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Microsoft Zune will not stay in sync after latest update

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The main reason I purchased the Edge will most likely be the reason I get rid of it, the Ford Touch/Sync. I use my MP3 all the time in the car and it worked fine until the latest system update. Now the Edge will not stay in sync with my Zune after I start the car a dozen or so times, then it starts to resync from song 1. Working with tech support they told me to do the master reset, I did and it works for a while and then it starts all over again.


Because I knew when I called today they would try to say it was not the car but the MP3 player, and guess what, they did. So far I have tried the reset 5 times, same thing has happened with 4 different Zunes. I have a Zune in my 2012 Camaro SS, the wife's Chrysler convertible, and our Goldwing, I tried the additional three Zunes in the Edge, on all of the other three players sync reacted the same way after a master reset worked for a while then BANG, the Edge loses the sync. I also requested they tell me how to back out the update, like you can do with all of the other Microsoft products but, guess what, you guessed it they can't. Anyone out there have the same problem?



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  • 4 months later...

interesting... my Zune HD has always sync'd up fine. Occasionally, it stubs its toe navigating through the menus, but overall, it's worked pretty good. Now granted, I don't keep it in the Edge full-time... (it's usually hooked up to my theater system), but it has always worked for me in the Edge. But yea... sux that microsoft stopped supporting the Zune... such a great platform, and no crappy itunes to deal with.

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yeah I was just getting ready to ask the same question as you about the Microsoft Zune issues. I have had occasional issues with it having to do an Index before it will play but since I did the new Sync update via flash drive, the Sync system takes forever to index my zune. Sometimes it will pick up right where the song was when I shut it off last but most of the time I have to wait almost 20 minutes for the system to stop saying "Indexing Device..." before I can hear music. The actual Zune is fine, but the issues started with the latest update download off of the sync website. Also I notice that occasionally when the sync has to index the device again, my Ambient Lighting will default back to the teal color rather than the blue I have chosen for my default. But looks like Slick says that theyre no longer doing Zune support so guess were SOL. At least I still have my Galaxy S2 w/ MicroSD and plenty of music to play via blutooth... still sucks that the zune is becoming obsolete to sync...

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