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Access Passenger Compartment Fuse Panel

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It's a 2015 Edge Sport.


Here are my notes on the programming changes I made, for this one feature-change:


BdyCM Module:


Changes time limit on how long the Power Point sockets remain “hot”


“As Built” (Original programming string):

726-39-01 1194 0101 000E (Default time: 1 Hour, 15 Mins)


Programming string CHANGED as follows:

726-39-01 0001 0101 006A (Changed to turn off immediately, with ignition turn-off)


(NOTE that the last two digits in each of the changed strings in these examples above were automatically changed by the system during the “Write” process… not by me. Such as, the “72” changed by itself to “70”; the “70” changed to “72”, etc… as well as that the “000E” in the Power-Point string changed by itself to “006A”.


These seemed to be some sort of automatic requirement inputted by the system or software, after I made the initial change. All I know is that, in the end, all of the changes worked, and my power points now shut-off immediately.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 3 years later...


Did you ever figure out how to access that interior fuse box?  Your pictures are worth the proverbial 1000 words....  it's impossible.  There is even a lip around the top of the fuse box that prevents you from touching a micrometer to both test tabs.


I'm surprised there isn't a video somewhere.


Edited by mrthejuice
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You need To go under the dash. Taking the access panel off is only good if having someone shine a flashlight through. Basically you need to contort yourself and get on your back to look up under the dash. I hooked up a dash cam power wire so it can be done.

good luck

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  • 11 months later...
  On 3/19/2016 at 10:17 PM, TomDibble said:

Since this was the first link that came up for me, I decided to make an account to help the next guy out.


Open the little slide-down cubby to the left of the steering wheel. Note that embossed in the panel behind the drawer are the fuse box symbols, indicating we are on the right track. Put your hand into the drawer, palm up, fingers against the top. Using even pressure, pull the inset panel (and drawer) straight out. There are four little pressure lips that will pop if you do it right, then the whole drawer assembly comes out.


From there if you shine a light in you can at least see the fuses. Hardly designed for easy access, but if you know which one is likely blown (see manual) you should be able to find the proper one to pull out to change.


When done, the drawer assembly pops back on; just apply even pressure to both sides. Verify the drawer slides smoothly, close it, and you are done.


Thank you very much.  Here it is seven years later and your post is still helping people out.  Maybe now I can actually see what I am doing if I can even get my hand up into that area from the bottom.  At my age of 76 I probably should hire a young fella to squirm his way  into some weird position that I haven't been in in a good many years.  Thanks again.

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