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SYNC reboots with MP3 player

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I have an 80GB archos jukebox that I plug into SYNC via USB. It worked fine for a few days w/o incident, but lately, everytime I startup the MP3 player, sync will start playing a song from it and then reboot. After that, it plays fine. Unfortunately, it takes a few minutes to do that reboot during which my center screen is blank / unusable.


Is there a particular filename SYNC is seeing that makes it think its a ford SYNC update? Or just a size / incompatability?

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I do not have navigation, so the SD slot is ideal for holding my music. I'm pretty sure there's only one SD slot. There are two USB slots and I tried both with my MP3 player, but had the same results with both of them....SYNC would start reindexing and then reboot with a maintenance update message.

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I used to have this problem as well with my 80GB iPod. I ended up changing the usb cable to a new one and that seemed to resolve the problem. It only happened during the last version of MFT for me though.


The reboot would trigger for me when I would navigate to search by playlist. I organize all my songs in playlists and select what I want to hear that way. As soon as I hit the playlist button, or navigated there by voice command, it would freeze and then reboot. After that I could use the device with no issues.


Try changing your usb cable.

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