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Mustang wheels on Ford Edge 2014?


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I would like to know if somebody have mustang wheels on his Ford Edge?


I want to change my OEM wheels (the standard 18 inch not chrome wheels on my edge 2014)


I'm searching something in the 18 inch and having a OEM look (not to much bling bling)


Waiting your suggestions.


Thanks a lot.

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It just so happens that I have a set of 2011 Mustang Pony Edition 18x8 wheels for sale. They're used but don't have a scratch on them. They're clear-coated polished aluminum and I just replaced them with chrome this weekend. You would probably want to use different center caps since the Mustang caps wouldn't be appropriate but the ones you have should work.


Here's what they look like (not my car but the same wheels)...




I'll sell the four of them for $400 plus actual shipping (it cost me $120 to have the chrome ones shipped to Florida from Michigan).

Edited by TheWizard
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It's not the distance, it's dealing with customs. I will be in Wakefield QC (near Ottawa) in a couple of weeks but I won't be driving up so I can't bring them with me. :(


Yes, I think certain Mustang wheels would look good on an Edge. However, I can't find any listing showing the wheels you're considering on any late-model Mustang. I assume they are aftermarket wheels with Mustang center caps added. You would need more information to confirm a proper fit. We can assume the bolt pattern is correct but you should find out the width (to match the tires you plan to use), the offset and the back spacing. Mustang factory wheels have 44mm offset and 5.83" backspacing in an 18x8 size. Edge wheels have only 40mm offset but that difference shouldn't cause a problem. A larger offset positions the wheel further into the wheel well (moves the hub closer to the outside edge of the wheel) but 4mm would not be noticeable.

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Those wheels are 1/2" wider than stock. There shouldn't be a problem with fender clearance unless you also lower your Edge. They should fit inside the fender because they have a 50mm offset to compensate for the added width but it is possible you might get some rubbing on the inside on the front at full steering lock due to the extra width. The stock 245/60-18 tires are a good fit on that wheel.


Whether it will look good is a matter of personal taste. My vote would be no, there are much nicer wheels to go on the Edge (or on the Mustang for that matter) but my opinion doesn't matter... it's whether you like them or not.

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Thanks for your quick response.




What are the perfect specs for other wheels in the 18 inch if I just want to trade the tires and the TPMS from my OEM Ford Edge wheels to the other wheels with no modification or complication?


Also, i checked on google the 18 inch wheels from my Edge 2014 and and can't find all the specs.


Tire Rim Bolt pattern THD CB 245/60 R18 8x18 ET38 5x114.3 N/A
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The specs you have there are all you need... 18x8 wheel with 5 bolts in a 114.3 diameter (114 will be fine... the 114.3 is merely because it's 4.5 inches converted to millimeters) with an offset of 38mm. The offset can vary slightly without causing issues. The greater the offset, the more the wheel sits back in the wheel opening (i.e. the closer the mounting surface is to the outer edge of the wheel). Backspacing is another common specification but if you have the offset and the width you can calculate the backspacing (the distance from the mounting surface to the inner edge of the wheel).


The only other measurement that might cause a problem is the center hole diameter - if it's too small the wheel won't fit onto the hub. The Edge has a center bore diameter of 70.6mm which is the same as recent model Mustangs (2011+) but larger than the 64.3 of the 08-10 Mustang so don't buy those 08 Mustang wheels.

Edited by TheWizard
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The Edge has a center bore diameter of 70.6mm which is the same as recent model Mustangs (2011+) but larger than the 64.3 of the 08-10 Mustang so don't buy those 08 Mustang wheels.


There is some confusion about wheel hub opening sizes because Ford changed the sizes. Edge models from 2007-2010 have an opening of about 70.5mm or 2 3/4 inches.


Edge models from 2011-2014 have an opening size of about 63.4mm or 2 1/2 inches.


Very important to know when replacing your factory wheels and you don't want to have a machine shop bore the replacement wheels larger or you have to buy hub centric rings to fit a larger opening onto your smaller hub size.


I believe the OP has a 2014 Edge so he has the smaller opening not the larger 70.5mm.

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