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Burning Smell?

DJ Starr

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Well it's only been a few weeks since I had the ptu seal replaced with the new parts, and today while diggin the snow out from my edge I notice some yellowish orangish maybe even pinkish fluid. I'm guessing this is the ptu again. I'm getting a little dissapointed with this crap,

I'm going to try and go to the dealer when the snow clears up. What a pain

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well i`ve been monitoring mine since new, at about 11k kilometers it was certainly seaping out, but the level never changed and we only smelt it twice, but today at about 27k kilometers i thought the damn car was on fire!!! we pulled up to an intersection after about a 3 mile hwy run into town and the smoke was rollin out the LF of the car, and there was a light wind that pushed it into the HVAc intake and it filled the car with smoke, i have my wife and two small children in the back, we rolled down all the windows, i was just seconds away from ditching the car, this actually happened right in front of the dealer... so i guess shes going in ASAP. :redcard:

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well i`ve been monitoring mine since new, at about 11k kilometers it was certainly seaping out, but the level never changed and we only smelt it twice, but today at about 27k kilometers i thought the damn car was on fire!!! we pulled up to an intersection after about a 3 mile hwy run into town and the smoke was rollin out the LF of the car, and there was a light wind that pushed it into the HVAc intake and it filled the car with smoke, i have my wife and two small children in the back, we rolled down all the windows, i was just seconds away from ditching the car, this actually happened right in front of the dealer... so i guess shes going in ASAP. :redcard:

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well i`ve been monitoring mine since new, at about 11k kilometers it was certainly seaping out, but the level never changed and we only smelt it twice, but today at about 27k kilometers i thought the damn car was on fire!!! we pulled up to an intersection after about a 3 mile hwy run into town and the smoke was rollin out the LF of the car, and there was a light wind that pushed it into the HVAc intake and it filled the car with smoke, i have my wife and two small children in the back, we rolled down all the windows, i was just seconds away from ditching the car, this actually happened right in front of the dealer... so i guess shes going in ASAP. :redcard:

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  On 2/11/2010 at 4:14 PM, jourabchid said:

Well it's only been a few weeks since I had the ptu seal replaced with the new parts, and today while diggin the snow out from my edge I notice some yellowish orangish maybe even pinkish fluid. I'm guessing this is the ptu again. I'm getting a little dissapointed with this crap,

I'm going to try and go to the dealer when the snow clears up. What a pain

I've had mine done roughly 3 weeks ago and so far no problem. I think the pinkish fluid is not PTU fluid. Please keep us posted....

Edited by Sparky
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Hey, just wanted to post an update. I have no leak and it has been almost 2 months since 4th repair. I hope I'm not jinxing myself, but I'm hoping they may actually have a fix for all of us this time. Ford appears they are going to step up to the plate on giving me peace of mind as well - which is the right thing to do. It actually got them a sale as my work car is up for replacement this spring and if they didn't make me happy I was going to another brand, but I'll be keeping with a Ford product. Took a lot of work on my and the dealer's part, but they overall wanted to keep me as a customer, so this appears to be the best thing for me, the dealer, and Ford.

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  • 3 weeks later...

After taking our Edge in for the "horrible smell" and having the service tech offer to "Deodorize" out Edge for $50 we decided to replace the cabin filter (which they told us "Some Edges have them and some don't and your Edge didn't come with a cabin filter"). That didn't work so I took it to another service tech who didn't even look at the car before ordering the PTU replacement seal. She called when the parts were in and had the PTU replaced in about 4 hours and gave us a free rental.


Why the second experience wasn't like the first I'll never know.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Had the seals replaced 2nd time 2 weeks ago. 2 weeks, 500miles later, and 2 qts tranny fluid down, the seals are leaking again. Had it towed to dealer for 3rd repair. Awaiting a call back from Ford special care team representative to see how this can be resolved. I really have no confidence in any repair, no fault of the dealer service, just a defective design. I need to start exploring my legal options now, seems that a lot of repairs keep failling.. ugh... :angry:

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 12/10/2007 at 6:07 PM, NYEdge said:


Your right DJ, I don't know what die in his ......, but this forum is for support on these type of issues.


