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Burning Smell?

DJ Starr

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Heard from the BBB today. Ford offered to work on it again. Told them doing the same thing over and over and getting the same result was the definition for stupidity and I was not interested. They offered to throw in a 75000 mile warranty. Told them I had plenty of warranty, that was not the problem. They have no fixes left, that is the problem. They did not realize the situation "supposedly" and are supposed to get back with me.


Pure shock and awe! They offered a warranty as a bargining chip.See my post above. I should have been a prophet.

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Heard from the BBB today. Ford offered to work on it again. Told them doing the same thing over and over and getting the same result was the definition for stupidity and I was not interested. They offered to throw in a 75000 mile warranty. Told them I had plenty of warranty, that was not the problem. They have no fixes left, that is the problem. They did not realize the situation "supposedly" and are supposed to get back with me.


Pure shock and awe! They offered a warranty as a bargining chip.See my post above. I should have been a prophet.


Ford called me yesterday and said that by law they have one last repair attempt and want me to bring it in to my dealer to have their engineer work on it. I then called the BBB who told me that they are not entitled to a repair attempt but I should let their engineer look at it. Have to call both back today. I told Ford that their customer service rep already told me that they don't have any other fixes than what has already been done to my car. If they had a fix they could have fixed it at 1400 miles. Rdonchann - would you be willing to document your saga for me to bring to arbitration if needed? I would be happy to do the same for you.

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Sure! I wrote out a chronological order of things and sent it in to the BBB with my paperwork. I listed each date and mileage and what was done each time. It is easier to understand the scenario if you have that rather than try and make sense from a bunch of work orders. I brought that to the attention of the mediator yesterday and after we went through it together she said she really understands where I am coming from. They are a "neutral" party but that made it a lot more understandable for her. She said now that she has that info and understands it she would contact their rep and get back with me maybe as soon as today.


I may be wrong but I really don't think Ford will do a buy back for anybody without being ordered to. That is a last ditch effort for them. If they can get you to take a warranty it is to their advantage. You may wreck it or a number of things that could release them from liability. They hope you become so thrilled with the warranty that you will lose sight of the fact that you still have the same problem and it is not fixed.

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Well after two weeks and two attempts of fixing my leak, I got my car back from the dealer yesterday am and so far no leaks or burning smells . The first attempted fix was to just change the seal. That did not work, so they ordered and put in a whole new PTU Unit. I will be driving it tomorrow quite a distance . This will truly test the repair. Will update....Hopefully it wont leak.

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Sure! I wrote out a chronological order of things and sent it in to the BBB with my paperwork. I listed each date and mileage and what was done each time. It is easier to understand the scenario if you have that rather than try and make sense from a bunch of work orders. I brought that to the attention of the mediator yesterday and after we went through it together she said she really understands where I am coming from. They are a "neutral" party but that made it a lot more understandable for her. She said now that she has that info and understands it she would contact their rep and get back with me maybe as soon as today.


I may be wrong but I really don't think Ford will do a buy back for anybody without being ordered to. That is a last ditch effort for them. If they can get you to take a warranty it is to their advantage. You may wreck it or a number of things that could release them from liability. They hope you become so thrilled with the warranty that you will lose sight of the fact that you still have the same problem and it is not fixed.


Thanks! I sent BBB a chronological order as well. They are reviewing my papers now and then will get back to me. I will ask them how we should document so we can help each other's cases. You are in a loaner car now aren't you?

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Well after two weeks and two attempts of fixing my leak, I got my car back from the dealer yesterday am and so far no leaks or burning smells . The first attempted fix was to just change the seal. That did not work, so they ordered and put in a whole new PTU Unit. I will be driving it tomorrow quite a distance . This will truly test the repair. Will update....Hopefully it wont leak.


Good luck. That will last longer than the seal for sure but for me after I put another 6000 miles on the car the smell was back.

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No loaner now. Was in the shop 2 weeks and all they could come up with was to put in another seal. I told them that was a waste of effort and picked it up. Doing the same thing over and over and getting the same result is the definition of stupidity. BBB said Ford did not understand why I picked it up. After I told BBB the story they agreed with my reasoning. My other reason was I was afraid Ford would use it as a stall tactic by saying they had just done another repair on it and want more time.

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No loaner now. Was in the shop 2 weeks and all they could come up with was to put in another seal. I told them that was a waste of effort and picked it up. Doing the same thing over and over and getting the same result is the definition of stupidity. BBB said Ford did not understand why I picked it up. After I told BBB the story they agreed with my reasoning. My other reason was I was afraid Ford would use it as a stall tactic by saying they had just done another repair on it and want more time.


Hi rdonchann. :D Actually, for anyone who cares the proper quote is "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different resultsā€. This quote is arguably attributed to Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin or various other individuals, according to who is doing the attributing :hysterical:.


But I certainly understand that it fits this case either way.


