edgeguy08 Posted July 5, 2016 Report Share Posted July 5, 2016 (edited) Hey guys, Keep in mind I'm no mechanic. This post is to add search results to the internet for someone like me who couldn't find the things I wanted. The A/C on my 2008 ford edge has always been horrible since I purchased it in 2010 and possibly even declining ever since then.. Within the last few weeks: When making a turn splashing noise from glovebox. Ac blower fan very noisy. Water leaking on passenger side into floorboard. I started off by removing the glove box and the cover beneath it(snap screws). Found a napkin sucked to the intake where the RECYCLE AIR vent opens. Oh dear, I see where this is going. Then I removed the blower fan. 3 screws and unplug the electrical plug (easy job). Water the color of pepsi leaked out of it like crazy as I pulled it off. Ran my hand around the inside of where the fan sat thinking I'd find some material. Nothing. Next move was I knew A/Cs sweat water and that must be what the deal was. I got on the interwebs and searched for words I could think of relating to a/cs and found the condenser being the part that sweats, I started to look for the drain plug on my ford edge under the hood. WRONG lol Id only be so lucky. I even went as far as driving it up on ramps and could not find the drain. Apparently it's there but behind something that has to be removed. BLAH I thought ok maybe the clog lies within the drain pan and I can attack it there. Instead of laying under a car on ramps I had no idea if they would give and the car crush me. I started looking around to remove it. NO GO. Next was find where the hose drains from the pan to under the car BINGO. I found it on a diagram here on the web. It's under the carpet right next to where your foot rests on the gas pedal. Pulled the hose off the white plastic connector. No water came out..Hrmph well well I was right the clog was in the pan. I thought oh damn there is something sucked in there that came from the glovebox and I'm screwed. I Saw some guys on youtube use a compressor to blow theirs clean(from the outside of the car). Not having a compressor the next best thing I could think of was to use my mini shopvac and reverse the hose to blow. I chose to blow back towards the drain pan because what if there is a huge napkin in there and If I use suck it will lodge it even further in the hose. Used my hand to make the seal from the shopcav attachment to seal it to the hose line. Blew for 10 secs removed nothing happened. Blew again for about 10 secs and boom water started gushing out. I bet there was 1/2 gallon of water that came out. I had a large bowl ready to catch most of it. The rest hit the floor, oh well I have a shopvac. :P Put everything back together. Watched under the car to see if it was leaking. All good now. I will never know what the blockage was. Was it a napkin, receipt or outdoor debris?? Who cares it's draining now and The A/C is colder than it has ever has been! Happens again I'll repeat. The blower fan is ruined though and forever noisy. Replacements are $50 online. I guess I'll rock it till the wheels fall off and am forced to replace it. Jerry Oh P.S., I think that water has been backed up for years breaking down whatever process happens making the air cold. It really is colder than it has ever been. (insert technical reason here) Edited July 5, 2016 by edgeguy08 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IWRBB Posted July 5, 2016 Report Share Posted July 5, 2016 I check all of my vehicles for proper drainage periodically. I've seen clogged A/C lines and clogged sunroof drains on family vehicles. All the doors/tailgates/hatches should be open/freely draining at the bottom holes. Sunroof drains should be located/cleaned/checked for drainage. A/C should leave wet spots under the car on a humid day after being parked. I replace the cabin air filter a lot on the Edge to keep the A/C box nice and clean. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DRbillZ Posted July 5, 2016 Report Share Posted July 5, 2016 Replacing the filter won't keep it clean. A dirty filter filters better than a clean one. Might make things smell better though. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
edgeguy08 Posted July 5, 2016 Author Report Share Posted July 5, 2016 I stopped using a cabin filter long ago. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
