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Brake stopping problem FIXED!!!

07 MKX

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I just got back from doing some field tests. I had the wife put on her track shoes and take a stop watch, I grabbed a camera and clipboard. We took the Lincoln out and I wanted to know what the brake modification I had made would do.


I had the wife run alongside the Lincoln. When we got up to 40 Mph. I told her 40, she clicked the stop watch and stopped running, I hit the brakes.


WOW! man this was WILD!! :yahoo:

I noticed the more I pushed on the brakes, the lower the pedal sank, and the quicker it stopped. The wife had her GPS with her and we measured out the distance.


It was unbelievable!!! I said to myself, "Self, this is unbelievable" So we tried it the same way again. This time, She running along side of me harder and harder and finally got up to 50 MPH, I could hear her shoes slapping that pavement pretty hard, "I thought, that should teach you, you $!^%&*#, and when I got to 55 MPH. I shouted out "STOP" Well she was very happy to and I hit the breaks again. And Again, the same thing happened" THIS Time, it was just awesome!!!

"One last test" I promised her and waited til she caught her breath. I gave her a minute and said "That's enough, you sit on your dainty little beehind all day long, I got work to do, let's go!"


I kept calling out the numbers, 40, 45, 55, 60, 62, 64, when I saw she couldn't run any faster than about 66 and stay at it longer than 5 minutes, I snickered and said "STOP" and I slammed on the brakes as hard as I could again. Again I was just Totally amazed!! I kid you NOT! The final results,.. well I will let pictures speak for themselves.



I went back to try to find the wife.. never did see her again.... :rip:


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  Ksaness07Edge said:
Nice paint on the calipers. What brand did you use, where did you get it? I was thinking of getting this kit http://www.tirerack.com/brakes/g2/caliper_paint.jsp




And yes red does stop faster :stop:



I got one by Dupli-Color with Ceramic @ Pep-boys, about $15. Included everything your pic shows, EXCEPT, it was not a 2-part system that you have to mix. Those instructions stated you have 6 hours to use this, well it will take you longer than that to jack each wheel up, remove tire, remove caliper, 1 coat, wait 15 min, 2 coat, wait 3 coat, tire back on, down to next wheel. The rear uses a 15mm and front, 19mm wrench. Those instructions state you don't have to remove the calipers, but you might want to, to do a good job. I also used lacquer thinner to clean out the brush, and that brush lasted less than 1 coat on the first wheel. It states you should put on 2-3 coats, and wait at least 24 hours before driving after you do it. Pick up 2 extra disposable brushes. When I was done, I had about a half bottle left of paint. That is a spray contact cleaner, it dries very fast, and didn't really remove any dirt/dust. Pick up some lacquer thinner to clean the caliper. Plan one day to paint and next day for the 24 hour waiting period.


I also saw a spray-can for calipers, but by-passed it.

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~Quote from 07MKX removed from this post by Scoopo after original post removed by staff~



The red looks AWESOME!

... but with MY car being very black would a killer caliper job like 07MKX's look good? Or, I ask again, how about gloss black?

Edited by scoopo
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My mistake, and my apologies to 007. Previous post edited accordingly.

I must have the two confused on the topic of the H&R springs as well because the pictures at the beginning of this thread are not of a lowered Edge/MKX...


... checking ...


... yep, that is MKX2007 with the springs.

Thanks CobraJet428 and Good_Hands for helping me sort that out.


Also, I thought last night late that I probably should consider there are people with sub-par PCs and/or Internet connections, as with any forum membership.

I will endeavor to include a 56k warning in any topic I start with full size images (reduced, of course, automatically by the forum software - which is yet another cool feature of this forum) and to exclusively use thumbnails in topics started by others.

Sometimes I forget that some people are less computer literate and may have less than "god-box" PCs (as my online and computer buddies like to call mine) than IT professionals and hardcore PC enthusiasts like me and many others.

I sincerely apologize to anyone else who has had issues with non-thumbnailed images.




Sanchez? LOL :lol:

That statement alone makes me lean toward black for my calipers... although red would look sweet peeking out from under all that black I'm going with.

Still considering... :headscratch:

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:shades: .....Scooper.....I'm looking at your pictures... No doubt.... BLACK...those babies out of there....Stealth is the way for that EDGE.... Want to check it out first??.... Does your "god box" ...NOT... have the "Paint" program?? :stats: ....Bingo ! ! Pull a picture in there and play...... Happy................. :shift: ..................Sr.


Edit item: You know I'm looking and.....Is there something can be done with that BAMR flip up curtain thing?? I'm thinking Black out that hardware.....Just a thought...

Edited by edgesenior
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  scoopo said:
~Quote from 07MKX removed from this post by Scoopo after original post removed by staff~



The red looks AWESOME!

... but with MY car being very black would a killer caliper job like 07MKX's look good? Or, I ask again, how about gloss black?


Hey, Look here is what happened.. When I, probably like a lot of others, click on new messages, you are taken to the last post. Well, when you have a LOT of large size pictures inserted full size into the body of a post, followed by other replies, the browser starts to scroll up and down as it's loaded. Then to fully view them you have to re-size your browser. I do know your happy about your Edge, But everyone here knows what they look like.. Really is one that much different than another? It's easier to view it in a post rather than a thumbnail, yes, but to be more considerate and not force someone to look, a Reference to a site or your album, would be much better.


We could get into a war with mega-size pic's, off topic pics/posts, etc. Also when you started a topic and posted all those pictures into it, I didn't say a word. It was your topic, I said to myself, self I can either read or not read and go, but I don't have a right to say something about how he made it.


Personally, I think BLACK would look better on yours, because of the black wheels and body, if someone saw the black calipers, then they were looking at the details, rather than the details sticking out to grab their eyes. And No offense to you either, Scoopo.

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