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Have you had this problem and would you request it to be fixed?

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I noticed right away (just bought my MKX about 2 weeks ago) what sounded like some slight road noise coming from the rear passenger side, almost like the back door wasn't closed all the way.


Started looking and couldn't believe that I didn't notice this earlier.




The window is offset almost 1/4". I can't tell if there is a gap between the window & the body for the noise to come through but I suspect so. If there is, I also worry about moisture intrusion.




I've got an appt on Friday for a TPMS fault (tire pressure ok, but still a fault) and I plan to bring this up and have them fix it.


I've gone back and forth about how much of a PIA to be about it if the dealer resists fixing it, but have finally decided that after paying >$40k for a new "luxury" car, it should not by any means come from the factory w/ the workmanship of a <$20k car.


Would you gently, but firmly, request this be fixed by the dealer?


My other thought is that by gently, but firmly, requesting a fix, it will hopefully provide some feedback to the factory that they need to improve on outgoing quality.

Edited by dnjhot
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I noticed right away (just bought my MKX about 2 weeks ago) what sounded like some slight road noise coming from the rear passenger side, almost like the back door wasn't closed all the way.


Started looking and couldn't believe that I didn't notice this earlier.


The window is offset almost 1/4". I can't tell if there is a gap between the window & the body for the noise to come through but I suspect so. If there is, I also worry about moisture intrusion.


I've got an appt on Friday for a TPMS fault (tire pressure ok, but still a fault) and I plan to bring this up and have them fix it.


I've gone back and forth about how much of a PIA to be about it if the dealer resists fixing it, but have finally decided that after paying >$40k for a new "luxury" car, it should not by any means come from the factory w/ the workmanship of a <$20k car.


Would you demand this be fixed by the dealer?


My other thought is that by demanding a fix, it will hopefully provide some feedback to the factory that they need to improve on outgoing quality.


Hi dijhot. :D No, I would not "demand" it be fixed. I would just tell them what is wrong and ask them to take care of it.


Of course if you have a concern about the fit of the window, bring it to the attention of the Service Department.


I would even recommend that when you stop in at the Dealership, you look at a few of the MKX's on the lot and see how their windows look.


That being said, forgive me if I am reading what you wrote incorrectly, but do not go in demanding anything. Just point out what you think is wrong, and ask them to fix it.


The people in your Dealerships Service Department did not build the car. Surely, you do not like when people "demand" you do something, so just treat them as you would like to be treated.


You already have yourself worked up as though they have refused to fix it. If the window is not fitted correctly, it should be reset under warranty, simple as that.


Again, compare your rear window to others on the lot, if they are different, you probably have a problem.


Perhaps you did not really mean "demand".


Good luck and Happy New Year! :beerchug:

Edited by bbf2530
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"Moisture intrusion"??? By chance, do you work for the government?


I wouldn't "demand" anything from the dealer. I would politely point out the problem, and ask them to fix it.

Don't go in there copping an attitude. It won't get you anywhere.



Wow, one really has to watch their choice of words around here. For the sensitive forum members, I've edited the OP to be a little kinder to you, but for the record here's the definition of "demand" from dictionary.com:


de·mand /dɪˈmænd, -ˈmɑnd/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[di-mand, -mahnd] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

–verb (used with object)

1. to ask for with proper authority; claim as a right

2. to ask for peremptorily or urgently

3. to call for or require as just, proper, or necessary


And no, I do not work for the govt, but as a property owner have first hand experience w/ the negative health effects of mold spores due to "moisture intrusion" in places it isn't supposed to be. By chance, do you work for ford?

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