enigma-2 Posted July 6, 2016 Report Share Posted July 6, 2016 edgeguy08 said: Oh P.S., I think that water has been backed up for years breaking down whatever process happens making the air cold. It really is colder than it has ever been. (insert technical reason here) As you had standing water in an enclosed, dark, warm space, you probably have mold growing inside the a/c housing. If I were you, I would pump sa can of foam into the housing to clean it out and kill any mold. It's easy and quick fix. You buy a can of foam made just for this purpose, insert it into the a/c drain under the car, and pump the foam into the housing. It will expand and fill all the tiny, little cavities and nitches. After its done, it turn into a liquid and drains back out. The product is called Lubegard. Best price is on Amazon. As for where the drain is located, I posted a pix from the service manual in a previous thread. The drain in located at item #4. http://www.fordedgeforum.com/topic/17975-ac-makes-noise-and-limited-air-flow-when-turning-left/?fromsearch=1 If you crawl under the car, it's just an open tube that sticks down a couple on inches. A blast of air should open it, but I would follow up with a can of Lubegard to kill any mold. http://api.viglink.com/api/click?format=go&jsonp=vglnk_146324934006617&key=4f95868279975442d20c58420425bb75&libId=io7gtuu90100b4bt000MAddjj46s4&loc=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fordedgeforum.com%2Ftopic%2F8307-hissing-noise-when-ac-is-on-and-im-turning-left%2F%3Ffromsearch%3D1&v=1&out=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fgp%2Faw%2Fd%2FB0007PHD0S%2Fref%3Dmp_s_a_1_1%3Fqid%3D1463008208%26sr%3D8-1%26pi%3DAC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65%26keywords%3DLubegard%2Bheater%2Bcore&ref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fordedgeforum.com%2Findex.php%3Fapp%3Dcore%26module%3Dsearch%26do%3Dsearch%26andor_type%3D%26sid%3Dee10eafc5081707828f3cb5ad5dc99f8%26search_app_filters%5Bforums%5D%5BsortKey%5D%3Ddate%26search_app_filters%5Bforums%5D%5BsortKey%5D%3Ddate%26search_app_filters%5Bforums%5D%5BsortDir%5D%3D0%26search_term%3DAc%2Bdrain%26search_app%3Dforums%26st%3D0&title=Hissing%20noise%20when%20AC%20is%20on%20and%20I%27m%20turning%20left%3F%20-%202008%20Edge%20%26%20MKX%20-%20Ford%20Edge%20Forum&txt=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.co...ard%20heater%20core&loAsUuid=io7gtvdt-f47067c4-016f-4538-ba53-0cbdcf8c2caa&rewrit=false Here's a Youtube video on how to do this http://api.viglink.com/api/click?format=go&jsonp=vglnk_146324903428514&key=4f95868279975442d20c58420425bb75&libId=io7gmb8w0100b4bt000MAddjj46s4&loc=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fordedgeforum.com%2Ftopic%2F8307-hissing-noise-when-ac-is-on-and-im-turning-left%2F%3Ffromsearch%3D1&v=1&out=https%3A%2F%2Fm.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DBi22mdXj3wM&ref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fordedgeforum.com%2Findex.php%3Fapp%3Dcore%26module%3Dsearch%26do%3Dsearch%26andor_type%3D%26sid%3Dee10eafc5081707828f3cb5ad5dc99f8%26search_app_filters%5Bforums%5D%5BsortKey%5D%3Ddate%26search_app_filters%5Bforums%5D%5BsortKey%5D%3Ddate%26search_app_filters%5Bforums%5D%5BsortDir%5D%3D0%26search_term%3DAc%2Bdrain%26search_app%3Dforums%26st%3D0&title=Hissing%20noise%20when%20AC%20is%20on%20and%20I%27m%20turning%20left%3F%20-%202008%20Edge%20%26%20MKX%20-%20Ford%20Edge%20Forum&txt=https%3A%2F%2Fm.youtube.co...h%3Fv%3DBi22mdXj3wMi 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prissybookworm Posted July 7, 2016 Report Share Posted July 7, 2016 (edited) My car did this and I would hear it more when I made turns. Only on the passenger side then water on the floorboard. I ended up needing to replace the blower motor. Edited July 7, 2016 by Prissybookworm Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreatWyte Posted July 22, 2016 Report Share Posted July 22, 2016 Thanks for the tips in this post edgeguy08 and enigma-2. I had the problem described in this post; noise from vents and fan motor (especially when turning left) and water on passenger floorboard that was not antifreeze. With the climate control and radio off you could actually hear water sloshing around in the ductwork when driving. I located the drain hose under the dash on the drivers side and, blasted some compressed air up into the evaporator housing through the hose. That unclogged it and water started flowing out. I saw some pieces of leaves in the discharge so I'd say that was my problem. I don't have any odor but I ordered a can of Lubegaurd and will use it when it arrives to be on the safe side. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
