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Windshield Glare

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I test drove and purchased my Edge when it was raining. The sun came out one week later and the glare from the dash is HORRIBLE. At times, I can hardly see through the reflection. Is there anyone else with a Camel dash that is having this trouble? I have since found various articles on the net that discuss the problem. I guess Ford knew about the issue before they launched. Ford rep told me this is not a defect, it is all within certain standards, therefore nothing will be done to correct the issue. I just have to live with it. Polarized sunglasses are out as I wear glasses. Any suggestions?!?!?!?

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  edgy said:
I test drove and purchased my Edge when it was raining. The sun came out one week later and the glare from the dash is HORRIBLE. At times, I can hardly see through the reflection. Is there anyone else with a Camel dash that is having this trouble? I have since found various articles on the net that discuss the problem. I guess Ford knew about the issue before they launched. Ford rep told me this is not a defect, it is all within certain standards, therefore nothing will be done to correct the issue. I just have to live with it. Polarized sunglasses are out as I wear glasses. Any suggestions?!?!?!?

My suggestion is prescription polarized sunglasses, or a dash mat (which looks cheesy). I have the charcoal interior, and it is not a problem for me. I'm going to the detroit autoshow on Wednesday in my dad's MKX w/ camel interior. I'd like to see how much of a difference it is.

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  • 1 month later...

In the sunshine state you could see it plain as day in the lighter camel interior - that is why i opted for the charcoal. Might soak up a little more heat during the summer on the leather, but also wont glare. Its only really noticible when you are driving into the sun, when its overhead its not as bad. ;)

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I have a Carbon Metallic SE with the Camel interior. I live in Massachusetts the reflection of the dash on the window is noticeable but like pervious post have stated a pair of polarized glasses eliminate it completely. I picked up a cheap pair at Dicks yesterday for 15 bucks and they worked like a charm no more reflection. Yeah its stupid we have to wear glasses to eliminate the reflection but at least it works! :shades:

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I just bought my Edge with Charcoal interior on Saturday and I didn't notice it at all until I thought of this forum and looked for it, LOL!!! I can see the dash glare if I look for it, otherwise I don't even notice it and it doesn't bother me at all and I live in sunny southern California.

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Still nothing new on the dashboard glare, but there is a reflection off the chrome on the shifter when the sun is high in the sky around noon time that sometimes reflects up under my sunglasses.


Another issue is that the window slopes enough that i have to use the sun visor to block it out when the sun is low in the sky - a problem i dont normally have as my head is usually on the ceiling in most cars. With the seat raise/lower option i can actually see stop lights when at the line rather than ducking under the roof to see them in most cars - so one advantage to one slight disadvantage. Not huge by any means.

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  • 2 months later...

I have had my new Edge for two weeks now and I have noticed some windshield glare.I have the charcoal interior and the noticable glare is from the matte silver side air vents reflecting onto the side windows and the matte silver upper trim of the console reflecting onto the windshield. I elliminated the glare from these by simply spray painting them Flat Black. Matches the dash colour perfectly and the dash stilll looks great without these pieces in a contrasting colour.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a new Edge, with the medium light stone interior.

I live in Arizona and the glare is really irritating and possibly a safety issue.

You can see the entire dashboard in the windshield, like looking thru a net or lace while you are driving.

I am amazed that everyone does not find this to be a serious issue.

Guess I'll have to try polarized glasses.

A dashmat probably does look tacky.

Shouldn't have to do that on a $36K vehicle.

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  robertlane said:
Well, here in Michigan we don't have sunshine until another 2-3 months :rant: , so I can't comment on the glare with the camel interior.

I live in Michigan and its been pretty sunny the last few days. I've had my Dune Pearl with Camel interior for 5 days and the windshield glare is pretty noticeable. I think I'm getting use to it but it is a definite distraction.

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  edgy said:
I test drove and purchased my Edge when it was raining. The sun came out one week later and the glare from the dash is HORRIBLE. At times, I can hardly see through the reflection. Is there anyone else with a Camel dash that is having this trouble? I have since found various articles on the net that discuss the problem. I guess Ford knew about the issue before they launched. Ford rep told me this is not a defect, it is all within certain standards, therefore nothing will be done to correct the issue. I just have to live with it. Polarized sunglasses are out as I wear glasses. Any suggestions?!?!?!?


I also test drove in low light only to find on a bright sunny day the glare in the windshield is indeed HORRRIBLE! It is bad enough to be a safety concern. The pictures of the glare on this website is exactly what I see in my windshield. I have the camel dash. I am really glad I decided to lease. I will try the polarized sunglasses and see if it helps. Such a shame. I decided to give Ford another chance after multiple recall's on my Ford Escape. Oh well. I have otherwise thoroughly enjoyed it this first week. But I am very concerned I will not be able to see pedestrians. I called the dealer and they suggested www.drivingcomfort.com which has a dash mat for the 2007 edge. But I ask, for such a pricey car should one have to put on something so tacky or do anything at all in order to do something as basic as see when one is driving.

