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Replacing Intelligent Access Key


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Has anyone replaced their intelligent access key? Bought a new one and programmed it themselves or had it programmed at the dealer?


I tried to replace the battery in the one fob I used all the time and now it's completely broken/dead. The spare fob that was rarely used seems to not be working well either.


When I went to the dealer to get a new key for the one I mangled they all acted like if I didn't have 2 working keys they couldn't program a new one. The parts department wouldn't even order me a new one. :(


I read the owner's manual and it says the dealer must do the new programming if there aren't two programmed IAK available.


I have both the old keys but the one doesn't work unless it's in the slot in the center console.


Any advice would be appreciated.




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From the 2011 Edge Owners Manual:



Replacing lost intelligent access keys (IA keys)

If you would like to have your IA keys reprogrammed because you lost

one, or would like to buy additional transmitters you can either

reprogram them yourself, or take all transmitters to your authorized

dealer for reprogramming.


How to reprogram your intelligent access keys (IA keys)

To program new IA keys yourself, refer to SecuriLock passive anti-theft

system in this chapter. Note: At least two already programmed

transmitters are required to perform this procedure yourself.

You need 2 key to program a 3rd or 4th key yourself (without any special equipment). Without having 2 keys, your dealer or a good locksmith can program new (or used) keys & they can even erase the old ones (if stolen or lost).


I personally tried all methods. When I first got my car I had only 1 key (2 were programmed to the car). Bought a used one from eBay & a locksmith added it to my car (now had 3 2 keys but 3 were programmed to the car). Then bought another one off eBay, and since now I had 2 working keys, I programmed it my self (as per Manual instructions) then had the dealer delete the original key so only the ones I had worked.


I believe when the dealer wants to delete a key, they would actually delete all keys & then reprogram the available keys, hence the note in the manual to bring all transmitters.


Also, note that the all the programming is done on the vehicle. The key is never programmed itself. So if you program a car to with a specific key, then program another car to use the same key, then both cars will start with the same key. If both cars are parked close to each other, the remote start would start both cars at the same time.

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  • 9 months later...
  • 2 months later...

I have 4 ADMIN keys programmed. I lost one of the keys, and I'd like to replace it. I can't program the new one I have, I assume because I already have 4 admin keys in memory.


Do you know if there is a way for me to delete 1 of the admin keys myself? Or do I have to go to the dealer and pay them a ridiculous amount of money for this?


thx for sharing your experience !

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