Read the thread I started.....If your edge has SYNC...the fire or smoke is prob coming from the wire harness inner mid center console...think block harness connector. Just a thought...Mine is a bit toasty right now

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  On 10/1/2010 at 12:44 AM, jafjr11 said:

My 2010 has been in 4 times for the PTU. Finally they replaced the hole unit so far it hasn't leaked.

Hi Everybody

I too have an Edge with the famous PTU seal problem but I bought my Edge off Ebay.I am Canadian and the car is American(just tring to help suport your finanical situation).My problem is it is an 08 with 117000KMs about 65000 miles.The Canadian dealer dosen't want to touch it because I bought outside of Canada (ediots) so the seal replacement is out of my own pocket,lucky me. What is your warranty if bought in the states,what mileage is it cover up to? And the tranny shifts oddly in lower gears.Will this seal replacement cure that?(maybe if the fluids low because of the seal leak)



Hi Everybody

I too have an Edge with the famous PTU seal problem but I bought my Edge off Ebay.I am Canadian and the car is American(just tring to help suport your finanical situation).My problem is it is an 08 with 117000KMs about 65000 miles.The Canadian dealer dosen't want to touch it because I bought outside of Canada (ediots) so the seal replacement is out of my own pocket,lucky me. What is your warranty if bought in the states,what mileage is it cover up to? And the tranny shifts oddly in lower gears.Will this seal replacement cure that?(maybe if the fluids low because of the seal leak)

Edited by superbond
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  On 11/3/2010 at 4:34 PM, superbond said:

Hi Everybody

I too have an Edge with the famous PTU seal problem but I bought my Edge off Ebay.I am Canadian and the car is American(just tring to help suport your finanical situation).My problem is it is an 08 with 117000KMs about 65000 miles.The Canadian dealer dosen't want to touch it because I bought outside of Canada (ediots) so the seal replacement is out of my own pocket,lucky me. What is your warranty if bought in the states,what mileage is it cover up to? And the tranny shifts oddly in lower gears.Will this seal replacement cure that?(maybe if the fluids low because of the seal leak)



Hi Everybody

I too have an Edge with the famous PTU seal problem but I bought my Edge off Ebay.I am Canadian and the car is American(just tring to help suport your finanical situation).My problem is it is an 08 with 117000KMs about 65000 miles.The Canadian dealer dosen't want to touch it because I bought outside of Canada (ediots) so the seal replacement is out of my own pocket,lucky me. What is your warranty if bought in the states,what mileage is it cover up to? And the tranny shifts oddly in lower gears.Will this seal replacement cure that?(maybe if the fluids low because of the seal leak)




Ford dealer just called to tell me I was correct and it is the PTU seal but they will look at the shaft and they might have to replace that to, $250. just for the shaft and 4 hours labour @ $118. an hour. The car starter dose not work $50. for the part and another 2 2.5 hours plus oil change 1 hours labour another $118. plus taxes. This Edge is starting to leave a foul tast in my mouth. Can't wait for the next phone call to see what else it needs and at what price!

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  On 11/3/2010 at 4:41 PM, superbond said:

Ford dealer just called to tell me I was correct and it is the PTU seal but they will look at the shaft and they might have to replace that to, $250. just for the shaft and 4 hours labour @ $118. an hour. The car starter dose not work $50. for the part and another 2 2.5 hours plus oil change 1 hours labour another $118. plus taxes. This Edge is starting to leave a foul tast in my mouth. Can't wait for the next phone call to see what else it needs and at what price!

I had mine done January 2010, so far so good ...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just to throw this out there.


