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What troubles have you had?


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Hello All,


My Edge was just at the dealer for 5 days fixing various issues that I complained about with less than 2k miles on it.


-molding around passenger side door handle was loose

-driver's side A pillar column molding had a 1/4"-1/2" gap/pulled away from the upholstery below it

-paint had dirt in it around the gas cap which would eventually cause paint to chip

-bad car and brake vibration when stomping on the brakes at anything over 40mph



Wife was driving the car today and we felt a HARD shift between one of the gears. Was the first time we had felt that.



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My biggest and only complaint is that my temperature read-out seems to be several degrees off from the temperature.


This makes the outside temperature from the Edge look warmer than it actually is!!!!!! WHAT A SCAM!


I am seriously thinking about a class-action lawsuit as I feel this is a conspiracy by Ford Motors.





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  Good_Hands said:
I am seriously thinking about a class-action lawsuit as I feel this is a conspiracy by Ford Motors.[/u]







I am totally IN with that.... :rant: .....Let me tell you about my problems with that clunker Edge...I have TWO un-resolved issues with FORD and no amount of questioning my local dealer has brought relief to the situation...Item #1...the numberic indicator in the middle of the instrument panel continues to increase NO matter what I seem to do..or at what ever speed...I have been informed this is normal and I have my doubts...Item #2....My car continues to, regardless of my futile efforts, get and attract bugs and other debris to the front of the vehicle...and this vehicle....well, is seeming to get dirty very fast...I purchased a self-cleaning oven for my home...so I know the technology is out-there for Ford to tap...I think they fail to do this.... in some vast conspiracy......The only resolved Ford issue ....The right rear tire pressure sensor failed and my local dealer took 37 minutes to replace that...when the service advisor told me it would only be about 30 minutes....I just returned from outside inspecting the car for any other failures and have noticed that my tires are showing visible signs of wear.....NOW I AM HOT.....All this with only 28153.4 on that number gizmo....Ford should held responsible for these gross malfunctions....I am joining in the suit....post haste..........Sr..

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  • 2 weeks later...

We have had our edge since July and have had two problems. First one was a simple fix. We have the big roof and the seal in the roof holding the plastic became unglued..easy fix 10 minutes at the dealer...We have noticed something troubling our back hatch paint is bubbling right along the bottom of the hatch..its going back to the dealer on Saturday, ill up date everyone.


Besides that we have really enjoyed the vehicle but the paint concerns me greatly.

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Just over 7k miles on the wifes Edge and no major issues. We also had the trim on the Vista roof come loose.


The biggest thing I have now is when filling the Edge with gas it will not fill all the way. When the gas pump shuts off there is only about 3/4 of a tank. I thought it was the pump/station I was using. I switched gas stations and the same thing. The dealer looked it over thinking the vent pipe was plugged or kinked and it was all good. So no fix yet. I just have to put the pump on the first notch to get it to fill all the way. Kind of a pain, but at least it's not a 40 gallon tank like my F250.

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  I8ACHEVY said:
Hello All,


My Edge was just at the dealer for 5 days fixing various issues that I complained about with less than 2k miles on it.


-molding around passenger side door handle was loose

-driver's side A pillar column molding had a 1/4"-1/2" gap/pulled away from the upholstery below it

-paint had dirt in it around the gas cap which would eventually cause paint to chip

-bad car and brake vibration when stomping on the brakes at anything over 40mph



Wife was driving the car today and we felt a HARD shift between one of the gears. Was the first time we had felt that.



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  edgesenior said:
Item #1...the numberic indicator in the middle of the instrument panel continues to increase NO matter what I seem to do..or at what ever speed...

Item #2....My car continues to, regardless of my futile efforts, get and attract bugs and other debris to the front of the vehicle...


i hate to see a fellow edge member in such a tizzy, so i can offer the following quick fixes -


item 1 - drive in reverse


item 2 - drive in reverse


just keep in mind you may not to drive this way on even and odd numbered days

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  EdgeMeOn said:
The only problem i have with my Edge is that it unlocks by itself, at first i thought i might be accidentally pressing the button on the keyfob, but then once i locked the car and just stood still and the car unlocked happens 9 outta 10 times, the dealer can't find anything wrong.


