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Burning Smell?

DJ Starr

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Bad news on the "no fix" situation we appear to be in.


My .02, ( cause I know that's all it may be worth to some of you guys ! ) just dump the car. I got x-plan with $1500 in rebates and financed it at 0% through Ford credit. Not upside down on trade in, at 14k now, so this car is gone as soon as weather breaks and a new car will not get pelted with cinders and salt. My last seal kit looks like it is leaking, you guys are now reporting the updated PTU with that updated seal already installed is also leaking so I'm not dealing with this for years. Mine has had a burning smell since shortly after purchase last May and I mentioned at the 5k oil change and all was reported as well. Thanks to this post, we got to the bottom of it. Kinda ruins the 'new car smell'..


Not a bad little car though, vista roof is awesome, the nav and sync are great, sets high standards for the next one, but definately not an AWD Ford until this mess is well past. The AWD setup is great on snow covered roads. Talked to other local Edge owners who said the FWD model sucks in the snow.

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This is exactly where I am now. The part they put in on Monday is the same part they put in 2 months ago. Dealership is wonderful but Ford Customer Service basically told me that this is the only fix they have and perhaps the part put in 2 months ago was defective. They consider the case closed and told me to take it up with the Better Business Bureau (which I have). I think iceman33 and I will be the first to head to arbitration if the BBB accepts my case. My problem is that I have 27,000 miles on the edge. Ford has told me that there is nothing else they will do except keep "fixing" the "defective" parts until the warranty is up. How do you determine how much arbitration will cost?

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I don't believe it costs unless you have a lawyer. I have sent for BBB papers myself. What do we have to lose? I have 30000 on mine. Why does 27000 concern you? They have to keep it going for 5yr/60000 and that is a long time. Not the best but it may end up that way.

Edited by rdonchann
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Another quick update...


Meet with my dealer's Sales Manager. My 2007 Edge SEL AWD model with options (leather, towing kit, dual climate control, block heather, heated mirrors, etc..) does NOT exist in a 2009 model. If I wish a model that comes "close" to what I have, it is a LIMITED edition, which is about $4K more than the std SEL models - please keep in mind that here in Canada, the options are different than our US cousins..


Furthermore, he is willing to sell me a 2009 Limited AWD for $40K. The vehicle with the options that I want (same as my current EDGE) does not exist and they would need to place a special order with FORD. Delievery time approx 2 months...


Additionally, they (dealer) would offer me $20K for my current vehicle. Hey, I paid close to $37K one and half (18 months) ago. I only have 25K Kilometers on the clock (approx 16K miles).

Hard to believe that this vehicle has depreciated close to 50% in 18 months...


Now, I understand that the dealer needs to make some $$, but come ON!!!


The dealer would also offer me the current FORD 0% APR for 72 months. Hmmm....Hmmm...


I told him, that I would think about it.


Afterwards, I ended up speaking with the Service Manager. I explained to him the "deal" that the Sales Manager was offering me. He said that he could probably give me a better deal.


On the other hand, he also mentioned that FORD was eager to replace my NEW redesigned leaky PTU since they want to investigate the root cause of this failure. I said NOPE!!


He asked what I wanted, so he can present my reques to FORD. I mentioned to him that I found

1) unfair, that the dealer is only offering me $20K for my vehicle

2) I want to know what FORD is willing to do in terms of an incentive towards a NEW vehicle.


Service Manager assures me that FORD would be offering me something. How much? he does not know, what would like to have my input before he proceeds forward.


I told him that I would think about it and get back to him before the end of the week.


HELL, the way I see it, they need to give me a couple of thousand $$...I realize that my vehicle has depreciated in the last 18 months, but NOT 50%. After all, if it wan't for this LEAKY PTU, I would still be a very happy FORD customer. So, it's THEIR FAULT and WHY should I pay for this.


Based on the calculation that can be done on the Arbitrator's website, if the Arbitrator decides that FORD needs to take back the vehicle, I would be loosing about $6K.


In any case, I loose $$, either thru arbitration or thru the purchase of a new vehicle.


N.B. Out of curiosity, I asked the Service Manager in the event that I do trade in my vehicle with them for a new one, what would become of my current car? would they send it back to FORD so they can analyze the 5 PTU failures?


The answer was somewhat shocking (to me at least). The car would either be sold in the local dealership as a "used car" - including a leaky PTU, or it would be sold at an auction, where some "lucky" person would inherit a well taken care of vehicle + leaky PTU...


So, beware when purchasing a used vehicle - I am sure you are all well aware of this...

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Called Ford Customer Care again this morning to document the 3rd time that the car is still leaking. This time I stated I wanted a fix or a replacement and this must have been the key word as they put me in contact with a higher up who was going to call me back by 2 business days, she (Robin, from the Boston office) called me this afternoon and we spoke for about 15 min. I told her again about all the repairs that have been done, how I am pursuing the Ma. lemon law, having a arbitrator hear my case, and how my 5 yr. old daughter has been sick on and off for a month now. I downloaded a MSDS sheet for the ATF fluid so I can check on any short or long term effects of inhalation.


I told her that the dealer has been very helpful also through this. She also told me that Ford is aware of this issue and is working on it. Many have heard this before. It seems like the channnels are being opened the more I pursue this. I talked to a rep @ the Office of Consumer affairs in Boston this morning as well. I'm actually NOT able to use the Ma. Lemon Law as I'm over the 15,000 miles mark, though i may have the final opportunity fix to help me.


we continue to drive it until someone comes up with a plan. Doug

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Still Smokin.