enigma-2 Posted July 22, 2016 Report Share Posted July 22, 2016 (edited) Leaves should not be getting into the HVAC blower housing. Check your cabin air filter. Also check under the hood at the back, top of the engine compartment. This is where the HVAC air intake is located. Make certain that the exterior filter (grill?) is in place. Edited July 22, 2016 by enigma-2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
corinthian.greg Posted August 31, 2021 Report Share Posted August 31, 2021 Thank you for this thread. I have a 2011 Edge and had exactly the same problem. First a whining noise when turning hard left and some AC water dripping in the passenger footwell. A day later there was a sloshing noise behind the glovebox when waving the car left and right like a slalom. A few days later the fan died. I poured a bunch of dirty water out of my blower fan assembly and let it dry but it still doesn't work. At least it's easy to replace! Only 3 screws. I blew air up the drain hose with my shopvac like @GreatWyte suggested and immediately a liter of water drained out of the hose into my bucket. (Thanks for the warning!) 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
enigma-2 Posted September 7, 2021 Report Share Posted September 7, 2021 Anytime you have water backed up in a warm, dark place, nasty things grow. I'd still recommend shooting some Lubegard (post above) into the vent, which leads into the a/c , heater housing. Better if you go up through the drain, but easier through the dash vent). If there is mold in there, your breathing it whenever your driving in the car. Cheap insurance. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
corinthian.greg Posted September 7, 2021 Report Share Posted September 7, 2021 On 9/7/2021 at 12:49 AM, enigma-2 said: Anytime you have water backed up in a warm, dark place, nasty things grow. I'd still recommend shooting some Lubegard (post above) into the vent, which leads into the a/c , heater housing. Better if you go up through the drain, but easier through the dash vent). If there is mold in there, your breathing it whenever your driving in the car. Cheap insurance. Expand I'll do that. Thank you. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
enigma-2 Posted September 7, 2021 Report Share Posted September 7, 2021 Here's an updated link: Lubegard 96030 Kool-It Evaporator and Heater Foam Cleaner https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0007PHD0S/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_TP9KVSKCAN83PRPYNXJ4?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hamlett22 Posted June 3, 2023 Report Share Posted June 3, 2023 ON my Ford Edge 2013- Water was backed up somewhere and splashing out at our feet and mostly on the the passenger side floor. I disconnected the drain hose under the carpet right next to the accelerator pedal behind the center console and blew air 'downward' through the white tube. Nothing. it was open. then i grabbed a container and did a very short burst of compressed air upward into the black tube. Boom. Loads of water came out: almost 1/2 a gallon. Ran the car and air-con and water dripped down and under the car as normal through the drain tube. Thanks for the advice and pointers. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Miketee Posted August 6, 2023 Report Share Posted August 6, 2023 Where you able to see the water dripping? I just bought a 2008 Edge and have the same issue of water on the floorboard. I can faintly smell antifreeze, but the liquid on the floorboard is water and the evaporator was replaced in 2020 so I assume that is not the issue. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
enigma-2 Posted August 6, 2023 Report Share Posted August 6, 2023 Evaporator or heater core? The evaporator is part of the a/c system. Water on the drivers floorwell is usually a clogged up hvac drain. If this occurs after a rain or car wash, leaking body joints. If you smell coolant, could be steam venting, or leaking in engine comp. If smell in cabin. I'd suspect leak in heater core or water hoses. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
therrienj0 Posted October 5, 2024 Report Share Posted October 5, 2024 (edited) Hi everyone, i just want to tell you that I had the same problem with my wife's 2013 Edge and I was able to solve it because of your comments, thank you very much! Thank's! Edited October 5, 2024 by therrienj0 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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