I just have a recommendation or two: First, allow Ford to fix the car when they ask, it looks better for your arbitration claim if you have not denied Ford any opportunity they have asked for. By denying the automaker the opportunity to give it another shot, you give them a little added ammo to stall the arbitration process. Just insist on a loaner, if the loss of the vehicle during the repair process will be an inconvenience. Once the BBB AutoLine Arbitration Board says you no longer need to make your car available for repair, then you are free to do as you like. But get it in writing from the BBB.

Next: There is really no need to provide documentation from others who have had the same problem. Legally, it does not matter. All that matters legally is that you are having a problem. If you were the lone, single person to ever have a PTU leak, that is all that matters when you document your attempts at resolving the problem. Other Edge owners problems and repair attempts are irrelevant. Essentially, you do not have to prove that others are having the same problem, or that their problems could not be repaired in X number of attempts. You only need to prove that you have the problem and it can not be properly repaired in your case.


Just to make what I am stating perfectly clear: The added information will not hurt your cases, it is just irrelevant and a bunch of added paperwork that is not needed.


Just trying to save you some unnecessary work.


Hope this information is not too confusing.


Good luck. :beerchug:

Edited by bbf2530
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No loaner now. Was in the shop 2 weeks and all they could come up with was to put in another seal. I told them that was a waste of effort and picked it up. Doing the same thing over and over and getting the same result is the definition of stupidity. BBB said Ford did not understand why I picked it up. After I told BBB the story they agreed with my reasoning. My other reason was I was afraid Ford would use it as a stall tactic by saying they had just done another repair on it and want more time.


I agree. I just cancelled the engineer that Ford was sending to perform the final repair on my car. Unless they put a buy back offer on the table I will be off to arbitration.

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Hi rdonchann. :D Actually, for anyone who cares the proper quote is "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different resultsā€. This quote is arguably attributed to Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin or various other individuals, according to who is doing the attributing :hysterical:.


But I certainly understand that it fits this case either way.


I just have a recommendation or two: First, allow Ford to fix the car when they ask, it looks better for your arbitration claim if you have not denied Ford any opportunity they have asked for. By denying the automaker the opportunity to give it another shot, you give them a little added ammo to stall the arbitration process. Just insist on a loaner, if the loss of the vehicle during the repair process will be an inconvenience. Once the BBB AutoLine Arbitration Board says you no longer need to make your car available for repair, then you are free to do as you like. But get it in writing from the BBB.

Next: There is really no need to provide documentation from others who have had the same problem. Legally, it does not matter. All that matters legally is that you are having a problem. If you were the lone, single person to ever have a PTU leak, that is all that matters when you document your attempts at resolving the problem. Other Edge owners problems and repair attempts are irrelevant. Essentially, you do not have to prove that others are having the same problem, or that their problems could not be repaired in X number of attempts. You only need to prove that you have the problem and it can not be properly repaired in your case.


Just to make what I am stating perfectly clear: The added information will not hurt your cases, it is just irrelevant and a bunch of added paperwork that is not needed.


Just trying to save you some unnecessary work.


Thanks for clarifying that as the paperwork is piling up as it is. I denied that Ford work on my car becuase if they fix it and it lasts past the 36,000 miles I will no longer have the chance to go to arbitration. Any thoughts?


Hope this information is not too confusing.


Good luck. :beerchug:

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I agree. I just cancelled the engineer that Ford was sending to perform the final repair on my car. Unless they put a buy back offer on the table I will be off to arbitration.



Further update on my MKX. We saw the fumes and odor just the one time since the last repair and have delayed the trip to the dealer. I am going to crawl under this weekend to have a look. If I see a leak it will go back next week and the BBB will be contacted.

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BBF you are probably right about the other owner information. They have the liability with me and since it is my case it really doesn't matter what other people have done. I agree. I have not denied them any repair attempts until now. I have plenty of attempts to back up the claim. I picked it up because the mediation had already started and I didn't want to complicate it nor did I believe in the repair that was being recommended.


I may not have had the quote correct but I did have the principal correct. I am glad I have the important part correct.:)

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Hi edge18. :D I don't want to tell anyone what to do with only minimal information available, but this would be my advice: It appears much better for your Arbitration case (or possible future Lemon Law case) if you have not denied Ford all opportunity to repair your vehicle correctly. In this way, Ford (or any automaker) can not claim that it would be fixed if you gave them the chance.


Now, that being said: Everyone having this problem is in a different situation, and the proper course of action will vary. Some have had 4 or more repairs performed already, others are on their first repair. Some have very few miles on a brand new vehicle and have time to wait for a proper fix, others are close to the end of their New Car Warranty period and need to worry about getting things taken care of immediately (repaired properly or Arbitrated in their favor).


Due to those facts (among others) each Owner must make a decision based on what is best for them. Far too many variables for a "one size fits all" answer. But in general, even if you have it looked at and repaired again, if you have an Arbitration case on record and your Edge leaks again, you would still have a cause of action after the multiple repair attempts. So letting them repair it would usually be the better course of action (while also pursuing Arbitration).