Any chance you are leaving the key in the ignition? The Edge does have "smartlocks" that automatically unlock the car if the key is left in the ignition and the power door locks are used to lock the car while the front doors or liftgate are open (and then closed I assume).


...or the autolocks are wired wrong...if that's even possible.

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  • 4 weeks later...

'07 Edge AWD SEL

5800 miles


I love my Edge however, my main peeve is the transmission. Shifts are lazy and a lot of tuning could have been done to address this. I also have this mysterious downshift to 4th while at highway speeds on a downgrade with cruise control set. As a result, the engire RPMs shoot up excessively. The only way to quickly resolve is to set and release the OD button on the shifter. Turning CC off has no effect. Bizzare!

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7800 mile and the only issue was my wife having to wait 2hr to get the oil changed. It must be some special oil. Its great that our local Galpin Ford (supposedly the biggest in the wold) has a Starbucks, and a restaurant, and their own customizing company. I am sure the nail salon is soon to follow

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  818EDGE said:
7800 mile and the only issue was my wife having to wait 2hr to get the oil changed. It must be some special oil. Its great that our local Galpin Ford (supposedly the biggest in the wold) has a Starbucks, and a restaurant, and their own customizing company. I am sure the nail salon is soon to follow

the only thing missing is a dry cleaners...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, I am getting ready to take my '07 (7,000 miles) in to the shop for the following issues:


• On four occasions the transmission has downshifted, causing the vehicle to abruptly slow down. The first couple of times it did it, I thought that I had been rear-ended. Transmission also has jerky/lazy low gear shifting.


• Rear Vista Roof rattles when closed.


• Whistling/Whining noise heard from rear of vehicle when driven in mornings after vehicle has sat overnight. Does not change with driving speeds.


• CD Player no longer works. Player is loaded with CDs but will not recognize them. It will not eject or load.


• TPS System TSB. I received a notice from Ford RE: Tire Pressure System being inoperative on the vehicle.


• Trip Computer has frozen after reset on several occasions. When resetting the average MPG, and miles traveled, both freeze on zero and will not increment. Takes several resets to get it to operate properly. Problem is intermittent.


• Vehicle Performance. Overall, when compared to our other Edge, this one feels sluggish and the gas mileage is much worse. Owning a second Edge gives us the opportunity to fully compare vehicle operation.


My wife has an '07 purchased two days after mine and the only issue with hers was a wheel bearing that had to be replaced. Hers is FWD, mine is AWD. She gets much better gas milage. I know that I should expect slightly lower MPG with AWD but it is on the order of 5-6 MPG. It is not driving style as we have swapped vehicles and the results were the same.


I will keep everyone updated.

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08 Limited with 1k miles.


Fuel gauge would jump from little under half full to empty. Found this out in the middle of a road trip. Family was in the middle of I-8 in AZ desert and the car suddenly starts beeping that fuel level is low. Wife is giving me the why didn't we stop for gas look and the baby starts crying. We made it 80 miles to the next gas station and I fill up but only get little over 9 gallons in. I am thinking no way Ford puts a 10 gallon tank in a SUV, but hey we made it to Gas station. Take it to the dealer after we get home but they can't find anything wrong. So we drive it around a while and then it jumps to empty again and take it in for dealer to see. They just replaced the fuel gauge cluster so hope that fixes the problem.


We also had a problem with the memory seats not always going to the preset spot. They said they fixed that as well, but couldn't tell me what they did.

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I am having the exact same problem with the fuel guage on my '08 Edge with under 1000 miles. The duel gauge suddenly drops from half full to empty. Last time this happened, it only took 8 gallons to fill it. The dealer is scheduled to replace the "Sending Unit" tomorrow.

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I had the pillar trim replaced as it was coming off - probably a combination of expansion in the heat and someone knocking it, no problem now. I also occasionally get the stability control going off when i corner a bit quickly, the ABS, drivetrain and ESC lights come on for a little while and then off. Didnt know what it was the first time and the mechanics didnt find an error code and it only happens on certain corners which i usually dont slow down too much for.

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Radiator boiled over circling in a parking lot with only 200+ miles and ten days on the car. The vehicle lost about 25% of its coolant, the temp gauge pegged on H, and a cloud of steam engulfed the vehicle leaving a water trail that didn't evaporate for 20 minutes.


After two days in the shop, Ford determined the problem to be that the fan clutch electrical connector was not seated properly at the factory. Kind of a souring experience on an otherwise very nice vehicle.


