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Adding OEM Remote Start - Kits & Parts Explained (detailed) - 2011+

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  On 6/9/2015 at 10:27 PM, candurin said:

The hood switch is $16.50 at Levittown ford.


Indeed it is, but atleast for me they quoted $10.22 for shipping brining the overall total to $26.72. The one I found on ebay was $22 shipped so worked out better for me. I'd defiantely price Levittown out just to see.



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OK so got my parts today.. I am confused. I looked at the thread you spoke to get the panel off





And they show anther module being installed with some little blue antenna also...



This is all I have in my kit.. Do I need another module??



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got my keys cut at Lowes..for free :)


Tried all the programming methods in this thread and the keys will not program.



I followed the procedure and they are able to start the car but I get a message that sates unable to program the keys. When I use the cylce 8 times and I press a button on the new remotes the horn sounds.. only thing I can think of is


this from the directions


NOTE: This procedure works only if the customer spare key programming is enabled. If customer spare key programming is disabled, refer to Key Programming — Enable/Disable Spare Key or Key Programming Using Diagnostic Equipment in the workshop

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  • 5 months later...


I know this may be a longshot but I was wondering if you wouldnt mind extending a point of contact at your Ford dealer in Egg Harbour NJ.

I have the 5 button key fob part number DA8Z-19G364-A and I have the hood switch. Is there anything else that I need?

I have been to 3 dealerships here in Philly and I keep getting the run around. I was hoping that your dealership would extend the same price for installing the hood switch and programing the keys.

Thanks in advance.

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No worries. I typically deal with Jeff in the service department, but rob and Kevin are also easy to work with.


My wife and I both have our cars serviced there so we know most of the folks.


But, the hood switch takes seconds to install and the programming is quite easy too. Where are you having problems?


Did you install the rest of the system?

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I did not install the rest of system because I did not purchase it. All I have is the 5 button key fob and the hood pin switch. On a different forum it the stated that the 2013 Edge has the autostart built in and all I need is the key fob and have the dealer enable it. Admitedly I may have misread it and or confused it with diff vehicle.


If that is the case what else do I need. I have the factory alarm. Not wanting to make any more assumptions in error, is the factory alarm the saem as VSS


I'll check in the morning to see if the hood pin wiring harness is there.


Thanks once again.

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No apologies necessary. In retrospect I realize that I was not clear. My car does not have remote start. My car came with the factory alarm.


I may have read incorrectly that the 2013+ edges have the autostart built in. I tried to do some research on the issue this morning and I found that the 2013 explorers have autostart built in from the factory.


I can't seem to find the forum that stated that the edge has built in autostart.


All I have is (2) 5 button keys that need to be cut and programmed and I have the hood pin switch. My lady called and spoke to Kevin and scheduled me for Wed at 1. I did not realize that the part that I ordered was just the key. I need the remote start kit to be used in conjunction with it.


I might just have to call Kevin and reschedule if I cant sort out whats needed and get it done before Wed. No ones fault but my own. This is what happens when you belong to multiple forums and read them when you cant sleep at 3 am. SMDH.

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So, I may have to open my mouth and insert my foot!


From what I just read on this forum, it seems as though the 2013 edges that have factory power lift gates may already have everything they need. All you need to provide is a new key fob and hood switch.


I was not aware of this!


But, it does seem very easy (almost too easy). You can take a quick look under the driver's side rear cargo panel and look and see if the 100 series antenna is there. If not, you'll need to add it.


It would be great if all you need is a new fob, switch and IDS activation.

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LOL no not at all. You are a tremendous asset to the community. If you have seen it then at least I know I'm not going crazy.
Ironically enough I just got back in from installing the hood pin switch. The wiring harness was already installed.


Can you link me to the post that mentions it? Perhaps you can edit your OP and include it for those of us who are lacking their black belt in google fu. Ironically enough I looked everywhere but here. I'll look for it and throw something warmer than tshirt and shorts and see if my lady doesn't mind me taking a break from destiny.


Thanks once again.

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I'm feeling a little better (I was correct from my original post).


All you need to add is the antenna (100 series) that plugs into the tpms starter module.


Yes, Home Depot sells the socketed t50 torx bit, which is where I purchased mine. It was under $10.


Some folks have stated that simply unbolting the upper portion of the panel gives you enough room to pull it back and install the antenna. You can always try and see if you have enough room before trying complete removal.


To me, it was not difficult to remove the panel entirely (be cautious of the beige grease lining the panel!). You'll have to do some work with lift gate motor but you're still looking at a 30-45 minute job, total.

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This is not going to get done not least in the manner that I thought it would. I went to one homedpot and they were sold out. By time I got back from a different one the sun seems to be starting to go down. Since I don't have a garage and just my drive way I am the mercy of mother nature. I did manage to loosen the panel some to see if the antenna was installed and it is not.


Just to be sure. It wouldn't be installed any other place than where you mentioned in the OP or is pictured in the walk through?


Going to call and check and see if any of the dealers have it in stock. If not I'll shoot Benny a message at Levittown ford a message and see if he can get it to me in time to meet my appointment with Kevin.


Thanks once again.

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At first I was dismayed that I was not going to be able to install the antenna. Simply because I was not able to remove the lift gate motor cover.


Ironically enough in my minds eye i focused on the fact that the tmps was behind the cargo pannel. I truly failed to realeyes (pun intended) that it is located on the rear of the cargo panel itself. After looking at the pictures in the walk through and the reviewing the instructional PDF that Candurin provided. Candurin mentions it above this post and yet I fixated on removing the panel to access the TMPS. LOL RIFF (remember that?) SMDH


Its the only part that i could feel that had a plug that would receive the antenna cable. Looks exactly like the image included in the instructions and its identical to pic number 29 in the DIY walkthrough.


I attached the antenna with the dual sided tape that was included. There was no zip ties included and although I did have some on hand I couldn't loop it through to secure it. I plugged it in and put everything back together.


Tested the power fold down seat buttons and the liftgate button and all is well.


Hopefully I am good to go for Wed.


Thanks once again for your invaluable assistance.

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She's Alive!!! They were over booked what should have been 15 min turned into a few hours. But sh!t happens.


He asked me why didn't I go to chappman ford on the blvd in philly? I asked him if they were affiliated? The look on his face said it all. He said we don't discuss them. They wanted to charge me to program the key to my car and then charge me again for programming the remote start. He said that's why they don't discuss them.


There was a small delay as one of the techs removed my original key instead of setting it as a back up. When he went to add it back in they ended up deleting one of the remote start keyfobs. They ended up resetting the system and sorting it out.


My lady borrowed the car and set the gps to avoid tolls. When I used it to go home, I stared at the screen like huh wtf 2hrs+ 95+ miles......Of coourse I figured that out when I pulled into my drive way!!


Good thing I decided to use waze on my phone. I know traffic can be bad on the atl parkway, but 2hrs+ it isn't that bad during shore season unless there is a pile up.


Thanks once again for the assistance and the suggestion on the dealership. I'll be paying them a visit when my warranty ends up. 100 miles round trip give or take is worth honest service.


Happy Holidays!!

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