? :finger:

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  AK-Kayaker said:
Well I went to look at the Edge my local dealer got in, the only one of eleven the inventory search said they have.

And the dealer had it marked up $5,000 over MSRP, so until they get more in and they stop price gouging, I wont be getting one.

Because at MSRP it is a pretty good deal, but sure as hell not worth an extra $5,000.

Congrats to all that get one, it was even better in person than I thought it would be.



Good call,


There is absolutely no reason to pay over MSRP at this time. In a month or two these things will be selling well below MSRP due to strong competition in the class and the less than flattering reviews the Edge is getting. The new Hylander based on the Avalon platform with the new 269hp V6/ 6speed should be out this summer and that will certianly cause the Edge Buzz to wear off....


Right now, I would think that $1,500 off of MSRP would be a reasonable price, but I personally would not buy one unless it was at least $2,000 under MSRP... In general, 2K under MSRP is the max I will go on any new car purchase. The only time I paied close to MSRP was on a 2005 Mustang GT. I bought one in Janurary 2005 for $500 under MSRP. I should not have done it, but in a moment of weakness I gave in....


That is just my opinion...

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  AK-Kayaker said:
Well I went to look at the Edge my local dealer got in, the only one of eleven the inventory search said they have.

And the dealer had it marked up $5,000 over MSRP, so until they get more in and they stop price gouging, I wont be getting one.

Because at MSRP it is a pretty good deal, but sure as hell not worth an extra $5,000.

Congrats to all that get one, it was even better in person than I thought it would be.

:angry: Hi,

I currently work at Ford Motor and it really bothers me when dealers treat potential customers like this! With all the competition out in the car business we can no longer afford to loose customers. I would like you to find a local dealer that would sell you a new Edge on the Friends and Family plan and then I would help you get a voucher! This would allow you to become a Ford Family member and enjoy our newest vechile, that I hope you would enjoy for a long time!

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  sranger said:
Right now, I would think that $1,500 off of MSRP would be a reasonable price, but I personally would not buy one unless it was at least $2,000 under MSRP... In general, 2K under MSRP is the max I will go on any new car purchase. The only time I paied close to MSRP was on a 2005 Mustang GT. I bought one in Janurary 2005 for $500 under MSRP. I should not have done it, but in a moment of weakness I gave in....


That is just my opinion...



I get the X-plan which is basically the invoice, and the invoices are only about $1500 less than the MSRP, so I don't think you'll be seeing $2000 off for a while. My salesman said this is because it's a new model, and that they don't mark up the new models much. Don't know if this is true, but I have seen the invoice prices, and there's not that much room to negotiate. I'm curious as to what kind of "deals" people will be able to get on them....



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  spidy said:
I get the X-plan which is basically the invoice, and the invoices are only about $1500 less than the MSRP, so I don't think you'll be seeing $2000 off for a while. My salesman said this is because it's a new model, and that they don't mark up the new models much. Don't know if this is true, but I have seen the invoice prices, and there's not that much room to negotiate. I'm curious as to what kind of "deals" people will be able to get on them....





All you really have to do is wait till November/December to get 2K off of MSRP. I do not think this year will be any different from previous years. If the economy slows down as much as is expected this year, we may see 2-3K below MSRP as early as July...

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  sranger said:
All you really have to do is wait till November/December to get 2K off of MSRP. I do not think this year will be any different from previous years. If the economy slows down as much as is expected this year, we may see 2-3K below MSRP as early as July...

Lets see, Mustang has, at the most, received a $1000 rebate and the Edge has none. It wont be offered with a rebate for like half a year at the very earliest since it's a new model and as long as sales and hype remain high.


By all means try to negotiate a better price but dont get mad over somebody trying to make a buck (@ MSRP). If the dealers dont make money, they cant pay the bills, they cant buy cars from Ford, they cant service cars cause nobody is buying them. If Ford cant sell cars, Ford goes out of business and then we all lose.


