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2015 Edge Leak Recall 15B21

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Purchased my used 2015 Edge Titanium in May and read about the Leak Recall shortly after so I took it into my local Ford Dealership since it's still under warranty.


When I picked up my car at the end of the day they said that the Recall 15B21 for the leak was performed at another dealer. I certainly hope they were not lying, but is there any way to check for sure? I would like to see it documented somewhere.


We've had a lot of rain the past week and a half, for the past couple of days I have lifted my rubber mat protection on the driver side and felt the carpet mat and it feels slightly damp. Not terribly damp, but still should not have that much moisture at all. There's no way my feet could go through my rubber protective mat and soak the carpet that much.


I even lifted the carpet out and it has a slight mildew smell. Again, they claimed the repair was made. I plan to take it back in, but wanted opinions on here.


It certainly looks like the carpet under my steering wheel has been moved around... it does not seem secure. I fear this car had significant water damage before I purchased. The metal steering shaft near the floorboard has a rusty color, which makes me immediately think of water damage, is anybody else's look like that?


Appreciate any feedback or advice.

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Whether the recall was performed or not doesn't really matter - if it's leaking it's leaking and needs to be fixed and inspected. Try hitting the driver's side A pillar area with a hose for several minutes with the carpet pulled back and see if you can see water coming in.

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Is the "A Pillar" where the door meets the front windshield area?


I was just wanting some kind of documentation that is was "repaired" at some point in the past, and not just take their word for it. I will be returning it to Ford next week, but if this causes damage in the meantime or in the future I would like to have record that it was "repaired" in the past, so they can't say that ignored the recall.


Could the moisture be coming from somewhere else? Lately I have noticed my A/C making a CLICKING noise behind the dash when I turn the A/C on. Could it be a leak from that? ( I will mention this to the dealership as well).


Lastly, to anybody else who has had water damage...is your metal steering rod rusted at your floorboard??

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  • 8 years later...

I have 2015 edge titanium with soaked drivers mats. I called the dealer and was told that the fix was done. I had the HVac system drained but every time it rains I have the problem.  I stopped taking it to the car wash a long time ago as I would have to use the wet vac to dry out the mats. The dealer left me feeling it was my problem. Can this even be fixed! It is a shame as I rust check the car yearly to protect it so that it can rust out from the inside

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  On 11/2/2024 at 11:18 AM, Suevcats said:

 Can this even be fixed!


Yes it can, if you identify the source of the leak or take it to someone who can.


Has the windshield ever been replaced? - I ask because the first replacement by SafeLite leaked and it took a third installation to correct the leak and defects with the poor quality windshields they deal in.

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