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There's a few modifications I'd like to do to my Edge ;)


1.) LED lights in the reflector for tail lights - basically what was done on this thread http://www.fordedgeforum.com/topic/11875-ford-edge-led-taillight-reflector-conversion/


The user who made them hasn't been on in months and I was wondering if anyone had any insight as how to do this


2.) Change my DRLs from the low beam to my front fog lights - has anyone done this, I'd imagine it can't be that hard. Either rewiring or a trip to the dealership


3.) Projector retrofit http://www.hidplanet.com/forums/album.php?albumid=118&attachmentid=858 I contacted a retrofit company for a quote, but if anyone here can do them I'd appreciate it


EDIT: 4.) Change dashboard/cluster lighting - I HATE the green it feels outdated. I was thinking keeping the red needles, white for the main parts of the gauges and blue for the other parts (km conversion, Hot/Cold End points, etc)



Open to any comments/suggestions!

Edited by kyle5782
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tail lights - its cheaper to make them urself and the l.e.d's are 20bucks from pepboys

matts - I got mines from ford with the edge logo all weather for about 110

headlights - most online companys sell them google it they are around 250

h.i.d bulbs and blast I brought my set from simlpyhidkits for 50bucks

radio - I hav the sony xav701hd it retails for about 700 I got it new from ebay @ 350

I got this radio because I hav my phone that controls it plus it plays video from usb...

in order to do the fog light thing requires electrical rewire and the edge is smarter then u think it will try to fix the issues on its own which will give u an issues... I brought a pair of l.e.d running fog lights to go under the main fog... at the bottom of my info is the address to check out all the pics

Edited by Ron Bemberry
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