How much is it worth to you to save a few hundred dollars or even a thousand over the course of a few years worth of financing when you dont help a company remain in business? Im happy to support a company that produces products I believe in and enjoy. I'd rather not have to buy a Toyota motor vehicle.



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  sntmods said:
Lets see, Mustang has, at the most, received a $1000 rebate and the Edge has none. It wont be offered with a rebate for like half a year at the very earliest since it's a new model and as long as sales and hype remain high.


By all means try to negotiate a better price but dont get mad over somebody trying to make a buck (@ MSRP). If the dealers dont make money, they cant pay the bills, they cant buy cars from Ford, they cant service cars cause nobody is buying them. If Ford cant sell cars, Ford goes out of business and then we all lose.


How much is it worth to you to save a few hundred dollars or even a thousand over the course of a few years worth of financing when you dont help a company remain in business? Im happy to support a company that produces products I believe in and enjoy. I'd rather not have to buy a Toyota motor vehicle.





I have just recently ordered an Edge AWD SEL Plus and I recieved a $1349.00 Dealer Rebate. I think maybe you have to search for the right dealer who is interested in your long term business. This is my 4th Ford vehicle in a row and I believe my dealer is interested in me as a long term customer.

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  sntmods said:
How much is it worth to you to save a few hundred dollars or even a thousand over the course of a few years worth of financing when you dont help a company remain in business? Im happy to support a company that produces products I believe in and enjoy. I'd rather not have to buy a Toyota motor vehicle.




I'm sure every Edge customer would love to pay extra just to support the Ford Motor Co.

If Ford can't survive on its own business plan, there are many other car companies, domestic and foreign, that can. These other companies make products as good as if not better than the Ford Motor Co.

I love to pay extra to help a company remain in business.

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  sntmods said:
Lets see, Mustang has, at the most, received a $1000 rebate and the Edge has none. It wont be offered with a rebate for like half a year at the very earliest since it's a new model and as long as sales and hype remain high.


By all means try to negotiate a better price but dont get mad over somebody trying to make a buck (@ MSRP). If the dealers dont make money, they cant pay the bills, they cant buy cars from Ford, they cant service cars cause nobody is buying them. If Ford cant sell cars, Ford goes out of business and then we all lose.


How much is it worth to you to save a few hundred dollars or even a thousand over the course of a few years worth of financing when you dont help a company remain in business? Im happy to support a company that produces products I believe in and enjoy. I'd rather not have to buy a Toyota motor vehicle.





Spoken like a true car salesman....


P.S. I got an offer from a local Ford dealer to sell me a Edge SE at Invoice..... So, it can happen. Remember at Invoice the Ford dealer still makes at least 3% due to dealer hold back....

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  • 1 month later...
  sranger said:
Good call,


There is absolutely no reason to pay over MSRP at this time. In a month or two these things will be selling well below MSRP due to strong competition in the class and the less than flattering reviews the Edge is getting. The new Hylander based on the Avalon platform with the new 269hp V6/ 6speed should be out this summer and that will certianly cause the Edge Buzz to wear off....


Right now, I would think that $1,500 off of MSRP would be a reasonable price, but I personally would not buy one unless it was at least $2,000 under MSRP... In general, 2K under MSRP is the max I will go on any new car purchase. The only time I paied close to MSRP was on a 2005 Mustang GT. I bought one in Janurary 2005 for $500 under MSRP. I should not have done it, but in a moment of weakness I gave in....


That is just my opinion...

They would have to improve the highlander a LOT to bring it up to the level of the Edge. After driving one i almost had whiplash from the transmissions jerky shifting. The RAV4 had a much better engine and transmission much like what they are intending to put in the highlander, even so it was still a little quirky in other areas too which is why we didnt buy one.


