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What have you done to/with your Edge/MKX today?

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  On 12/1/2013 at 4:32 AM, wannabang said:

Congrats on the new family whip! Dingo claims the K&N is loud! TINT THAT THANG!

Drove to lunch for our wedding anniversary! Went to a restaurant 25miles away instead of 5mile just so I could drive!!!

Tinting is on the mod list...along with wheels, though I may plastidip them and the grille like I've done the vdub. I had a CAI on the previous vehicle and that sweetened the rev sound from the stock squeal. The EDGE stock sound is ok compared to it. Looking at what is available for the EDGE, K&N 77 Series Metal Intake kit at $254, going to add the small things first :)

Gotta go slow to placate ;) I want to drive her to next years anniversary :)

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I put some glossifier PD on today to prep it for the winter slush and salt, butttttt I didn't take the tape off when it was still wet so the lines are REAL ugly. Probably will redo it. On the plus side, I've found I like the color the glossifier gives me when I put it over my blue. ...got me thinking about doing the whole car.

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My Edge on Thanksgiving Weekend:


Wed: Work, Home to relax and pick up mail/packages, paid car note, pick up wifey who dropped me off at Cisco Study Group and then went on to Bible study, then went home after picking me up from study group

Thurs: Played beat the clock to get coffee and last minute items for Thanksgiving dinner, went to relatives for Thanksgiving Dinner

Fri: For the most part, she got to chill out since we were both off work

Sat: Drove to homeless shelter to feed homeless teens and met with a friend in the West Valley (Glendale)

Sun: Went to church, Auto Show, Portillo's, picked up wife at church


Today: Work, gas station for its bi-weekly feeding, home

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got around to getting the Edge washed. Had enough of the winter c*** sitting on it (not caked tho). So tried something different. Spritzed the exterior with mix of Zep Citrus & Dawn 1:1 (thanks Richy!). Drove to the carwash and got an express wash, let the pressure washer work its magic. I have to say this worked out really well. Even though some of the crap got right back on it while driving home :(

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Last Week: Work/Home/Church....routine runs

Saturday: Drove to S. Phoenix and then Tucson. Let the wife drive back because I was getting sick (sinuses). She was getting drowsy which led me to take over from Eloy, AZ back.

Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday: Wifey drove to work in it. I was at home sick.

Today: Drove to work, First feeding of the week of 89 octane. Still under the weather, but not as bad as Sunday and Monday.

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Pulled the negative terminal off the battery per this thread. I'm running -1 sized winter wheels/tires so the navigation is all wonky. It thinks I'm plowing through the fields when I'm actually on the freeway. The F150 guys have the same problem, and say pulling the neg terminal on the battery fixes it.


Also strongly considering order the illuminated door sills - http://www.levittownfordsupercenter.com/ford-edge-door-sill-plates-illuminated-piece-charcoal-black-p-46.html

Edited by Drive XR7
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Not sure. The car came with 18s, my winter wheels are 17s with a slightly taller sidewall. The speedo reads about 3mph faster than I'm actually going. From what I read on the F150 forums, a tuner or dealership can plug in pre-determined wheel/tire combos. I don't think this exact setup was ever offered from the factory.


However, I removed the negative terminal, let it sit for a few hours, and the navigation now appears to be spot on. I'll keep an eye on it to see if it ever gets off course. The F150 guys are far more likely to change wheel/tire combos than we are (IMO), so they noticed this issue right away.

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It's another PD product, so it would essentially have the same effect as eight coats of black. I had seen a comparison on Youtube of the Glossfier versus year-long spray on bra (don't remember the name) that I also have. lol I had noticed when I peeled off the 6 coat layer I had on previously that parts were thinner (and didn't peel off as easy), I assume from constant debri and air pressure, so I made sure to make this one thicker.

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  On 1/2/2014 at 4:51 AM, wannabang said:

Maybe the cops are a nuissance in your area, but I get by with 20% and the windshield done. The cops here don't hassle anyone, even with 5%, for tint, and if you get by with 20%... It matches the rest of the windows best, too. Personal preference. I'd go darker if I had to do it again.


I think it's completely up to the city. I'm in Strongsville, Ohio. 25 minutes away from Cleveland. Some of the smaller suburbs will harass people for window tint.

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Hah. I go to school in Granville and haven't had issues, but it's all in what you're comfortable with and relative to your area. Good to meet a fellow Ohioan!


I took her out to the local high school, today, for some fun in the snow.






Unfortunately, the school was on top of their plowing today. There were mounds of snow around the parking lots, so I just just to play in the dust :cry: Fortunately, as I was leaving, the plow was re-entering the lot to plow it again.

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