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Illuminated Entry Time


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Holy sheeeeet right on man, 10 min way too long and cant find any setting for that. And since I got the truck last Thursday I open the doors often to check / lern stuff and now dont want to do that cause the battery may go down. Will ask the dealer tomorrow AM

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Oskar: The 10-minute interval you describe could be the Battery Saver function shutting off the lights after the failure of the 25-second timer function to do it.


Per Dingo's observation, the lights should turn off if you lock the doors with the Remote or the Keyless Entry Keypad on the door.


Good luck!

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Well what happened is that I was leaving my cargo door open also and the dealer says that if the cargo door stays open the interior lights stay ON. When I went back to my garage and tried out with the cargo door closed, all lights went OFF in a matter of seconds


Since my garage is heated, I have the habit of leaving all windows and the cargo door open to ventilate the interior properly.


I still believe that its not right this setting. I mean when the cargo door is open the lights will go OFF in 10 minutes due to battery saver but then if I open / close a door later the lights will also go OFF in 10 minutes because the cargo door is open.


Perhaps later I will find a solution to control all interior lights the way I want

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Well you left that kinda important little tidbit of information that you were leaving the door open, out of your first post.... :blink:


I'm not sure I'm understanding what the issue is here that you're still trying to get at.... the car is designed so that when you open any door, the interior lights come on. The battery saver is there to keep from killing the battery in case people do silly things like leave the doors open, or the lights on. When you open/close a door while in battery saver mode it resets and starts all over again if a door is still left open. That's just the way it is and the way the system is set up.... what's not right about it?? Close all the doors and the lights will go off.... problem solved... easy fix ;)

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Maybe the concern is that since the car is not hardwired to a power source, unlike a garage door, it would be nice to adjust the length of time the lights are on despite a door/multiple doors being open. Less risk of battery rundown.


I think the Ford functionality is good, but if the user could adjust that setting to their comfort level, would be even better.


Personally, I would just roll the windows down and keep the doors closed. That would still air out the interior enough, UNLESS I were driving through rain/snow/mud before I parked it :headscratch:

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Sorry for leaving out from my 1st post the info about the cargo door, thought was not important.


Nothing is wrong with the way the lights are functioning now but as it was mentioned by WWWPerfA_ZN0W it would have been better if there was a user setting to control / adjust the ON/OFF function. How many of us do work on their vehicle and are in the same situation?


And I don’t mind to disconnect the battery if I was going to do a lengthy work but doing that it means the vehicle will have to learn again its settings and was trying to avoid that. That’s another reason Ford should provide a user setting for the ON/OFF function of all interior lights.


To my opinion, rolling the windows down and keeping the doors closed provides good ventilation but not enough especially in the spare tire area.

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I too don't understand what you need to ventilate in the spare tire area. There are 4 big air extractors behind the bumper right in that area, they can let plenty of air out.


But regardless, the battery saver is smart enough that it won't let the battery run down. If it senses low voltage it will not keep the lights on for the full 10 minutes, it will shut them off much sooner. So if you must leave the cargo door open, just do it and don't worry about the battery.

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Sorry for leaving out from my 1st post the info about the cargo door, thought was not important.


Nothing is wrong with the way the lights are functioning now but as it was mentioned by WWWPerfA_ZN0W it would have been better if there was a user setting to control / adjust the ON/OFF function. How many of us do work on their vehicle and are in the same situation?


And I don’t mind to disconnect the battery if I was going to do a lengthy work but doing that it means the vehicle will have to learn again its settings and was trying to avoid that. That’s another reason Ford should provide a user setting for the ON/OFF function of all interior lights.


To my opinion, rolling the windows down and keeping the doors closed provides good ventilation but not enough especially in the spare tire area.


You thought stating that you were leaving the door open in a thread asking why the lights are staying on wasn't important information to add?? :doh: :fool:


I'm sorry if I sound blunt here, but you have no idea how incredibly frustrating it is for us as techs when we're chasing our tails trying to duplicate a "problem" that doesn't even exist simply because the customer only told us half the story. That's OUR personal time that's being wasted because we're not getting paid for stuff like that, we only get paid on the actual job. If it's under warranty, we get absolutely nothing for no problem found concerns, no matter how long we have to spend with it. If there's actually a legitimate concern, we don't mind spending time to find it, but when it's simple customer error, especially stuff that should be common sense (such as this).... that's directly taking $$ right out of my wallet because not only am I not getting paid for it, but it's keeping me from working on stuff that I am getting paid for... and all because the customer is a dumbass and doesn't know how to read the owners manual (not saying you here, just a general blanket statement). Extremely frustrating!!! It's like the Grand Marquis I had a few years back, complaining about no airflow from the A/C vents and a whistling noise.... I stop in the middle of what I'm doing, go wash up, get the ticket and go out and find the car, only to find that all 4 dash vents are switched to the closed position. Open all 4 vents, problem solved. Stupid! I don't know about the rest of y'all, but i sure don't like working for free, especially when a lot of us honest techs (in our shop) already work about 10 hours unpaid every week most times....not fun... free doesn't pay the bills


[/end rant] LOL ;)

Edited by thirdgenlxi
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Hey thirdgenlxi, what can I say? In my mind leaving all doors open after a few seconds all lights should have been off. Anyway sorry again wasting your time


Leaving the cargo door open, its not only to ventilate the cargo space but also convenience. Like I come home with the cargo full of groceries; takes time to unload and in between the phone rings or the kids cry or whatever you should not feel pressed to unload because the darn lights stay on. Then later on for example I remember that I should take something out the next day for repairs and so I take it and through it into the cargo area without bothering to open / close the door. There are many cases that I find it convenient to leave the cargo (trunk) open


In any case, each one of us have their own way of doing things, nothing wrong whichever way we do them. My way is I prefer to leave the cargo door open without worrying that my battery will go dead. Perhaps I should change my habit because I love my Edge

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