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Coolant leak found during prebuy inspection


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Hello All-


Just had a prebuy inspection conducted on a 2007 Edge SE I am looking at with 124,000 miles on it. Everything was fine, except for a fairly significant coolant leak was found under the engine. The tech did not see any sources for the leak from up top (I think he might have been looking at hoses & the head gasket). It was not obvious to him where it was coming from. I've included a photo of the leak under the engine. post-44717-0-55306600-1483401520_thumb.jpg


I've done some searching online & have not found anything that clearly leads to this type of leak. Has anyone seen this before? The tech did not report coolant in the oil, which would have made me thing head gasket or water pump.


Wondering if I should just walk away from this deal.


Any input would be appreciated.



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Transmission side. Likely thermostat housing or manifold leak. All the coolant and heater hoses are concentrated on that side of the engine. Agree it may also be a head gasket. If the engine oil is milky or foamy indicating a head gasket or water pump failure, run, don't walk.


There is a tattle tale for the water pump. It's on the passenger side of the engine. The water pump has two seals with the tattle tale weep hole drain between the two seals. If the inside seal breaks, it allows coolant into the space between the two seals and out through the tattle tale. This is your warning to repair the water pump, or find a donor Edge for a used engine.


Good luck.



Ford Edge Coolant Path


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  • 2 weeks later...

don't walk away, run, run like the wind! I loved my 2007 Edge, bought new, until today. Took it to the dealer for a leak just like you described. They said i need a water pump, ok says I, ballpark how much? $1800. assuming the antifreeze that leaked into my oil pan hasn't killed the engine. no warning, no idiot lights, nothing. Water pump is internal, driven by the timing chain, whole front of the engine has to come off to get to it, 12 + hour job.

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Freebird: only about 71K miles in 10 years. Its my wife's daily driver. We live in Philly area, but its been to Canada and Orlando and lots of places in between. She only works about 2 miles from home so doesn't put many miles on it.


Macbwt: Just watched your video on Waterpump/P0016, Awesome! Thank you! Very informative!

I'm getting the pump replaced at a local dealer. They didn't report any water in the oil, but... Any suggestions on oil additives/treatments, just in case there was contamination?


Enigma: The dealer did come down some, to approx $1500.



Sorry for the duplicate post, i'm not much of a blogger

Edited by ConestogaActual
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  On 1/13/2017 at 7:36 PM, freebird said:

ConestogaActual, how many miles does your Edge have on it?

Freebird: only about 71K miles in 10 years. Its my wife's daily driver. We live in Philly area, but its been to Canada and Orlando and lots of places in between. She only works about 2 miles from home so doesn't put many miles on it.


  On 1/14/2017 at 12:49 AM, macbwt said:

It will make it. ;)

Macbwt: Just watched your video on Waterpump/P0016, Awesome! Thank you! Very informative!

I'm getting the pump replaced at a local dealer. They didn't report any water in the oil, but... Any suggestions on oil additives/treatments, just in case there was contamination?


  On 1/14/2017 at 1:38 AM, enigma-2 said:

Repair pal shows the cost to replace a water pump on a 2007 Edge is $1200 to $1535.

Enigma: The dealer did come down some, to approx $1500.

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  On 1/14/2017 at 7:16 PM, enigma-2 said:

Oil change, if there's any doubt.

Thanks, oil change is part of the repair work quoted by the dealer, and i'd have asked for it if they weren't doing it. May switch to a high mileage oil or a full synthetic. i want to treat any damage that may have occurred and minimize any further damage.


  On 1/14/2017 at 7:22 PM, WWWPerfA_ZN0W said:

And a coolant change within 500 miles. Coolant and degas bottle should look clean & clear with no visible contamination.

good idea, i'll be watching it like a hawk now.

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I didn't mean to commandeer this thread, sorry about that, but wanted to close the loop. Our car had P1299 code, cylinder head overheat failsafe. The engine stalled right after it threw the code and my wife was smart enough to not try restarting it right away. The temp gauge was pegged and the overflow bottle empty, so We let it cool off, then added coolant before driving it. I got it home but couldn't locate where the leak was coming from. That's when i took it to the dealer. $1440 for the pump replacement, and seems to be running fine now. I'm guessing the P1299 saved the engine.

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