I am approaching 6,000km and looking to set up my second appointment to have them look at PTU seals replaced again as my vehicle is still smoking.


I regret the day I bought a Ford Edge and am frustrated with their responce to managing this stinkin PTU problem. You can see why Ford will always be a mediocre company.


There is a saying when you work in the Service industry that if things always go right then you never know how good a company's service is. I think many of us are now experiencing how good Ford service really is and what they mean by Quality.


I am presently checking with a lawyer on a Class Action Suite and if there is merit to pursue I will advise. If so I will be taking names at the www.smokinedge.com


Gary Smith


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Isn't this funny, Robin from the Boston office for Ford Customer Care called me back this morning when I left her a message that Gervais Ford got an e-mail that the Field Service eng. wants my car to receive an entire PTU and an intermediate shaft ( which they put in already 2 weeks ago ) It seems like I'm about a week or two behind some of you guys!


I told Gervais that I'll let them go ahead and install it but I'm not all all confident that it'll work. Even Dean, the Service MGR. wants some sort of explanation of why they think that this will work. He's puzzled as well. Doesn't the 7571A unit still come with the leaking seals already in it???


Boy doesn't look too good on the new car replacement angle either, we just wait for Ford to get their head out of their ASS and admit to a problem.

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  Blue Oval said:
Isn't this funny, Robin from the Boston office for Ford Customer Care called me back this morning when I left her a message that Gervais Ford got an e-mail that the Field Service eng. wants my car to receive an entire PTU and an intermediate shaft ( which they put in already 2 weeks ago ) It seems like I'm about a week or two behind some of you guys!


I told Gervais that I'll let them go ahead and install it but I'm not all all confident that it'll work. Even Dean, the Service MGR. wants some sort of explanation of why they think that this will work. He's puzzled as well. Doesn't the 7571A unit still come with the leaking seals already in it???


Boy doesn't look too good on the new car replacement angle either, we just wait for Ford to get their head out of their ASS and admit to a problem.


I've had the following part numbers put in: 7275D, 7251D, and 7275A twice. Someone else had 7251A put in. I don't know anymore which is supposed to be the latest and greatest fix. Ford Customer Service told me it is part 7275A which leaked 2 months after being installed.

Edited by edge18
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  rdonchann said:
I don't believe it costs unless you have a lawyer. I have sent for BBB papers myself. What do we have to lose? I have 30000 on mine. Why does 27000 concern you? They have to keep it going for 5yr/60000 and that is a long time. Not the best but it may end up that way.


It is 60,000 miles or 5 years whichever comes first, isn't it? The way i put miles on it that only gives me another 2 years at best before i own this problem. i filed papers with the BBB last week. How many fixes are you on and is your seal currently leaking?

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Yes. Line 2 of my post says 5yr/60,000. Mine is still leaking. It is in the shop as we speak and has been for about 12 days now. This is number 6 I believe. 3 cases and 2 seals plus whatever they do this time. BBB said my case had been opened so we will see what happens. Most of us have time before we are responsible for it but that is something I am not interesting in owning. If Ford's deep pockets could not fix it I sure don't want to foot the bill.

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I am another with this problem. I brought my 2007 Edge, 15600 miles, AWD to Midas for an oil change and the mechanic there told me about a "transmission leak" that he had found, but couldn't trace where it came from. He told me that the transmission fluid level was fine though.


I dropped it off this morning to the Ford dealer (Ford of Hyannis) and was told that the leak is caused by a bad axle seal. The part is on order and hopefully will be in tomorrow.


After reading the many posts on this problem, I do recall smelling the burning smell after stopping. It only happened a couple of times and I wasn't sure if it was coming from my vehicle or not. I guess it was.


Thanks to all who have posted here about the leak problem in the Edge. Hopefully, the replacement seal will work and I'll be all set. We love the car otherwise.

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FSE and Regional customer care Specialist did contact Dean over @ Gervais and yes they do want the entire PTU replaced. Has anyone had any luck with just the PTU???? The reason I ask is that during this past week I (my family) have not noticed any odor or burning smell at all. Even took a 60+ mile ride yesterday and nothing. The unit won't be in till next Monday and I'm contemplating even having them do the repair. My luck the leak will be worse.


I've had two seal kits and the intermediate shaft replaced so far. Dean and I just don't believe this is the final solution as he has told the Spec. and the FSE. Someone is just buying time.

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They don't have a fix. After mine being at the dealer for 14 days the fse told them to put another seal in. I went and picked it up and told them that was a waste of time. I think I am getting somewhere though. The customer service rep called and in a real snotty tone told me that she would not be speaking with me about this again since someone had requested a repurchase order to the upper levels of Ford. Don't know how the process works but it sounds like somebody is trying to help me out.

Edited by rdonchann
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  rdonchann said:
They don't have a fix. After mine being at the dealer for 14 days the fse told them to put another seal in. I went and picked it up and told them that was a waste of time. I think I am getting somewhere though. The customer service rep called and in a real snotty tone told me that she would not be speaking with me about this again since someone had requested a repurchase order to the upper levels of Ford. Don't know how the process works but it sounds like somebody is trying to help me out.
Nice, good luck , I hope this may be a sign for us as well. Did you say you went the BBB route?
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