This is an '08 Edge Limited, all options, including trailer tow package and extra cooling. LOL.

Edited by DistortedEdge
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I also purchased an 07' Edge Sel Plus AWD on Sept 30th, it's in the repair shop now. There was a bad seal on the transmission, it was leaking fluid onto my exhaust which was creating smoke and a burning smell. The Ford repair shop tried to put a stop leak in the transmission, but 2 days later I was back, they are ordering a new seal, takes 2 days, then replacing, another 2 days, but at least they gave me a comp car while in the shop. Other than that no other problems and already have over 8000 miles.

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Had our 2007 AWD Edge (7,700 miles) in the shop about three weeks ago because of fluid leaking on my driveway. They returned it to me confirming a transaxle leak. Advised me not to drive it and schedule to have it looked at. It has been in the shop a week tomorrow. They said a seal is bad and they are waiting for it to come in. Said it would take about two days to fix once the part comes in.

They did provide me a loaner (Explorer) until repairs are complete. I'm just hoping the shifting problem that many are experiencing dosen't develop in the future. We have always had Ford vehicles and really like this one. ................. Must say we loved our Freestar Limited and was disappointed Ford stopped manufacturing the mini van.

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  becky said:
I also purchased an 07' Edge Sel Plus AWD on Sept 30th, it's in the repair shop now. There was a bad seal on the transmission, it was leaking fluid onto my exhaust which was creating smoke and a burning smell. The Ford repair shop tried to put a stop leak in the transmission, but 2 days later I was back, they are ordering a new seal, takes 2 days, then replacing, another 2 days, but at least they gave me a comp car while in the shop. Other than that no other problems and already have over 8000 miles.



i had the same problem.

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Trans Speed Sensor & Turbine Sensor Malfunction..


Cut & Paste

Service lights on (wrench & engine lights on) by johnnyholliste Dec 28, 2007 (8:40 am)

Total Posts: 17

Member Since:

Aug 24, 2007

after 5700 miles & 120 days of loving my Edge, I got a malfunction, I was at a stop light & light turned green, & gave it gas, I loss power & engine/tranny wined.. I got it up to 30 miles per hour & it seemed ok but every time I started from a stop it did the same thing, like low gear was not engaged & went to 3rd or so it was ok.. I was in San Francisco for Xmas & the weekend before I was in Lake Tahoe enjoying the snow, all with no problems, anyway I was only 5miles away from the Ford Dealership, so I drop it off.. They gave me a Rental of course & would call me today.. Lets see how Ford handles it.. Anybody with this experience or inputs, come on in...My rental is a PT Cruiser, what a piece of crap...


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johnnyholliste (Jan 01, 2008 8:58 am)


#2 of 5 Re: Service lights on (wrench & engine lights on) [johnnyholliste] by johnnyholliste Jan 01, 2008 (8:58 am)

Total Posts: 17

Member Since:

Aug 24, 2007

Replying to: johnnyholliste (Dec 28, 2007 8:40 am)


Things do Malfunction, especially with all the Electronics today, I just got my Edge back from the dealership, they replaced Trans Speed Sensor & Turbine Sensors (All under Warranty), dropped it off on 27th 3pm & really thought it would not be ready till new year with holidays & UPS Delivery backup, (Friday, Saturaday & Monday= they received the parts & 1/2 day to install them), Got my Edge on New years Eve 5PM. Love my Edge, I guess the sensors would fall under power train warranty..Experience with the Dealership was very Positive & will rate them High.. Happy New Year..

P.S. I confirmed that this would fall under power train Warranty 5yrs & 60K miles..

Anybody have this problem?????

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hmm..I am starting to wonder about my Edge.


Thus far the biggest and ONLY issue has been the PTU (transfer Case). It has been replaced 3 times!!! the last time being this past Tuesday. Well, guess what??!!


It's leaking AGAIN --> Right Side Front Shaft..The same location as in the other 2 units..


I can't believe that a simple "seal" has generated these many problems with myself and others. I mean, we are not talking "rocket science" here folks, but a simple seal...


My patience is running out. I do not want to become a "guinea" pig until FORD gets the right PTU for my car and the leaking finally stops.


Has anyone out there experienced these many replacement PTU's?


Besides this "issue", the Edge is a superb vehicle...

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