As for price, you can get good deals out there, i got $1500 off MSRP in the offered price and the college discount through my wife's recent graduation from medical school. The trade-in covered all taxes, fees and knocked a little more off the price to get a fairly low finance amount - and we got that at 1.9% over 48 months, so quite happy there too. I think we could have gotten another $500 off using the numbers in the consumer reports figures, but i thought that was a pretty sweet deals as they gave us more for the trade than the car was worth - i assure you on that one being the driver of that car! $2k later in the year may be possible, but the price is still very good given the fairly small supply compared to the demand. I am not sure how many they are producing per month, but if they are selling 8k units or so according to the reports that is pretty good and i can tell by the few on the lots around here that they arent staying long once they roll off the truck. Economic theory suggests the price should be around MSRP due to this supply/demand dynamic, but they are sometimes going for less.

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We get the X-plan discount, and I just got a $500 cash back rebate on my Edge, as well as the low leasing rates that are available. My dealership was great about keeping in touch with me about my delivery date as well, once I ordered my truck. This was our 3rd truck in a row we've purchased through them, and we will continue to deal with them in the future.

I surely wouldn't pay over MSRP for anything, and I would take my business to another dealership in your area that was willing to to make a fair deal.

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  suezq927 said:
We get the X-plan discount, and I just got a $500 cash back rebate on my Edge, as well as the low leasing rates that are available. My dealership was great about keeping in touch with me about my delivery date as well, once I ordered my truck. This was our 3rd truck in a row we've purchased through them, and we will continue to deal with them in the future.

I surely wouldn't pay over MSRP for anything, and I would take my business to another dealership in your area that was willing to to make a fair deal.

What is this X-plan i keep hearing about? Is it trading in an old Ford vehicle (i.e. exchange) or something to do with working for Ford or something else altogether? I also heard about a Z plan - what is that?

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Back in October 06, I phoned the Ford X-Plan people at 1-800-348-7709.


(I got that number only after calling Ford at 1-800-392-3673 and 1-800-521-4140 and asking them.)


I spoke with a young gentleman and I asked him if the company I worked for was a "Partner" and if I could use the X-Plan. (I know I can't use the A-Plan or the Z-Plan).

He looked it up in his computer and said, "Well I'll be - Yes your company is here".

He then asked me a few questions. The ones I remember were;

1. When will I be buying?

2. What car am I interested in?

3. What is the "last four" from my SSN. (Do not give your whole SSN, only the last four).

He issued a PIN to me and told me that I could buy two cars with this PIN within on year if I wanted to. Also told me that I was not to negotiate with the dealer. Just go to the dealer, ask if they take part in the A or Z or X-Plan. If they do, pick the car you want, and the dealer must show you the X-Plan price in the invoice. He must sell you the car for that price and he is not allowed to have any "add-ons" like "dealer fees", etc. (but he will have to charge you state taxes and tag fees).


In my case, it was great. I found a dealer who had the AWD that I wanted, told him I wanted the car with the X-Plan, he showed me the X-Plan price printed on his invoice, plus at the time, there was a $500. manufactur rebate, so that was exactly what I paid. It was great. No haggle. No hassle. No going back and forth between me and the Sales Manager. He did try to take me for more when I had to give him $188. for the Tag and Title Fee, and he said I would be refunded the difference after they went to the DMV - After I received the Registration and Title two weeks later, and had not yet received my refund, I called the DMV to find out exactly how much this all cost and I then emailed dealer and told them that "I know you forgot to send me my refund from that $188. so please send it asap". Got a phone call from them saying they sent it out that morning, and I received close to $140. two days later. You just have to keep them honest.


Don't know if it is any different now, but that is how I did it back in October.

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Sorry to hijack this thread with the X-plan talk. Thanks for the info, while i might have spent a little extra this time around, i'll look into this next time! The dealer invoice (according the the Consumer Reports bottom line - after holdbacks) with all the options we have would have been $30,407 (MSRP $33,470) plus taxes etc, we ended up after the price offered by the dealer to get it brught down from Atlanta, rebates/credits and such for $31,000 plus taxes, which our trade in paid for (they paid over the book value for that as well) and then some, not so bad for now, next time it'll be a little lower.

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