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Kumos ?


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Hi guys, new member from NE OK. We just purchased a 07 SEL FWD with 80+k miles, love the way you sit so much higher in the Edge, much easier on an old back and front vision is great if your sunglasses are polorized but the glare is for another post. Main problem for present is tires, has Cooper CS4s and former owner didn't rotate so I have pretty bad wear on what were the fronts. Main problem now is noise and after reading thru many posts on this forum I believe most can be overcome by new tires.Have a local dealer in whom I have a great deal of confidence and he has recommended Kumo ECO Solus and I haven't seen a single reference in the forum about them, any input on these would be helpful and I realize most here like Michelin Latitude an I have had good luck with Michelins but as with most old folks money is a factor. Good forum guys and thanks to all the contributers, will visit often. thanks olredhead

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I was skeptical about the Kumhos at first. I ran them on my 7 series BMW and they performed as well as the Michelin Pilot Sports. The ASX line best matches the Michelins.

I have put Kumhos on my wife's X3 and my daughter's Z3. Great tire for the price.

Edited by autom8r
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I like to use the tirerack(dot)com website to compare tires. I've never once regreted a choice that I picked after down selecting a tire from that site. I still make the purchase locally, but that's a personal preference. I deal with a tire chain that's convenient to me for rotating tires and getting the occasional flat fixed. However, I prefer not to listen to their tire recommendations as I often found myself unhappy with the selection. I think it's because they push tires that they have in stock at that moment rather than risk losing a sale by making you wait on something that has to be ordered.


I have had very good experiences with Kumho tires and have used them on two Mercedes auto's in the past. My wife drives a MB E-class and after 5,000 miles on the original Michelins I bought her Kumhos that performed better. However, after running my own 2012 FWD Edge criteria through the tirerack data base I found that the Kumho Solus is probably not my first choice.

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Thanks for the replies, will try to do my research as I'm going to put up with the noise till the CS4s are worn a bit more. Dealer also told me that some Edges have limited adjustment for tire alignment and some need a kit installed to properly align new tires. Is he tryin to sell me a bill of goods, has anyone heard or used such a thing ?

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If the tires and wheels are stock sizes, you don't need any additional kits or have to worry about "limited adjustment". Now, if you change to wheel sizes that run too close to the strut/spring or have an out-of-range offset, you may need camber bolts or other such kits installed.


Typically, minor variations in wheel/tire size can be taken care of by changing the alignment accordingly, if needed.

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Most new tires will be quiet. Road noise is an affect of the road surface more than the tire.

I have Perelli Scorpion Verdr's on my 2009 and love them, however on certain old road surfaces they are noisy.

Concrete that has been ground to remove joint heaves is very quiet as is new asphalt that is smooth.


Compare your prospecetive tires on Tire Rack.

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