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2011 Dead Battery Issues????!??!?!?!??!


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Hello All,


I have owned a 2011 Ford Edge Limited for 2 years. Love it! Almost 40000 miles and almost without a problem. Recently, my OEM battery went on my Edge. Not a big deal, I got my full usage out of it. I went to Walmart and had the battery replaced (reason being price differential between FORD and Walmart was astronomical). However, immediately on getting the battery installed my ((SERVICE ADVANCETRAC LIGHT)), ((TRACTION CONTROL LIGHT)) and ((COLLISION WARNING LIGHTS)) are all illuminated at a constant. This was never a problem before and even when the battery was jumped from a dead stop they all functioned fine. Here is my question before I waste the time going down to Ford (which is probably what I should of done prior) could it be the battery itself is the wrong type for the vehicle? Car runs smooth. No other electrical problems whatsover. Could it be that? Or any recommendations other than that, that it could be?. Thanks.

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Have you tried pulling the battery again and letting your computer completely die letting everything completely reset? That is what I would try first just disconnect the battery and then hit your breaks to make sure that there is no power left at all in the system. Let it sit for maybe a few minutes 5 at most. Reconnect then drive for a few miles and see if you still get any lights.

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  On 3/9/2014 at 3:07 AM, Mooney6959 said:

I just purchased a 2011 Edge Limited today and noticed the same issue, both on the way home as well as driving. Has anybody found the cause to this?


Howdy Mooney6959,


Have you discussed this concern with your dealer? Let me know and I'll look into possible avenues of assistance.



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