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A-pillar blindspot - Thoughts?


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  On 11/3/2016 at 2:43 AM, junehhan said:

That or you guys might remember those curb feelers that cars used to have 7back in the 80's and earlier.

Oh pleeeeease. There's nothing more hip than a racoon tail tied to you antenna, a bobble head on the dash, a 108" CB whip bolted to the back bumper and the latest copy of Playboy Magazine sitting conspicuously on the passenger seat. ?

Edited by enigma-2
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My first car was a baby blue 1975 olds cutlass with a white vinyl top and velour seats. So of course being a starving college student with no money I bought wire basket wheels and whitewall tires (the small strip not the big one) because a starving college student really needs a pimped out ride. While I was in college somebody stole my radio, pioneer dash mounted tuneup speakers and the baskets off my wire wheels. Curb feelers was about the only thing I didn't have.

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The new Edge Sport does have a cartridge oil filter although it is not exactly a drop in. I have the dealer do all work these days, but it is supposedly on top of the engine somewhere.


I do miss the days when you could open up the hood and see the ground. One of the vehicles I used to own was an old Crown Vic and it still had the ability to see the ground. It didn't make a whole lot of hp from the v8, but it had enough low rpm torque to feel really fast off the line and pull endless burnouts just by stomping on the gas pedal from a dead stop.

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That is nothing compared to the amount of chrome on the front grill which themselves have gotten HUGE. Trucks have become a status symbol, but I feel like a package should be offered that deletes it. Thankfully, I like how the Edge Sports are pretty low key except for those big honking 21's which still manage to be low key because of the dark grey color.

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  • 4 weeks later...

We drove a Venza before buying the Edge. Bought the Edge on price and color. The Venza has the little windows up at the front. I thouight they were unnecessary. Not sure what one would see through there. I shouldn't ever be so close to something as to need those. My issue with the Edge is that big honking B pillar that is in the way when you headcheck for a lane change. But it's only 3rd day so I'm sure I'll get used to looking around that or thru the grab handle.


And LOL to all the other chrome accessories. With the Edge, you'd only need ONE chrome valve cover. Other is hidden. The 2007 Edge has a reasonable design for grille for it's year. Pretty corporate.


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  On 12/12/2016 at 2:49 PM, Randall Carlisle said:

We drove a Venza before buying the Edge. Bought the Edge on price and color. The Venza has the little windows up at the front. I thouight they were unnecessary. Not sure what one would see through there. I shouldn't ever be so close to something as to need those. My issue with the Edge is that big honking B pillar that is in the way when you headcheck for a lane change. But it's only 3rd day so I'm sure I'll get used to looking around that or thru the grab handle.


And LOL to all the other chrome accessories. With the Edge, you'd only need ONE chrome valve cover. Other is hidden. The 2007 Edge has a reasonable design for grille for it's year. Pretty corporate.



I'd rather have visibility and not need it than need visibility and not have it.


I've not had any issues with the B-pillar size and compared to my 4Runner, it's about the same.

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Yes much better to be able to see out. I have been an MSF instructor for years and have been amazed at the things I see hanging from mirrors that would hide a minivan, much less a motorcycle. Pillars are the same - they can hide a lot, whether it is A, B, C or whatever. The big thing is that people learn to LOOK before moving. Know where your vehicle is in space and time. In relation to other vehicles and solid objects. As for hte B pillar in the Edge, I am getting more comfortable with it. It has a lot to do with seating position in the new vehicle compared to the old one (Olds Aurora). there was a learning curve with it as well: on the passenger side for me in the Olds and the shape of the windows. I adjusted and will with the Edge. just new objects in the sight lines.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When I did my test drives, the A-pillar visibility was pretty bad, IMO. Especially in the parking garage where I have to park my car. Going "down" the parking levels, the A-pillar on the passenger side was pretty bad. Basically by the time you pulled out to see if someone was coming up, it would be too late.


Only options at that point:


a) when turning "right" to go down the levels, you would have to get all the way into the "oncoming" lane in order to get enough visibility (but then again if someone is coming up, now you're literally head on with them)


B) Slow to a complete stop and inch forward


to be fair, my old Chevy had *almost* (but not quite) as bad visibility.


The Hyundai has (IMO) marginally (not a lot) better visibility. Sorento just as bad.


Yes, the little window would've helped, IMO, but last time I saw one of those was on my sister's Lexus.


I understand it's for crashes and stuff, but it's a bit annoying. Fortunately I just inch forward and piss off the people behind me in the garage as apparently everyone is in a hurry (both coming in and going out apparently).


Although with the Hyundai, the surroundview camera can help a little, but obviously you have to be looking at it and not the "road". Not sure if the 180 degree front-view camera could help in that situation on the Ford.

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