You can always buy a second pair of polarized sunglasses or poarized fitovers. What a shame. It's a really nice car but cannot recommend unless I find the poarized glasses work. :stats:

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Polarized sunglasses did help "ALOT", but we also went to PEP BOYS and ordered a Signiture DashMat 'suede in the 'Smoke' color for the EDGE............(Light Stone Interior).....

$52.00, 7-10 days.............They had color samples and the sales person was very helpful. She talked with Dashmat directly over the phone while we were there to special order our mat....Thank's PEP BOYS !!!!

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  in_edge said:
Polarized sunglasses did help "ALOT", but we also went to PEP BOYS and ordered a Signiture DashMat 'suede in the 'Smoke' color for the EDGE............(Light Stone Interior).....

$52.00, 7-10 days.............They had color samples and the sales person was very helpful. She talked with Dashmat directly over the phone while we were there to special order our mat....Thank's PEP BOYS !!!!

I don't find polarized glasses to help...to me, the glare is most noticeable on the side vents but I have definitely gotten used to it. It is a shame there isn't a truly great fix - I don't consider the dashmat to be one.

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I have posted three pictures in the gallery. I have sent these pictures to Ford and the dealership where I purchased the Edge. I have a letter from the James P Vondale, Director, Automotive Safety with Ford. According to Mr. Vondale, the dash glare in my Edge "meets Ford's internal standards". He also stated "Ford's standards for glare are similar to, or in some cases, more stringent than those of other manufacturers whose vehicles demonstrate higher levels of glare than the Edge vehicle.


Mr. Vondale's address is 330 Town Center Drive, Suite 400, Dearborn, MI 48126 if anyone would like to write in and complain and hopefully send pictures of their glare issues. PLEASE WRITE!!!


I am totally disgusted with my entire Edge purchase. I should not have to buy special glasses or put a piece of cloth on my dashboard when I spend $30K for a vehicle.

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Let's talk disgusted, we traded a 2007 Camry SE.....rattles and squeaks galore!!! The SE is the 'sport edition' and as far as I was concerned the only model that looked 'sporty'.....But the interior only comes in black and it showed everything and was already a pain int the butt. The arm-rest would rub your arm 'raw' because of the material it was made of.....And the gas pedal was a whole new adventure with every drive.

If you think Ford is lax in response try dealing with,... Toyota isn't concerned about losing any customers or so they think, read the USER REVIEW'S in either YAHOO AUTO or MSN onthe 2007 Camry.

The EDGE out rides, drives and performs the CAMRY and don't plan on every looking at a Toyota every again!

Edited by in_edge
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  edgy said:
I have posted three pictures in the gallery. I have sent these pictures to Ford and the dealership where I purchased the Edge. I have a letter from the James P Vondale, Director, Automotive Safety with Ford. According to Mr. Vondale, the dash glare in my Edge "meets Ford's internal standards". He also stated "Ford's standards for glare are similar to, or in some cases, more stringent than those of other manufacturers whose vehicles demonstrate higher levels of glare than the Edge vehicle.


Mr. Vondale's address is 330 Town Center Drive, Suite 400, Dearborn, MI 48126 if anyone would like to write in and complain and hopefully send pictures of their glare issues. PLEASE WRITE!!!


I am totally disgusted with my entire Edge purchase. I should not have to buy special glasses or put a piece of cloth on my dashboard when I spend $30K for a vehicle.


I also got the same answer from Ford. However I was told that what I was explaining was image reflection of the dash pad and not a glare issue and that there is a huge difference. Glare is reflected light and image reflection is....Well, just that. What ever they want to call it, it is a real pain in the a$$.


So the answer you got I think is in regards to what you say is glare, even though you sent them some great pictures of the problem. There is a set standard for glare by DOT but not any for reflection.......YET!


I bought some Oakley polorized glasses :shades: and it worked awesome for the dash reflection, but 2 weeks later my Edge was stolen and then burned to the ground 3 miles from my home.


So when I get my 2008 Edge I will need to get another pair of glasses.


Sorry you're so unhappy with you Edge. I really loved mine. It was a sad day to see mine all burned up. Just a shell.....Thank you State Farm. :happy feet:

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Found that the polarized glasses work quite well.... beats a tacky dash mat. But they must be used even in low light. Costly for those who wear glasses unless you want to live in goofy fitovers.


The pictures of the glare are great and represent EXACTLY what I experience in the windshield. Call it what you may "reflective" /"glare"......bottom line is the dashboard, vents, center console are plainly seen in the windshield and obstruct vision and quite frankly is dangerous period. :doh: This is a no brainer. :stop: Just own up to it.



All in all a pretty major hazard as vision is a pretty important part of driving.


Appreciate the posting of the pictures and contact info for complaints.

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  Edgy Girl said:
Well... I guess each of are different - I see the reflections - but they don't bother me at all...


OH well.. guess Im different


I'm with you Edgy....I see the reflections, somewhat, but not enough to bother me. Edgy and I both have the charcoal interior and were built around the same date (end of April). It really is not an issue for me either. :yup:

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