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Kind of a Mod-Spell Check Anyone?


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I didn't know where else to post this other than on a topic that hasn't had any replies since Feb 25. My spell check function has stopped working on this forum using either Firefox or IE. It works on the other forums I belong to, including some Ford F150 and the Explorer site. I haven't done any upgrades to either browser, and noticed this in the last week or two.


There is no function button in the settings to turn it on or off. There isn't even a button anywhere for the spell check feature. I have sent a message to the forum mods, but they said nothing has changed as far as they know.


Anyone else finding the spell check not working? You can try to reply and add an extra letter or two to a word and it should underline as being mis-spelled.

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Is9: Like you, my spell check function was not working with Firefox 19.0.2 until I did the following...


If you right click inside the text box, you should see a menu box that shows "Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Select All, Check Spelling, Languages". If you see a menu box different from this, right click one more time in the text box and you should see the described menu box.


Make sure "Check Spelling" has a check mark in front of it, otherwise left click on that line to select the check mark.


Then right click the text box again to reveal the same menu box and put your cursor over "Languages", which should reveal "English (United States)". If there's no circle shown to the left side of the "English (United States)" line, left click on that line to select the dictionary for use.


Misspellings should now be squiggle-underlined in red.


Good luck!

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Haz, thanks for the info! I finally got it to work thanks to the info you posted. Actually, the info you posted set me on the correct path but there was still some head banging along the way.


I kept right clicking within the text box but got a completely different menu than you were saying I should get. After about ten minutes of getting nowhere, I thought what if I type something into the text box instead of leaving it blank, and then right click. So I typed in a word, and right clicked. I was able to get the menu you posted only if I put my cursor over the word I typed. Once I did that, I checked the spelling check box, and made sure the language was correct.


Actually the spell check was checked when I first opened it, so I unchecked it, closed it, and re-checked it again. I went to the language, unchecked the English, re-checked it, and everything is working fine!


Thanks for your help. I didn't really realize Firefox had upgraded my system to a newer version.


Now if I could only get the Gracenote function to work in the Edge. I'll save that for another post in the future.

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Seriously though. I am also having problems with the mobile forum version with my Android Samsung Galaxy S III. as I type out a reply and move the cursor back into another area of text to make a correction, after I type my first letter, the cursor automatically jumps back to the first word on its own. When I pull the cursor back to the word I was originally correct and type the next letter it again jumps back to the first word in the post. If I have ready typed n other of text and still have a lot more to enter, I have to copy the text I've already typed, paste it to a word doc, finish the rest of the post then copy and past the entire post back into the reply

. Very inconvenient.


Please help.

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KC: I don't have an Android device, but did some searching and your complaint is rampant among Android phone & tablet users with a variety of Apps, including Chrome.


If you're using the SwiftKey App, many are feeling your pain.


If the problem only occurs when you're on Forums and not with other Apps, you may wish to try the Tapatalk Forum App, which appears to be highly rated by users.


Good luck!

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