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new owner with sirius question

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If you like listening to local FM stations then don't waste your money. If you like listening to specific genres or artists or time periods without commercial interruptions no matter where you drive then give it a shot. When we trave we listen to the same stations as we do at home - mostly 70s and 80s music.


There are some other benefits - weather maps, traffic data (with navigation).

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Thanks @akirby I just cant justify $200 a yr for radio????

@shoulinpanther how do you talk down the price? I only saw that you can purchase a subscription online?? please let me know!!!!


From what I was told is to let your subscription lapse and they will call you and offer you a "deal" but tell you then hagel with them and if they still don't come down far enough then say no thanks. They will call back and you should be able to get them down further. My boss did this with his 2013 Boss Mustang and he got it down to $66 after his orginal 6 month subscription lapsed from the dealer.

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I listen to Sirius stations. Bluesville and Real Jazz. I'm exposed to music and artists in both genres I never knew existed. I enjoy listening to the artist interviews, live tracks, etc. The result, I bought more CDs. Yes, I still purchase CDs when possible. I've even thought about buying a new turntable and spinning vinyl.

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I listen to Sirius stations. Bluesville and Real Jazz. I'm exposed to music and artists in both genres I never knew existed. I enjoy listening to the artist interviews, live tracks, etc. The result, I bought more CDs. Yes, I still purchase CDs when possible. I've even thought about buying a new turntable and spinning vinyl.

Yes, I too, still buy cd's (where else is a guy going to get good Polka bands :hyper: ), and still spin tunes on my turntable. :worship:

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  • 3 weeks later...

YES Talk them down!!!! let trial come close to run out & then ask to cancel. I got an ALL IN $110 for the year in 2012. I had a price given of $100 all in for 6/2013. They sent invoice that was $200+. I called complained louder & got $90 all in.

All in to me means: radio, internet, taxes. royalty fee. I did not do the traffic/weather stuff. I enjoy the diversity of options & the stream on the computer, tablets/phones. If you do not get the North American call center- hang up- try later. Or better yet- have the across the world center do it- mess up & then you have option of attack to get a better price.

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