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A/C Intake in recerculation mode

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I have a mouldy smell as well in my MKX. It's worst immediately on startup and usually goes away. I've never had it happen to any of my previous vehicles but I think it started after I got home one night when it was extremely hot and humid outside and immediately shut the garage door. I had it on recirc so I think some moisture got trapped in the hvac and caused some mildew. When it's hot I usually leave the door up for a while because my garage is so tight but not that night because it was late. Four months old and 2,000 km on it.


I researched online and the suggestion is normally Lysol in the outside cowl vent on the passenger (?) side. Of course that won't work with recirc on. Also check to see if the vent tube is clogged. I don't think mine is because there's always a puddle under it on hot days.

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The tube is not clogged since I also see the puddle. Already tried Lysol on cowel outside front passenger section under the hood. Checked dash on passenger side and didnt see any intakes. Took glove box off and I think recircualte mode intake is diectly below the filter but too many exposed wiring there for me to safely spry lisol with engine on. I did spray a bit below that general alrea with it on max ac mode so will see if this helps it at all.


From the searches on a few threads here I think the issue is mold or trapped water in the condensator or blower and would need to clean that to fully get rid of the smell.

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I have owned cars with A/C since 1983 and never had an issue with moldie smells. What I do before shutting the car off, would probably work with the engine off, I raise the temp to high heat and let it run for a minute with the A/C still on, I think this will also work with the A/C off. This dries out the condensor etc. so no mold will grow.

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