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DIY: LED Puddle Lights Install

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For starters... This post is in no way to take away business from other companies that may or may not have LED puddle light direct replacements. I'm a "do it yourself" type of person so this is only a guide to help those that may want to take on the challenge themselves.


Lets begin.. The Ford Edge has a little clear #3021 bulb underneath the OEM lense which you'll see in the pictures I'll enclose below (Apparently I can't use image extensions to save bandwidth) . Now what bulb replacement you choose to use is solely up to you, I however used a 31mm 1210 Festoon Interior LED bulb (6000K White) for this particular install that I purchased off Ebay for under $5.00. You'll need two (2) of these bulbs to complete the project.

So what tools, etc.. you'll need:

(2) replacement bulbs

(1) Razorblade Knive (or) Dremel Tool (or) Another Cutting Device

(1) Clear Epoxy of some sort - I used a 60sec 2500lb epoxy that you can get at any hardware store

(2) Clamps (or something to hold pressure on the OEM housing during dry time)

Step 1: Remove the OEM Puddle Light from the mirror. There is a tab on one end of the light that you can use a small flat head screw driver to help pry the light down.

Step 2: Once the puddle light is hanging remove the 2 wires from the light fixture. (re-installing the light you'll re-connect the wires to the light...should the light not work, simply reverse the wires and the light should turn on.)

Step 3: Use your knife and carefully cut between the clear lense and housing... (Careful not to cut your finger off) This is the part that if you don't feel comfortable with the knife, you might opt for a dremel tool or other cutting devise.

Step 4: Once you have the lense separated from the housing (Remember what lense came from what housing). Now replace the OEM bulb with the bulb of your choice. This also would be a good time to clean up the clear lense and black housing of any debris that may hinder a good seal once we move to the next step.

Step 5: Run a thin amount of clear epoxy around the outside of the clear OEM lense, then snap in back into place on the housing that it originally came from. Remove any epoxy that may have over flown so you have a clean appealing look. Now use your clamps and apply pressure to the fixture and allow dry time.

Step 6: Finally... remove the clamps and return to your car to plug them back in. Prior to you clipping them back into the mirror housing, open the door to assure that the wires are on the correct prong and the puddle light works. If they work, your done.. If the light does not light up, flip the 2 wires around and this should resolve the issue...

Good Luck!!











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Thanks for your efforts. May I add a few suggestions?


  1. Philips makes a 30mm LED Festoon replacement bulb that is great fit. http://www.amazon.com/Philips-129416000KX1-XtremeVision-Interior-Exterior/dp/B009NOZ5BI/ref=pd_sim_auto_7
  2. You can use some acetone (nail polish remover) to help remove the glue that joining the lens to the housing, would make separating them a little easier.
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  On 1/22/2014 at 3:52 AM, omar302 said:


Thanks for your efforts. May I add a few suggestions?


  1. Philips makes a 30mm LED Festoon replacement bulb that is great fit. http://www.amazon.com/Philips-129416000KX1-XtremeVision-Interior-Exterior/dp/B009NOZ5BI/ref=pd_sim_auto_7
  2. You can use some acetone (nail polish remover) to help remove the glue that joining the lens to the housing, would make separating them a little easier.



Perfect, Thanks... Anything that helps make the project easier is always a bonus..

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  • 4 months later...
  On 1/24/2014 at 4:39 PM, SIRROMMOTORSPORTS said:

I replaced all my bulbs with LED bulbs for less than $100.00 total.

I am replacing all my bulbs to LED, I am having issues trying to take off the covers on the interior lights. Do you have any tips or tricks so I don't break any clips or the cover? Thanks

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  On 6/22/2014 at 1:35 PM, Scoulis said:

I am replacing all my bulbs to LED, I am having issues trying to take off the covers on the interior lights. Do you have any tips or tricks so I don't break any clips or the cover? Thanks


This! And for those who replaced all the bulbs, which ones did you order and from where? There are SO many places to get LED bulbs now...

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  On 6/22/2014 at 1:35 PM, Scoulis said:

I am replacing all my bulbs to LED, I am having issues trying to take off the covers on the interior lights. Do you have any tips or tricks so I don't break any clips or the cover? Thanks


Here is a video for the front map lights


The rear dome light is the same method, you pull down from the rear of the light. It's a bit hard but it will pop out. Everything else is pretty straight forward.

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  On 6/25/2014 at 12:40 PM, pjsockett said:

Here is a video for the front map lights


The rear dome light is the same method, you pull down from the rear of the light. It's a bit hard but it will pop out. Everything else is pretty straight forward.

Thanks for the video, they are now all installed. I am going to now tackle the puddle lights.

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