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Warranty work by Ford.....big time fail (oil pan oil leak & a-pillar water leak attempted fixes)


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  • 8 months later...

Having my oil pan replaced soon, its been leaking since day 1. I assumed the oil was just coming from the drain plug as the tech who did the first oil change did a super sloppy job (I even had oil on my headlights). But while I was doing the last oil change I accidentally bumped into the felt covers and oil began to drip down onto me, looked up to the mating surfaces on the pan and realized it was fckd. Luckily dealer decided to order the entire oil pan assembly as opposed to just patching it up.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Well, My wifes 2015 Edge sport is back in again for leaking oil pan, Found 1st oil leak when doing the 1st oil change, they ordered a new pan. Was great for 4-5 months, no leak or anything. Then 3 weeks ago, I find a large oil spill on my driveway, looked under the edge and the whole pan is wet. Took it to the dealer, they order another pan only to see before installing it that the pan mating surface is not even flat. So they try to order another pan its on back order. This is still going on for 2.5 weeks. They are predicting to get it in at the end of this week.. Lets hope.IMG_20170114_113605.jpg

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FWIW, a lot of the manufacturers had a hell of a time when different engine related components like the intake manifolds started going plastic. I would have never guessed that oil pans would be going plastic, but it will get better over time. I just hope my 2016 is late enough that these issues affecting the earlier 2.7's don't pop up.

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They are not necessarily releasing cars with defects. Anytime major changes are made, the suppliers and contractors that manufacture these components for Ford need a learning curve to get their processes straightened out. This is perhaps why some companies like Toyota are not interested in reinventing the wheel while others like Ford are always trailblazing into new things.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My 2015 is currently in the shop getting a water leak repaired. It was allegedly fixed on the recall by the previous owner but they apparently did a quick fix and billed ford for the full job. Luckily for me, the service guy at the ford dealership (not where I bought it) is getting it covered under warranty for a water leak because the recall has already been pulled. What a joke.

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Hey guys, I just dropped of my 2015 Edge Sport 2.7 for it's third oil pan. The wife and I absolutely love this car but we are loosing our faith in trusting this thing. It's our first Ford and we WERE very impressed with the build and performance of this car. Love those turbos.

Whereas Ford noticed that this is the third fix on our car, they had the mechanic check the new oil pan for warping. When asked about why they are checking the pans, I guess they finally realize they have a problem and stated that it was a hit or miss on the fix. Well....so far I have had two misses.

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I have also had to have my pan replaced. I am fortunate that I have a Ford master tech in the family. He works for a great dealership. Long story short, Tell the dealer to use the RTV used for diesel engines prt#

#13-017 Ford TA-31 Grey Silicone Gasket Sealant

This is by far the best sealant around.

Best of luck!

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  • 1 month later...

I have another 2015 Edge Sport with the 2.7 Ecoboost that is leaking oil at the oil pan. We purchased the "dealer driven" vehicle late in the fall of 2016. I noticed a very small spot on the garage floor back in January and made a service appointment at the dealership. They ordered a new oil pan, and it was back-ordered. We drove to Florida at the end of January and returned 1st of April. Very little oil leaked under the car while we were in Florida. After arriving home, the new oil pan was installed. The oil leak is now much worse than it was before!! The service dept is contacting Ford for suggestions. This has been very disappointing as we like the vehicle otherwise.

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