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2010 Edge Sport, random no start(but always starts)


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Hello, my wife has a 2010 Edge Sport with 77K miles on it. It occasionally will not start on the first time. Its done it three times now in varying conditions of weather engine temp etc. When you hit the key it will crank the car for awhile and the car will not start. Hit the key again and it starts and runs just like normal. It doesn't even try to start, just cranks. I have an OBDII scanner and it doesn't have any codes stored, and it has never triggered a check engine light etc. Crazy enough it has never done this to my wife only me(thank god).


Its got 77K on the original plugs which I don't think should be a problem. Runs perfect otherwise. Thanks for any help



2010 Edge Sport

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Welcome, Bluecuda. Have you checked the battery (with a digital tester)? What is the battery voltage when the Edge is completely off vs. when the engine is on & revved (2,000+ rpm)? Could be a crankshaft position sensor, a weak fuel pump, or a PATS-related issue also. Are you remote-starting, or the old-fashioned key-in-ignition way? Do you hear the fuel pump prime every time the ignition is turned to ON but without starting the engine?

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The Battery is good, its 12.7 volts, I have not checked it running in awhile but I know its good. I manage a battery distributorship so I have that covered lol.


If I listen for the pump I hear it, but when the no start occurs its generally when I am hopping in it at a store or whatever so i am not paying attention. It doesn't happen often enough that I am always alert for it. Its happened 3 times in the last year. I just know that the one time it decides to not start at all will be when its cold and raining and she has our two year old boy with her so I am trying to prevent that tragedy haha.


This is the old fashioned key start model. We have two keys and I use them both but have never paid attention to which one I am using when this happens.

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  • 2 months later...

My 2011 Edge had the exact same symptoms, but this would only happen after filling up. I would turn the key and hear it crank for about 5 seconds then usually (99.9% of the time) turn over fine. Every once in a while, it wouldn't start. I'd turn the key off and try again and the Edge would start normally.


I replaced the purge palve this week, but haven't gotten gas yet to see if the issue is fixed. I'll provide an update if this is resolved.

Edited by Gortty-Pilot
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I have a 2013 ford edge. We recently got it about a month ago. within that month it has not started about 6-12 times on me, and has been at the dealership twice. When it doesn't start all the indicator lights, radio, headlights and other random objects turn on and work just fine. The key turns like normal but the car will not turn over. The other night i pick my car up from the dealership where since they could not replicate the issue they couldn't fix it. The following day i was leaving work where once again the car would not turn on. i was stranded for over two hours before the car decided to work. it turned on the 1st time, 2-6 time it wouldn't turn on. then on the 7th time, the key was on turned on and the engine tried starting. Needless to say it is back at the dealership. I have been doing some research and discovered that the same problem is showing up in other ford vehicles not just edge.


I have waited for years to have a new car and this is not a good start :(

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  On 12/27/2015 at 2:09 PM, Bluecuda said:

Hello, my wife has a 2010 Edge Sport with 77K miles on it. It occasionally will not start on the first time. Its done it three times now in varying conditions of weather engine temp etc. When you hit the key it will crank the car for awhile and the car will not start. Hit the key again and it starts and runs just like normal. It doesn't even try to start, just cranks.

Kind of sounds to me, as if it isn't recognizing the chip in the key. Wonder if re-coding both keys to the car would help? (Certainly can't hurt and doesn't cost anything to try).

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  On 5/15/2016 at 9:32 PM, danicurr01 said:

I have a 2013 ford edge. We recently got it about a month ago. within that month it has not started about 6-12 times on me, and has been at the dealership twice. When it doesn't start all the indicator lights, radio, headlights and other random objects turn on and work just fine. The key turns like normal but the car will not turn over. The other night i pick my car up from the dealership where since they could not replicate the issue they couldn't fix it. The following day i was leaving work where once again the car would not turn on.

Kind of sounds like the same problem that the guys with the intermittent shifter, had.



I have waited for years to have a new car and this is not a good start:(

Ah but once this is fixed you are going to have a great car.
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