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USN Aviation 2nd Flt Eng for VQ-4 out of NAS Pax River MD supporting the bubble heads with nuclear war standby alert initiation using a Cobalt security level C-130H.

At the same duty station transferred to a VP Squadron chasing Typhoon class Russian boomers using P-3C.


My career was over when I was deemed not fit for reenlistment after a motorcycle accident which severed my leg more than 75%.



I continued my service to the greatest Nation on the globe by transferring at the same duty station to the USN Test Pilot School as a flight status contractor where I performed flight status duties by performing in flight troubleshooting.



Supported NAVAIR & the Pentagon as a DoD contractor.




Deployments ranged from 1-9 months

Supported the Faulkand Island war (INCIDENT) during night sorties

Test Pilot school R&D 

1 ejection 2 crashes

Shadowed by Russian Bears constantly

Did the first C-130 carrier emergency carrier landing


1991-to Present:

Federal employee supporting DHS as a logistics Eng.


Sorry to bore...lol:doh::lurk::ohsnap::salute:

Edited by snmjim
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On 11/21/2019 at 10:57 AM, snmjim said:


USN Aviation 2nd Flt Eng for VQ-4 out of NAS Pax River MD supporting the bubble heads with nuclear war standby alert initiation using a Cobalt security level C-130H.

Is that just another way of saying you sat around getting drunk eating pretzels and watching Gilligan's Island? (It was Mary Ann wasn't it)?


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On 8/28/2019 at 1:45 PM, BigEd290 said:

U.S. Army, 1965 - 1967.  Second Bn. 10th Artillery, Ft. Benning, GA. Didn't get to visit 'nam: most dangerous area I was involved in was Chad's Rose Room, Phoenix City, AL.  ?

I was stationed at Ft. Benning 66' to 68' in the 139th MP Co and patrolled Columbus and Phoenix City in Town Patrol with SSG Tillary as our Platon leader.One of our nightly stops was at Chad's in Phoenix City.

He would take us to his office area where he had every type of weapon lined up on his wall. We always had a 'problem' with the soldier patrons at Chad's especially on a Saturday night! Special shout-out to 007                                           

and the rest of the guys in Town Patrol!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

R Miceli (Moosenelli)

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US ARMY 1964-1967.

Nike Hercules Radar and Computer repair. Fort Wainwright AK....

Then, back in 1983-1987,  11 Bravo  84th Div Tng. Taught Known distance, M72A2 LAW and M203 Grenade Launcher to first and second year ROTC cadets at Fort Knox KY, and Fort Riley KS. Loved all the shooting!!!

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