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My daughter bought her first brand new car...

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a 2013 edge SE. She really wanted to upgrade to the SEL but didn't due to her budget. I decided to join this Forum on her behalf because whenever there are questions/concerns about her car she looks to me for my expert opinion. I am by no means an expert. She seems to really enjoy her new Edge.


We do have a couple of items that we are looking for answers for. I will do some searching to see what I can find. After looking at another thread it appears that reading the owners manual before asking questions is highly encouraged.




Great forum. Forums like this have so much valuable info.

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She really wanted to upgrade to the SEL but didn't due to her budget.


That says alot about where she places priorities at this point in her life! Too often not only young adults, but also those who should know better, become victims of over extending their credit or out spending their means. It is refreshing to hear of someone who realizes that you really can't have everything you want in life all the time. Good for her for not falling into what could have become a financial pitfall at this point.


I don't know how many times I've heard the phrase "you deserve it" from a salesperson when shopping for a major purchase. They have no clue what I may deserve or don't deserve! I also like when they say something about it will only cost X amount more per day. I always reply well, that is pretty inexpensive so why don't they just make that small X amount per day difference for me. So far, for some reason, I haven't had any takers on that offer.


Don't hesitate to ask any questions or even have her join in and find out more about her new car. Welcome to both /of you!

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Midwest: Congratulations to your daughter on recent her Ford Edge purchase.


Based upon your first post, questions you may offer should not prompt the admonishment that was delivered in the thread you referenced.


We're all here to learn about our vehicles and to share our experiences.


Good luck!

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