Hope this information helps, and is not too confusing.


Good luck. :beerchug:

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BBF you are probably right about the other owner information. They have the liability with me and since it is my case it really doesn't matter what other people have done. I agree. I have not denied them any repair attempts until now. I have plenty of attempts to back up the claim. I picked it up because the mediation had already started and I didn't want to complicate it nor did I believe in the repair that was being recommended.


I may not have had the quote correct but I did have the principal correct. I am glad I have the important part correct.:)


Hi rdonchan. :D I hope you understand I am only trying to give some basic advice, not tell you what to do. I agree that you need to do what you feel most comfortable with.


And I certainly agree, either version of the quote fits! :hysterical:


Whatever you decide to do, good luck. :beerchug:

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Heard from the BBB today. Ford offered to work on it again. Told them doing the same thing over and over and getting the same result was the definition for stupidity and I was not interested. They offered to throw in a 75000 mile warranty. Told them I had plenty of warranty, that was not the problem. They have no fixes left, that is the problem. They did not realize the situation "supposedly" and are supposed to get back with me.


Pure shock and awe! They offered a warranty as a bargining chip.See my post above. I should have been a prophet.

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I have had the seals replaced.....the first and only repair done @ 12,000 miles. I have over 15,000 miles now and no smell. I also checked the PTU seal area, and all is dry. It really has to do with how the seal is installed. There' s a heat process that must be followed in order for the seal to seat properly. I know ford has a huge problem here, but if it was a design flaw, all '07, '08 and '09's will leak. It took 12,000 miles for mine to leak, which leads me to believe it is not a design flaw, rather the material they use for the seals and how they are installed. I for one would not put up with this problem and I haven't. I honestly believe through extensive research and mechanical work, there is no design flaw, rather how the seals are installed and the material of the seals. I am just waiting for it to leak again, but rest assured, ford wants to repair this problem and they 're working on it. Some resolutions come easy and some do not. Just be patient, and this must be dealt with on a case to case basis and not based on what problems others are having. I believe this is a safety issue and must be corrected and I feel all your pain. This is a new model car and my pops always told me, never buy the first or second year of a "new" model. I couldn't resist, I love this car, it is awesome in every way. I will always buy domestic and never foreign. Please do not let this problem ruin your view of american cars. They are at par or above their foreign counterparts in quality, and remember this is one problem that is being dealt with and will be resolved.......The Edge is the most comfortable and quiet car I have ever owned and it is leaps and bounds above my parents Lexus RX 330. Sorry for the rant, I have been drinking and although I pride myself on having no gramattical errors, there may be some in this post......hey , it's Friday ! Good luck to all and I hope all of your issues are resolved. :tequila:

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A leak at 12000 miles is a flaw. If it is not worn out then it is a flaw. Mine was leaking from day one. It could be the seal material, the angle of torque that the axle exerts on the seal or case or a number of things. If it were not a flaw we would not all be talking about it time and time again. There ARE 07's and 08's leaking. Haven't heard of 09's but give them time.They have worked on mine for 2 years and it still leaks. I did not pay 35k to be their r&d lab rat. No thanks. That is why it cost that much, they are supposed to have done the research on their own.


Your pops was right, never buy the first year. In this case first 3 yrs.

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I have had the seals replaced.....the first and only repair done @ 12,000 miles. I have over 15,000 miles now and no smell. I also checked the PTU seal area, and all is dry. It really has to do with how the seal is installed. There' s a heat process that must be followed in order for the seal to seat properly. I know ford has a huge problem here, but if it was a design flaw, all '07, '08 and '09's will leak. It took 12,000 miles for mine to leak, which leads me to believe it is not a design flaw, rather the material they use for the seals and how they are installed. I for one would not put up with this problem and I haven't. I honestly believe through extensive research and mechanical work, there is no design flaw, rather how the seals are installed and the material of the seals. I am just waiting for it to leak again, but rest assured, ford wants to repair this problem and they 're working on it. Some resolutions come easy and some do not. Just be patient, and this must be dealt with on a case to case basis and not based on what problems others are having. I believe this is a safety issue and must be corrected and I feel all your pain. This is a new model car and my pops always told me, never buy the first or second year of a "new" model. I couldn't resist, I love this car, it is awesome in every way. I will always buy domestic and never foreign. Please do not let this problem ruin your view of american cars. They are at par or above their foreign counterparts in quality, and remember this is one problem that is being dealt with and will be resolved.......The Edge is the most comfortable and quiet car I have ever owned and it is leaps and bounds above my parents Lexus RX 330. Sorry for the rant, I have been drinking and although I pride myself on having no gramattical errors, there may be some in this post......hey , it's Friday ! Good luck to all and I hope all of your issues are resolved. :tequila:
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