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3Five or 5Five TRS Kit

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I am ready to purchase a TRS HID kit for my 2014 Edge Limited. Trying to decide between the 3Five and 5Five. I have read a number of post and many 5Five owners comment on how bright the 5Five are over the 3Five which would appear to be the way to go. However, some say the 5Five are too bright and get headlight flashing from oncoming vehicles. Not sure which way to go. I have several questions which I have listed below.


1. Are they any 5Five owners that wish they had gone with the 3Five?

2. Are there any other concerns beside the lights being too bright that would support the 3Five over the 5Five?

3. Are there less issues with the automatic headlights on the Edge properly working with the 3Five over the 5Five?


I would appreciate anyone's input to these questions or other recommendations.





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I have had the newest set of 5Five ballast in my car for about 2 months with almost no issues. I have had a couple of occasions where they don't come on automatically when I turn the car on, but I have found it only happens if I turn the key very quickly If I pause for a split second at on before starting it works every time. I would go with the 5five again. Keep in mind that you need to run a relay for power on the 5five.

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I have been running the 5five from them for almost 3 years with retro fitted fx-r projectors and I love them I they are super bright I do get people flashing me sometimes but not to often. I do have to say once in a wile one of the ballets don't turn on and I have to cycle them but that could just be a problem on my end. But over all I would definitely recommend them

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