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Actuator issues


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Have a 2007 edge that was blowing colder out of passenger side. If I take the right side actuator out I can control temp to both sides manually. I put in a new actuator watched it swing all the way closed then stay there blowing hot air out of both sides. So I removed new actuator but left it plugged in and adjusted temp control. The arm didn't move but pulsed back and forth with tiny movement. Thought I had a faulty new actuator so tried another one...plugged in but did not attach and watched it pulse but not swing as I adjusted the temp control. Anyone have any ideas ? Thanks

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I didn't see the procedure to activate the test, so if anyone is interested, here is the the procedure for an old ford:


To enter the self-test, press the OFF and FLOOR buttons simultaneously and then press the AUTOMATIC button within two seconds. The display will show a pulse tracer going around the center of the display window. The test may run as long as 30 seconds. Record all DTCs displayed.

If any DTCs appear during the self-test, follow the diagnostics procedure given under ACTION for each DTC given.

If a condition exists but no DTCs appear during the self-test, refer to the Symptom Chart Condition: The EATC System Is Inoperative, Intermittent or Improper Operation.

To exit self-test and retain all intermittent DTCs, push the blue (cooler) button. The control will exit self-test, retain all intermittent diagnostic trouble codes and then turn OFF (display blank).

To exit the self-test and clear all DTCs, press the DEFROST button. The vacuum fluorescent display window will show 888 and all function symbols for one second. Then, the EATC control assembly will turn OFF (display blank) and all DTCs will be cleared.

Always exit the self-test before powering the system down (system turned OFF).

Intermittent DTCs will be deleted after 80 ignition switch ON cycles after the intermittent condition occurs.

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