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Cat back kits for AWD: Old Topic - New Thread


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I'm a new guy to the forum even though I've been lurking silent for a while now... Anyway, I have a 2009 all wheel drive Gen 1 MKX with the 3.5L V6 and I'm a guy like most on here that can't leave anything alone. So... From what I've read from my research so far, Magnaflow makes a cat back exhaust for both the FWD and the AWD Edge/MKX. Looks like Gibson makes a kit for the FWD models only (but it can be modified to fit the AWD). From the sound clips and videos I've watched, they both sound good, but I'm leaning towards the Gibson sound (and price). I know this has been discussed many times on here because this is where I got the majority of my information. But this is also why I wanted to start a fresh thread to reinvigorate the topic and maybe get some opinions from more people who have done it more recently. I suppose I'd like to see what the new concensus is or if any new information has surfaced since the last thread on this topic while allowing myself the opportunity to ask some more specific questions. So here goes:

1) First off, is what I said above still accurate in regards to the two aftermarket brands and their kits for the 3.5L (Magnaflow fits AWD and FWD, Gibson fits FWD only) and/or has anything new come out from any other aftermarket companies more recently that's worth a look? If there's anything different, what is it?

2) For those that have modified the Gibson kit to fit their AWD vehicles, what exactly are the modifications required and what is the cost of having a muffler shop do this? How do you like it? Can you please show some pics of the modified system and videos of the sound?

3) For those with the Magnaflow kit, how do you like it? Can you also please show some pics of the system and videos of the sound?


I plan to do an exhaust as one of the first performance mods on this vehicle so I'm weighing the pros and cons of both systems versus the cost difference between them after installation. I can do a bolt-on kit no problem, but if anything needs bent or welded, I'd be entrusting that to the pros. Eventually want to look into the Weapon R Secret Weapon intake, Jet Powrflo MAF, and custom SCT tunes, etc... Thanks in advance for any input!

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Hey Jeff. I'm looking at Gibson Cat-Back Dual Split Exhaust System Stainless #619630 and Magnaflow 16871 Stainless Steel 2.5" Single Cat-Back Exhaust System.


MY 2011 Edge is AWD, so I suspect I'll have to drop Gibson in favor of Magnaflow, but I'm not sure about the on the sound. Some online videoclips sound great, others not so.


What I really like is get Flowmaster Super 44 fitted but that means custom work.


I'll stop by at my car shop to go over the options.


What did you end up doing?

Edited by ionkizz
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To each their own like you said. FWIW I gave up on exhaust on v6 after putting a flow master on a explorer 4.0 V6. It just made it sound like a want to be v8 when accelerating and like I had a rusted out exhaust when idling. Neither was amazing and just reminded me every time I heard it I wish I had a v8. These things have some pick up but they're not sports cars.


I've yet to hear a v6 exhaust that made me go WOW! I just don't think the edge (let alone a Lincoln) were made for those kinds of modifications. But that's just me.


If I had to pick I personally rank muffler brands. 1.Gibson 2. FlowMaster 3.magnaflow.


Not knocking you for wanting to mod I totally get having that itch. I'd look to drop that money into something else if it was me though.

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Thanks everyone. I'll keep the original and swap out with Magnaflow 16871 Stainless Steel 2.5" Single Cat-Back Exhaust System, so I can go back wen needed.


Will modify further from there, probably Flowmaster Super 44 in the front, then 2 straight pipes in the back.


Already have K&N 77-2583KS Air Intake that really nicely opens up engine sound, so really looking to get that rumble at low RPMs like these:



(sorry, these are Dodge vids, but represent what I'd like to achieve)


Plan to try first option end of month, and will post some vids then.



Already have K&N 77-2583KS Air Intake, so really looking to get rumble at low RPMs like these:

Edited by ionkizz
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