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Challenge -- Patience (MPG)


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This past week I was able to get some pretty good gas millage. I know I didn't go that far but I still think its good. Driving to the airport to pick my parents up for a visit to Germany, I was able to get 32.9 MPG with 2 adults and an infant in the car: ( I was able to get 33.5 MPG but the pic came out blurry, let me know if you still want to see it.)




We just got back from driving to the Alps and we were able to get 25.5 MPG with 4 adults, 1 infant, and a full trunk of luggage/baby stuff. This included several stops with the car running. Very happy with the results:




Here is an epic shot of the Edge:





So the question/challenge to you is, what kind of gas millage can you get? Past MPG does not count, everything starts fresh from when you read this. Pics or it didn't happen! This is a personal challenge, mainly against your patience and how dedicated you are to posting the best numbers. So, let's keep the rules simple:



1) Reset one of your trip meters.

2) Drive a minimum of 1 hour.

3) Take a picture of your trip meter.

4) Post what year/model Edge you have.

5) Not be a hindrance on the road.

6) Have fun with the challenge!



Now let's see what you can do!

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I feel lucky when I can get 19...but with the hills in Pittsburgh, we're typical to get a few less than what's listed in the sticker.


Ironically, since I have a hard time with the voice commands, I'm kinda opposite of the new Ford commercial, "I get bad gas mileage AND I can't get voice commands to work." :drop:

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  On 6/16/2013 at 1:20 AM, fishx65 said:

Just got 28.6 mpg on a 485 mile trip to upper Michigan. 2011 SEL fwd. Didn't take a pic so maybe it never happened!!!!


I believe you but those are the rules :camera: :happy feet:


  On 6/16/2013 at 3:11 AM, WWWPerfA_ZN0W said:

Amazing numbers, Cellbine! Sure, you're not posting from a Focus? ;) The only way I'm gonna get that mpg is if I am rowing downhill with an 18 wheeler pushing me along!


Thanks! Guaranteed not to be a focus LOL

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  On 6/16/2013 at 1:37 PM, ShopVac said:

I feel lucky when I can get 19...but with the hills in Pittsburgh, we're typical to get a few less than what's listed in the sticker.


Ironically, since I have a hard time with the voice commands, I'm kinda opposite of the new Ford commercial, "I get bad gas mileage AND I can't get voice commands to work." :drop:


I feel ya. The autobahn's over here have plenty of hills and we had to concur many of them on this trip. That is why this challenge is one of patience. You have to be committed to going up those hills with the cruise control off and go light on the gas even if it means you are going up 10~mph slower. Don't try to beat me, try to beat yourself!


  On 6/17/2013 at 5:56 PM, wannabang said:

I'll do this today! I'm making a two hour trip, and just got back from one. Got 21 mpg, so hopefully it stays up there.


Awesome! Hope you are able to get some good numbers. :camera:

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  On 6/17/2013 at 10:24 PM, PrinzII said:

I might try this on my next run to Sedona or Tucson.



  On 6/17/2013 at 11:11 PM, thirdgenlxi said:

I'll give it a shot but doubt I'll get anywhere near that, hahah. Living right in the mountains it kinda kills MPG....I usually get 21-23. I'll try it out though and see what I get


Cool guys! Show us what you got! :camera:

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  On 6/18/2013 at 12:55 AM, Gurufarmer said:

Cellbine you got a diesel in that thing being in Europe or what? I'm doing good to break 20 but i guess I only have 1,694 miles on the clock and have the 3.7. I sure hope it gets better mileage as we get some miles on it.



LOL Guru, no diesel. I bought my Edge from the states and had it shipped over here before I moved here 2 years ago. Nothing special about my Edge except that it's mine :victory:

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I figured no better time to post than while I'm sitting in the hospital waiting while my wife is in labor with our daughter. So pic was taken while in the hospital parking lot. Tank had 82.8 miles on it.


My trip doesn't have mileage on it. My trip only shows miles driven since last reset.


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  On 6/18/2013 at 1:16 AM, akirby said:


You buying a Hyundai?



Might do the Tucson run first since it's flat. Sedona involves climbing up to 5000 - 6000 feet above sea level which can affect mileage. May also do a daily drive.


For the record, the speed limit outside of Phoenix is 75 mph.,

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Just got back from a 5 hour round trip little vacation to Akron and back. Took 270 to 71, for any of you familiar with the area, the only hills I came across were the ones further north on 71. Besides the frequent reduction of speed for the littered porkers checkin' for speeders, I maintained a constant 75-85 mph the whole trek. On my return, the readout displayed 21.9, but got it back up to 23.something when finally getting home. Here's some pics to prove mileage on the way up. Keep in mind: '08 with a 3.5L.


To prove that I reset it.


Decided to take this in case it was the highest mpg I got, but it wasn't.


24 mpg @ 80 mpg


Don't let the speedo throw ya off. Took this in a construction zone. It was a whole 10 miles long :banghead:


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  On 6/18/2013 at 6:24 PM, Gurufarmer said:

My trip doesn't have mileage on it. My trip only shows miles driven since last reset.


You will need to set your trip settings to Advanced to be able to see it like mine shows. I'll post a shot of where the option is if you can't find it before I post again.




I'm pretty surprised at the MPG I'm seeing here though. I thought that we would be getting higher MPGs collectively. When we drove to southern Germany, our average speed was around 72mph. I was driving at around 65 but our fuel economy actually increased when when started going faster.

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  On 6/23/2013 at 8:57 PM, WWWPerfA_ZN0W said:

Nothing to crow about here, but here's mine:


2007 Edge

228.5 miles

21.0 mpg

41 mph Avg speed for trip


85% highway, 50% very hilly highway (meaning had to really get revs up to keep speed up).


Will post pics later before I move the Edge again as proof of life :)


Were you towing something? It almost seems that your lower speed hurt your MPG.

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