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I call BS


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Sooo.....bought my 13 edge sport from a dealership other then ford. Who ever traded it in to them had changed the stock rims to some hideous garbage. I call for this morning to get a price on the stock rims. Is everyone sitting down? The guy takes my VIN # to make sure he's getting the right stuff and he makes a noise on the phone...what is it I ask. He said the rims on that are 2 grand a peice.


Um what. That's not even possible. I call bull shit on that. I said no offence but they aren't that nice for 2 grand for ONE !


Is ford off their rocker ?! I still just can't believe it. Im chalking it up to the guy totally misheard me and thought I was looking for something else. Really though.


Screw that. I was expecting to hear something in the 1000 range, total. Or maybe I'm just out of touch with what rims cost now a days.


So the search begins for some all black after markets. So far I hate everything I see. Ugh.

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That's so crazy. You'd think they were good dipped or something. We haven't even gotten to tire price yet ! I was kind of bummed ! Well that at least says for all 4. This schmuck said per rim. Maybe he was new ?! Ugh


Found some after markets that I keep looking at but don't know how I really feel about them quite yet.


I was looking too for the ford emblum in the front and back in all black with the words ford in silver, ford said they only carry it in the original blue.


Not that this topic has anything to do with the rim topic. But I'm looking for that also.


Saw on ebay a stock set of rims for like 600 but I'm weary....

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  • 3 weeks later...

This doesn't surprise me at all. I looked into getting a damaged rim replaced until I saw that they wanted for the aluminum rims with plastic cemented t the face. I was lucky in that I found a forum member that was selling his two undamaged ones after he went aftermarket for the same reason.

Next time I get to that point, I'm going aftermarket. I can get a set of four for the price of one!

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