I had a leaky input shaft seal on my manual transmission and it had nothing to do with the seals but the shimming of the differential bearings. The bearing was shimmed too tighty (from the factory) which caused the bearing to fail ( loosen) and then caused the seal to fail. Replace the seal and it would fail 6 months later because the bad bearing itself would wear seal out. I took my tranny out. Re shimmed my differial bearings (also replaced the bearings)and never had a leak or gear whine since.


Does anyone on this board have the Factory Service manual on the edge. I would like to see a Assembly/disasembly diagram or fiqure for the ptu itself. ? I would like to see if those ptu bearings are shimmed. Has anyone examined the bearings in the ptu to see if they are failing? Is there a whinning noice coming from the ptu? ( a whinng noice is a sign of bearing failure)


This may be way out there but the symtoms are kind of similar.


Also I think Fords thought process with reguards to fixing the ptu leak is based on the following statement

Serviceable components of the PTU are limited to the output shaft seal and flange, intermediate shaft seal and deflector and the input shaft seal. If any of the internal geared components, bearings or shafts are worn or damaged, a new PTU must be installed. The PTU is sealed from the transaxle and has its own oil sump


Ford does not care about fixing the ptu. Just replace the seals and if that does not work replace the ptu itself.


Ford Freestyle Taurus Manual Quote POST 12

Edited by Factger
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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 1/24/2009 at 12:17 AM, kdd01 said:

Called this morning, no ETA on when the part(s) will arrive, ( they must be coming from China or something or shipped out to fix all you guys ! ) so the wife's Edge will continue to drip brown spots on the resealed driveway all weekend now. And after reading all these threads, geeze, some of you guys that have been dealing with this since 2007, I can see how this is getting real irratating. So Ford has helped me decide here, I'm getting an 09 Ram Sport, not the 09 F150 FX4 that I test drove last week. This issue made up my mind to 'go to the Dodge side' for the new truck..


DODGE?? From the pan to the fire.

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Hello all.


This is my first post here. We bought our 2009 AWD used at 13k miles, now has 21k miles.


We started noticing the burning oil smell the last few weeks. As others have mentioned, it happens after driving for a while, and seems to be only when the vehicle is stopped after that. Also of note, it has been pretty cold here in the Chicago area the last few weeks...


We are bringing it in to the dealer for the first time tomorrow to see what they have to say.


After reading this thread, I am going in armed with the following info:


Check TSB 09 25 07A

and look for info about part number 8T4Z 7275 DC


I will try to follow up with the story of what happens next...



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Howdy all.


Following up...


We brought our 2009 Edge in with 20,400 miles on the Odometer. The service manager told me that he was aware of a large number of leaky PTU axles back when the edge first came out, but told me that after the first 6 months, that he hadn't seen any more of them.


He thought it was unlikely that my Edge was leaking there, because in his words - "They fixed the problem right away on the assembly line". He told me that he thought an access pan on the side of the transmission was to blame, but that they would put some dye in the oil and look for the leak. Just for the heck of it, I left him a post it note with the following info on it:


"Check TSB 09 25 07A

and look for info about part number 8T4Z 7275 DC"


2 Days later - I call to ask about it, and they tell me that sure enough, the PTU was leaking around one of the axles.


Paperwork says:




1 8T4Z*7275*DC KIT - SEAL


Only thing to do now is hope they did it correctly...



Edited by zim
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Well just like many of you I have a 2007 Ford Edge SEL AWD. Great car other than this problem. It started in Sept of 2009 but no smell only a leak. Now for me it is a little more complex as I am in the US Air Force and I am based in Germany. The warranty is covered here at the local European Ford Garage, but it takes longer to get parts. So after about 30 days, $500 worth of rentals, and 4 visits to 2 different garages...The first garage said nothing was wrong. The second garage said there was a problem and replaced the seal kit twice then replace the entire PTU. Now a year later and I have both the odor and the leak(noticed it on the snow today). so now i must take it in to the German Ford Garage and hassle through the language barrier again to try and get my car fixed. it now has just under 40,000 miles and is just over 3 years old. thankfully it is still under the power train warranty!

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