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2010 Ford edge limited miss and water pump and spark plug replacement


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I have a 2010 Ford edge limited with 130,000 miles and just had water pump replaced and spark plugs it ran fine for about a week and the I noticed driving down the interstate it missed or jerked on maybe two times and then drove fine and a few minutes later it would do it again so I parked it that night and the next morning I had a check engine light on it was p0451 evap pressure sensor so I called local Ford and they told me that pressure sensor would not cause miss so I decided to look into what had been worked on so I pulled the front coils and plugs to see what they were replaced with and they are double platinum so I put it all back miss went away for a week and is now back any advice would be great.

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Any other symptoms to go with? AWD or FWD? The OSS/TSS sensors in the transmission could be starting to give, causing that jerkiness while driving. Clogged/leaky fuel injectors from dirty fuel or Edge sitting around too long can also cause the symptoms in their early stages. One or more coils starting to go, eventually creating a need for PCM repair/replacement.


Is there any damage to the underside of the body (under the passenger compartment)? That might be hiding a damaged EVAP canister. With any luck, if there IS an EVAP issue, it's the purge valve located on the firewall, very easy to replace, not very expensive.


So your fix might be any/combo/all of these things:

  1. Replace the OSS/TSS sensors (good time to do transmission 3x drain & fill; if fluid has no debris, flush next time)
  2. Run fuel injector cleaner through the tank (Techron or BG 44K recommended for best results). Fuel system dryer like HEET might also work, but would want to run cleaner afterwards anyway.
  3. Clean the Throttle Body (do not use carburetor or brake cleaner, use MAF sensor or electronic parts cleaner)
  4. Replace the EVAP purge valve
  5. Replace coils & repair/replace PCM
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Well the miss was not there before the water pump and spark plug replacement I'm not sure that the evap code and the miss are related when I removed the three front coils and plugs I did not do anything I just put them back and the miss went away for a week or so I am going to pull the three front plugs again this weekend and see if the gap is right

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My guess would be a coil issues as well. They were all handled when the plugs were replaced. When you pulled the plugs you moved a couple yet again, and it seemed to go away. If you are going to throw parts at it, try replacing the two you touched. I have replaced a number of plugs on different vehicles in the past 5 years and the gaps were all correct.

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