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Backup camera working intermittenly - MyFord Touch issue or something else


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My Ford Edge will be 5 years old next week and lately the backup camera only works sometimes. Does anyone know if this is a myford touch issue or something else?




would this be covered?

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Hi. It's been 5yrs for me too.

Have you tried moving the shift lever around? Could it be that the lever is not operating the switch to tell the camera that you are in reverse?
I mention this because my shift lever sometimes doesn't realize I put the car in Park. (The MFT complains about leaving the car when not in park)


Regardless, i would take it in to see what the issue is. It may be covered

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Hi Wilson! I remember you from when I first got my Edge... I think we were both on the forum back then waiting to get ours.


My car doesn't recognize it's in park sometimes too. I was think that might be the issue and have moved it around but it doesn't always bring up the camera. Now that I'm used to the camera not having it is a pain!


What's your latest MFT version. I keep being told mine is up to date but it's only version 3.5.1 and I know there is a 4.2.9 version that came out after mine.

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  On 9/1/2015 at 4:32 PM, luvford said:

My Ford Edge will be 5 years old next week and lately the backup camera only works sometimes. Does anyone know if this is a myford touch issue or something else?




would this be covered?


Hi luvford,


What issues are you experiencing with the backup camera? Send the details, and I'll point you in the right direction.



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If I'm parked on the slope of my driveway and I shift into Reverse the camera comes on. Seems like the "rough" shifting lets the camera know the car is in reverse. When I'm parked on a flat surface like inside my garage and the shifting into reverse is "smooth" it doesn't come on. It's like it doesn't recognize my car is in reverse. Sometimes when it doesn't come on my MFT screen stays on the home screen like I'm in Drive. Sometimes it goes to a black screen and says the backup camera is not available see dealer.


I've also been having issues with MFT recognizing the car is in Park and gives me a warning message until I play around with the shifter.


The picture when it does come on is clear. It's never been upside down or green like some of the posts I've read.

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  On 9/2/2015 at 6:14 PM, luvford said:

If I'm parked on the slope of my driveway and I shift into Reverse the camera comes on. Seems like the "rough" shifting lets the camera know the car is in reverse. When I'm parked on a flat surface like inside my garage and the shifting into reverse is "smooth" it doesn't come on. It's like it doesn't recognize my car is in reverse. Sometimes when it doesn't come on my MFT screen stays on the home screen like I'm in Drive. Sometimes it goes to a black screen and says the backup camera is not available see dealer.


I've also been having issues with MFT recognizing the car is in Park and gives me a warning message until I play around with the shifter.


The picture when it does come on is clear. It's never been upside down or green like some of the posts I've read.

Confirm that that the reverse lights are working when the camera is not just to make sure it is not something else. Both are supposed to get the same signal of when run.

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I checked after work, the reverse lights are working. The thing that doesn't make sense is if I park in my driveway put the car in park with the parking break on and then shift into reverse the camera always works. How can that be a faulty camera.

Edited by luvford
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  On 9/2/2015 at 6:14 PM, luvford said:

If I'm parked on the slope of my driveway and I shift into Reverse the camera comes on. Seems like the "rough" shifting lets the camera know the car is in reverse. When I'm parked on a flat surface like inside my garage and the shifting into reverse is "smooth" it doesn't come on. It's like it doesn't recognize my car is in reverse. Sometimes when it doesn't come on my MFT screen stays on the home screen like I'm in Drive. Sometimes it goes to a black screen and says the backup camera is not available see dealer.


I've also been having issues with MFT recognizing the car is in Park and gives me a warning message until I play around with the shifter.


The picture when it does come on is clear. It's never been upside down or green like some of the posts I've read.




3.6.2 is the latest software version. Please check the CCPU to determine the software that is currently installed in your vehicle.

1. Press the GEARS icon at the bottom of the screen.
2. Select HELP.
4. The CCPU S/W Version will be 4.30.13171 if your software is current.


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My MFT is Gen2_V3.1.5, I posted on the FordSyncForum about some other issues I've been having with MFT. Getting an error message when talking hands free and the screen going black. MFT not recognizing that the call was disconnted. Bliss warnings, cross traffic warnings, etc.


My ford ower page shows that my MFT is the current version but I know it's not. Rebecca from the Ford IVT team had me PM her my VIN and she looked up the version and is sending me the update. Hopefully once I get that installed my issues with MFT will be fixed.


Do you think the camera issue is related to the MFT issues?


Thanks for your help!



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  On 9/8/2015 at 6:56 PM, luvford said:


My MFT is Gen2_V3.1.5, I posted on the FordSyncForum about some other issues I've been having with MFT. Getting an error message when talking hands free and the screen going black. MFT not recognizing that the call was disconnted. Bliss warnings, cross traffic warnings, etc.


My ford ower page shows that my MFT is the current version but I know it's not. Rebecca from the Ford IVT team had me PM her my VIN and she looked up the version and is sending me the update. Hopefully once I get that installed my issues with MFT will be fixed.


Do you think the camera issue is related to the MFT issues?


Thanks for your help!






It is possible that these issues are related. Once you receive the USB, follow through with the update. If this is a hardware issue, you will need to go to the dealer.


Keep me posted.



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EI have been having the "shift to park" error for over a year, the Ford dealership will not fix it, (even with a picture on my phone as evidence) unless they personally witness it. Since it is intermittent, and I can't leave my car at the dealership it was never repaired. Now I am out of my warranty and my camera is only working intermittently. Somehow are the two connected, and will I be able to convince Ford to repair for me under warranty. My navigation gets "lost" I live in the city, and my navigation thinks I'm four wheeling between road about half of the time, sometimes it thinks I'm going a different direction that I am. Just when I didn't think it could get any worse...my right blinker will not shut off! My left blinker did the same thing a couple years ago, I have all the luck! Please Ford fix my car!!

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I haven't tried out navigation since I updated my software. Before I was off-road all the time. I'll have to try it out today need to drive out of state this afternoon. I'll report back.


I have had the shift to park error again since the update and have had both blind spot error warning and cross traffic alert warnings still. So I guess all the bugs aren't fixed.


I have noticed that when I get the shift to park error the "P" still shows white on the dash until I wiggle around the shifter. Once it turns orange/red the warning goes away.


They are all annoying for sure... but the car is still drivable and I still love it bugs and all!!! First World Car problems I always say. :)



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Thanks xK317Hx,

I've looked at that thread... most of the issues on that thread are ones I'm not having problems with. I'm never missing the lines or the picture being green or upside down... it just doesn't come on.


Yesterday after it wasn't working I was messing around with the gear shift and pushed the manual + button on the shifter, after that when I put it into reverse the camera came on... maybe just a coincidence... but so far it's working again.

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  • 3 months later...

I think the shift is on the way out,I ha talked to customer service since Ford knows this has been an issue with my early production Edge. However when I took it to the dealer they could not replicate the camera not coming on or the shift to park message. UGH!!!!!!!!!!! So "nothing" can be done.


I find that hard to believe as the minute I got in the car to back up I got the "check with the dealer" message that the rearview camera wasn't working.


At least the car still drives great, I'm capable of backing up without the camera and the car is in park even though the computer thinks it's not.

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  • 2 months later...

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